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Unit 4. Lifestyle

4.1 How to Stay Active and Healthy

Lead in

Everyone wants to be happy. But each person looks for happiness in a different way.

Each wants his or her own kind of life. The way you spend your time is called lifestyle.

  • What constitutes an active lifestyle?

  • How do you stay healthy


1. Check the words in the box

●to eat a healthy diet high/low-calorie take vitaminslose/put on weightcut down on sugar/fatgive up smoking / junk foodkeep fitgo swimming/dancing/jogging/skiing/skating/cyclingworking out in gym

  1. Look at the pictures. Check () the things you do to stay healthy.

I play sports.

I eat healthy


I take vitamins.

I meditate.

I walk a lot.

I ride a


I work out in a


I jog.

I do aerobics.

I swim.

I dance.

I don’t smoke.


You are going to read answers from a survey about staying healthy. The survey question is “How do you stay healthy?”Read the survey silently. Look for the answer to the survey question how each of the six stays healthy.

Survey: How do you stay healthy?

Lyn Cone

Age: 88 years old

I don’t exercise. I just enjoy life. Keep smiling, I always say.”

Li Chang

Age: 24 years old

I go to a gym three times a week. I usually go after work.”

Herb Wood

Age: 48 years old

Stay healthy? Well… I smoke. And I don’t exercise. I sit at a desk all day. I do take vitamins…sometimes.”

Nobuyuki Oda

Age: 52 years old

I get my exercise at my job. I’m a construction worker. I stand from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening. I’m always bending and lifting heavy things. Do you want to see my muscles?”

Velia Cruz

Age: 28 years old

I love sports – all kinds! I love tennis, soccer, baseball, and basketball. I have to work during the week but I try to play sports on the weekends.”

Megumi Saito

Age: 35 years old

I have three children. One is three. One is four. One is six. They’re always running. I can never sit down. That’s my exercise – running after children. Oh…excuse me…there they go now!”


  1. Which one is a healthy lifestyle? Check (√) the appropriate answers.


taking vitamins


doing aerobics




getting enough to sleep


going to bed late

walking a lot

eating junk food

playing sport

working out in a gym

riding a bicycle

playing computer games at night

drinking beer every day

taking yoga classes

staying in good moods

Eating healthy food

  1. Mark the statements as true(T) or false (F)



Aerobics is bad

Dancing is healthy.

Jogging is unhealthy.

Lyn Cone enjoys life

Velia Cruz plays sports.

Li Chang goes to a gym.

Smoking is good for you.

Walking is not good for your health.

Vitamin supplements are dangerous.

Swimming is a good way to exercise.

Megumi Saito runs after her children.

Nobuyuki Oda gets exercise at his job.

A sport is not beneficial to one’s health.

Herb Wood takes vitamins…sometimes.

Riding a bicycle is not beneficial to your health.

Laughter is a good medicine to keep you healthy.

Working out in a gym is not beneficial to good health

Fruits and vegetables do not contribute to health and nutrition.

Spending some quiet moments to meditate is good for your health

Watching television is good for your health.


  1. Situation 1

Read the dialogue in pairs.

S: Excuse me. Are you Harry ?

H: Yes, I am. Do I know you? I think, I have seen you before.

S:Of course. Don’t you remember me? I’m Sarah. We first met in a seminar devoted to World Health Day.

H: Oh, yea. I have nearly forgotten about it. How are you? What did you get from the seminar?

S: I did what the lecturer said. I practiced a balanced diet. I only eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also take some vitamins. What about you? Have you stopped eating junk food? You were a junk food lover, weren’t you?

H: I was. But now I realize that I feel healthier than ever after avoiding myself from eating junk food. Now I don’t get tired so easily.

S:That’s good for you. Do you know that exercising does your body good? It stimulates our hear and lungs work more efficiently. I usually work out 3 times a week . With all this, we can gain a better life with healthy body and mind.

H: That’s true , Sarah. I have to go now. I have some work to do at home.

It’s really so nice to see  you. Keep in touch, okay?

S: Okay. Bye.

  1. Act the situation out.

Situation 2.

Martha is on a diet to lose weight, but her friend is trying to coax her into eating a bowl of ice-cream. Can Martha stand the temptation?

Read the dialogue in pairs.

Sydney: Would you like to have some ice-cream? I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, chocolate chip, chocolate brownie, coffee, vanilla, rocky road, butter pecan, and praline.

Martha: Wow! What choices you have! I wish I could, but I just can't. I'm on a diet to lose weight.

Sydney: Come on, it's just a bite. It doesn't really hurt to have just a bite.

Martha: I'd better not. Please don't tempt me. Please!

Sydney: Gee! You are really strong-willed.

Martha: You're darn right. I'm not so easily coaxed into doing something that I think is wrong.

Sydney: Well, I'd better not tempt you. Otherwise, if I give you a piece of cake, you might ask for a glass of milk.

Grammar Spot

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