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М.С.Алёхина. Английский язык для металлургов.doc
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Merry Christmas! Поздравляю с Рождеством

(A) Happy New Year! C Новым годом!

(My) best wishes to you (Мои) наилучшие пожелания

May all your dreams come true Желаю,чтобы все ваши мечты сбылись!

Good luck! Желаю удачи!

Enjoy yourself! Желаю вам хорошо провести

Have fun! время (повеселиться)!

Have a good time!

b) Sympathy

Things will come right. Все обойдется.

Poor thing! Бедняжка!

What a shame ! Какая жалость!

Don’t worry. Не беспокойся.

Take it easy . Не принимай близко к сердцу

Come on. Успокойтесь

Things do happen Всякое бывает

Let’s hope for the best Давайте надеяться на лучшее

c) Anger, irritation

How awful/terrible/dreadful/ Как ужасно


It’s outageous! Это возмутительно

It’s ludicrous! Это смешно, нелепо

How annoying! Какая досада!

What a shame! Не стыдно?

Shame on you! Стыдитесь. Как вам не стыдно!

How dare you . . . Как вы смеете . . .

Leave me alone! Оставьте меня в покое

For God’s/Heaven’s sake! Ради Бога!

Exercise 1. Which of these patterns would be appropriate?

1. If you are sympathizing with someone in a grievous loss:

a) Hard luck b) Never mind c) I’m so sorry

2. If you are at a birthday party:

a) Congratulations! b) Many happy returns! c) Have fun

3. If you are consoling somebody on failing at an exam:

a) Take it easy! b) I’m so sorry! c) Don’t worry

4. If a guest has spilled milk on your new dress:

a) How awful! b) Don’t worry c) Shame on you

5. If you are congratulating your friend on his wedding.

a) May all your dreams come true. b) Have fun c) My best wishes to you

6. Congratulate your friend on moving to a new flat:

a) Have a good time b) Congratulations c) Have fun

7. Sympathise with a friend on something not very serious:

a) Poor thing! b) It’s outrageous! c) Shame on you

Exercise 2. Learn the dialogues by heart and make dialogues of your own, using the patterns.


Kate - What a horrible morning! We were held up by the fog.

Ben - Wasn’t the traffic awful this morning?

Kate - It was simply shocking. We had to wait for ages for the train.

Ben - How very annoying! Most annoying!


Peter - Hi, Susan.

Susan - Hello, Peter. You look so happy.

Peter - Oh, yes, I am. I’m on holiday.

Susan - Lucky you! Congratulations!

Peter - Thanks. I’m going off for a few days.

Susan - How nice for you! Have a good time.


Ben - Hello, Kate.

Kate - Hi, Ben. You look a bit sad.

Ben - Yes, I am.

Kate - Why, what’s wrong?

Ben - I’ve left my bag in a bus.

Kate - What a shame. How miserable for you. Come on, things will come

right, you’ll find it at a Lost Property Office.

Exercise 3. Which of the following are answers to good news and

which to bad news?

1. Thank goodness! 2. Try not to worry.

3. Don’t worry. 4. Oh dear!

5. That’s marvellous! 6. It’s ludicrous!

7. Congratulations! 8. Well done!

9. What a shame! 10. Things do happen.

11. That’s terrible. 12. It’ll be all right.

13. Have a good time! 14. Let’s hope for the best.

Just For Fun!

No one in the world has ever written just like you!

People have known for hundreds of years that the way you write can show what sort of person you are. Experts have written books on the subject. These experts are called graphologists. They study the size and slant of the letters. They also look to see if the style is simple or complicated.

You have your own special way of writing. No one in the world has ever written just like you. It is impossible to imitate exactly the way someone else writes. Handwriting experts often help the police to detect forgeries.

Is your writing big?

You want everybody to notice you. You always like to be in the centre of things and organise other people. You make big plans for your career.

Is your writing small?

You do not want people to notice you. You are reserved and keep your feelings to yourself. You are a very sensitive person.

Is your writing broad?

You always say what you think and you are not worried if other people do not like what you say. You are sure of yourself.