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5.1 Задания для текущего и промежуточного контроля знаний студентов Образец теста


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Government figures show that the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Denmark and Sweden give (0) the highest (high) percentage of GNP (Gross National Product) in foreign aid. Norway is (11) …………. (generous), but then Norway is (12) ……….. (wealthy) country in Europe because it has (13) ………. (great) oil reserves than any other European country. (14) ……….. (surprising) fact, perhaps, is that the United States contributes (15) ………. (low) percentage of GNP in aid, even (16) ………. (low) than tiny New Zealand.

Образуйте существительные при помощи данных суффиксов (-ist, -er, -ence, -ness, -ship) от следующих слов.

Например: silent - silence

16 nervous…..

17 paint…..

18 tour…..

19 weak…..

20 econom…..


Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа: a, b или c.

Mithoni’s story

I got on really well with Karen from the first time I met her. I found it difficult to trust people because I came from a very bad situation in my country. But I trusted Karen and we soon became friends.

The first thing we did together was go to an exercise class. I didn’t use to do much exercise at home, so it was difficult at first, but Karen is a very active lady, so I’ve had to become more active – and I think it’s been very good for me! She hasn’t just helped me get fit though – she has helped me in so many ways. Whenever I do something for the first time, I think – right, what would Karen do? She’s also helped me try things I would never have done before. I’ve just completed a cookery course – she suggested the course so that I could make some money, and it was fantastic. She’s my inspiration in life.

Karen’s story

I met Mithoni when she was very lonely. She hadn’t been in this country long, and she needed a friend. I thought that I could help Mithoni learn to live in a new country, but I also realised that she could teach me a lot too. I’ve always believed that exercise makes you happier, so I took her to one of my exercise classes. We both really enjoyed doing it together, so now we go every week.

Not long after I met Mithoni, her grand-daughter came to stay, so I organised lots of things over the summer. We went to exhibitions, went swimming abd went to the cinema a lot. It was so much fun. We really enjoy each other’s company and I have so much respect for her because she’s suffered a lot in her life, but manages to be a wonderful human being.


According to Mithoni, what has improved her well-being?

a. attending an exercise class

b. seeing her grand-daughter

c. a very active summer

21 Mithoni writes: ’We soon became friends.’ Karen agrees because she says:

a. she needed a friend.

b. it was so much fun.

c. we really enjoy each other’s company.

22 According to Mithoni, Karen has helped her

a. try a lot of new things.

b. make some money.

c. make friends.

23 The relationship is about more than friendship. Which sentence tells you this?

a. (She) manages to be a wonderful human being.

b. I met Mithoni when she was very lonely.

c. I also realised that she could teach me a lot too.

24 Karen writes: ’I have so much respect for her.’ Mithoni has similar feelings about Karen because she writes:

a. Karen is very active.

b. She’s my inspiration in life.

c. I think – what would Karen do.

25 Karen writes: ‘She’s suffered a lot in her life.’ Which sentence of Mithoni’s supports this?

a. I came from a very bad situation in my country.

b. I think it’s been very good for me.

c. I’ve just completed a cookery course.


Вы устраиваетесь на работу. Используя 150-200 слов к Вашей автобиографии необходимо дописать следующее:

  • your educational experiences and qualifications;

  • your skills and work experience;

  • how you see your career developing, and where you will be professionally in five years’ time;

или напишите эссе на тему «The most important invention in my lifetime».


Выберите одну из предложенных профессий:

builder security guard soldier environmental campaigner dentist waiter / waitress singer managing director nurse shop assistant

Обсудите со своим партнером преимущества и недостатки данной профессии. В диалог включите следующее:

  • identification of the chosen jobs

  • qualities you need to do the jobs

  • why you have / haven’t got those qualities

  • pay and hours

  • whether English is necessary

  • at least two turn-taking strategies


  1. How can we call members of House the Representatives and the Senate?

  2. How many meals a day do Americans have?

  3. How many members of the Congress meet in the Capitol to discuss the nation's affairs?

  4. How many political parties are there in the USA?

  5. How many stars and stripes were there on the first American flag?

  6. How many states does the USA consist of?

  7. How many stripes and stars are there on the American flag?

  8. How many universities are there in Washington?

  9. How many years are Congressmen elected for?

  10. How many years are Senators elected for?

  11. How many years is President elected for?

  12. New York is a city of high buildings. How can we name them?

  13. What are the branches of powers of the US government?

  14. What are the highest mountains?

  15. What are the largest rivers?

  16. What colours are usually made costumes of for Halloween?

  17. What countries does the USA border on?

  18. What country presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA?

  19. What day was the Declaration of Independence signed on?

  20. What holiday is in October, 31?

  21. What houses does Congress consist of?

  22. What important government buildings are situated in Washington?

  23. What is a family holiday in the USA?

  24. What is Easter famous for?

  25. What is Los Angeles famous for?

  26. What is the American symbol of freedom?

  27. What is the climate in Alaska?

  28. What is the climate in Hawaii?

  29. What is the first name of New York?

  30. What is the main industry in Washington?

  31. What is the nickname of New York?

  32. What is the official residence of the US President?

  33. What is the population of the USA?

  34. What is the smallest island in New York?

  35. What year did France presented a gift to the USA?

  36. When people stay awake to "watch the Old Year out and the new Year in"?

  37. When was slavery introduced in the USA?

  38. When was Thanksgiving Day first celebrated?

  39. Where is climate warmer: along the Pacific coast or along the Atlantic coast?

  40. Where is the USA situated?

  41. Where is Washington situated?

  42. Who is patron of sweethearts and lovers?

  43. Who makes federal laws?

  44. Who selected the place for the capital of the USA?

  45. Who was the first President of the USA?