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КН направление І курс осенний семестр 2015-2016 (1-4 Units).doc
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Post-reading activity

Task 1. Answer the following questions.

1. What peripheral devices can be attached to the host computer? 2.What are the functions of input devices such as a keyboard, a scanner, a mouse and a light pen?3. What do you know about such output devices as monitors?4. What kind of printers do you know? 5. What is a keyboard designed for? 6. Can you explain the difference between CRT and LCD? 7. What are speakers and headphones used for? 8. What is a printer? 9. How are printers connected to the computer?

Task 2. Match the terms in Table A with the definitions in Table B.

Table A

Table B

1. barcode reader

a) a piece of equipment that is connected to the central processing unit of a computer system.

2. peripheral

b) a measure of the quality of a display screen in terms of the amount of graphical information that can be shown on the screen

3. resolution

c) a symbol on the monitor screen that indicates the point on the screen that is being used

4. cursor

d) an optical input device that uses the reflection of a light beam to read barcode labels

5. keyboard

e) a common cursor control input device used with a graphical user interface. It commonly has 2 or 3 button switches on top and a ball underneath that is rolled on a flat surface

6. mouse

f) the main electronic input device that has keys arranged in a similar layout to a typewriter

Task 3. Complete the gaps.

1. The image displayed on the screen is composed of many rows of tiny dots, called … .

2. Printers create paper copies, called … , of information sent from the computer.

3. Monitors are often called VDUs (video display units), VDTs (video display terminals), or simply … .

4. Peripheral devices can be classified generally as … .

5. The quality of images on the screen is measured in terms of … .

6. A mouse is an input device that operates by controlling the position of the ….

Task 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

printers, software, capacity, drive, pixels, scanner, peripherals, barcode, removable

1. Digital cameras can be attached to a computer to directly transfer pictures for editing using special … and unwanted pictures can be deleted. 2. The resolution of a camera is measured in … and given as two numbers. 3. Other factors that vary between storage devices include: the speed at which the … moves the media past the read/write head and reads or writes data to the storage media and the … of the media. 4. There are various types of … for out-putting text and graphics to paper. 5. Data can take many forms and there is a wide variety of input, output, storage and communication … . 6. … is an input device that acts like a miniature photocopy machine connected to a computer, copying graphic images into the computer and allowing type- written pages to be entered without retyping. 7. … reader is used for looking up prices. 8. … storage enables the user to change the media and transfer it to another computer.

Task 5. These sentences contain typical mistakes. Correct them.

1. A mouse is a device which connected to the computer.

2. These are three main types of a peripherals.

3. Input devices refers to the computer components.

4. Data is processing by the CPU.

5. Printer is peripheral which produces a hard copy.

6. They make our interactions with computers easier.

7. These devices can describe as hard disks.