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Мамонтова Н.Ю. МУ Туристический этикет.doc
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4. Complete the sentences with a suitable travel and transport idiom from the box. Read the comments in italics to help you understand the idioms correctly. Use them in the sentences of your own.

took a nosedive

soft landing

missed the boat


on the rocks

let off steam

go their separate ways

in a rut

at the helm

one track

on the right track

get them off the ground

took off

all hands on deck

1. His career really ……………….. after his first television appearance. (His career is like a plane which has now started to fly successfully.)

2. It’s good that we live so near the park. The children need a nice big open space where they can run around and ……………….. . (The children are like trains whose engines may become overheated if they are not active.)

3. If you don’t take this opportunity now, you may find you’ve ……………….. . (Taking this opportunity would be like beginning a journey by sea.)

4. Despite all the predictions about a stock market crash, the situation now looks more hopeful and I’m confident we will have a ……………….. . (The stock market is like a plane. Instead of the flight ending in a crash, it will now end safely.)

5. There are no opportunities for promotion and no training offered. It’s a real ……………….. job. (The job is like a road but it does not lead anywhere.)

6. No hotel staff are allowed to go on holiday during the summer as we really need ……………….. at that time. (Working for the hotel is like working on a ship.)

7. I had a talk with the chef this morning and he definitely thinks the investigation is ……………….. . (The investigation is like a train taking us where we want to go.)

8. Whenever you try and have a conversation with him, he starts talking about his promotion. He’s got a real ……………….. mind. (His mind is like a train which can only travel in one direction.)

9. They were business partners for five years before they decided to ……………….. . (They were like two people walking down the same road but now they are taking different roads.)

10. Unless all the team are fully committed to the new projects, you won’t be able to ……………….. . (The projects are like planes which need to fly successfully.)

11. After Mr. Grove’s poor performance in parliament yesterday, the democrats must be wondering if they have the right leader ……………….. . (The political party is like a ship that Mr. Grove is steering.)

12. He’s frustrated with his job and feels he’s going nowhere. He’s really stuck ……………….. . (The job is like a journey but he cannot go any further because he is caught in a hole in the road.)

Использованные источники и ссылки для самостоятельной работы:

1. Kenny, N. CAE Gold Plus Coursebook : учебник / N. Kenny, J. Newbrook, R. Acklam – Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

2. Boyd, E. CAE Gold Plus Exam Maximiser / E. Boyd – Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

3. Cunningham, S. Cutting Edge Advanced / S. Cunningham, P. Moor – Pearson Education Limited, 2007

4. www.traveletiquette.co.uk

5. www.modern-manners-and-etiquette.com

6. www.a-to-z-of-manners-and-etiquette.com

7. www.forbes.comtraveletiqutte


Наталья Юрьевна Мамонтова



Методические указания для практических занятий по английскому языку

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