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Grammar 2: cleft sentences with what

1. Look at the dialogues below. What does the structure beginning with what emphasise in each answer?

  • a whole sentence

  • the verb or event

  • the object


A: They have to be there by six in the evening and I think it’s a long journey by train.

B: OK – what they need to find out is which train leaves before lunchtime.


A: He’s always lucky – I bet that he was in time for the bus!

B: Quite right – what he did was catch the bus with about five seconds to spare!


A: Why was he so late? I just don’t understand it!

B: I think that what happened was he arrived at the airport in good time but got held up in the queue to check in.

2. Rewrite the following sentences. Emphasise the bracketed part of each sentence using one of the ways shown in Exercise 1.


I want to know (how you travelled to France last year).

What I want to know is how you travelled to France last year.

1. She (learned Italian so that she could speak to people when she went to Rome on holiday).

What she _______________________________________________ .

2. (People who are always late) annoy me most.

What __________________________________________________ .

3. (He couldn’t visit Iguazu when he went to Brazil the first time) and that made him determined to go back.

What __________________________________________________ .

4. (He went on a course to become a flight attendant) last year.

What he ________________________________________________ .

5. I’d really like to have (a holiday in Antarctica).

What __________________________________________________ .

6. (She told her boss how she felt about the restructuring of the company).

What __________________________________________________ .

3. Study the ways of using emphasis with inversion. Translate the given sentences into Russian.

We can put certain restrictive words or phrases at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis. When we do this, there is inversion of the subject and auxiliary verb.

Under no circumstances should you let her go.

At no time would she consider any other possibility.

Not until the end did I realise the danger I’d been in.

Hardly had I put the phone down when it rang again.

No sooner had I put the phone down than it rang again.

Seldom have I read such an excellent piece of work.

Rarely will you see such a gifted performer.

Little did I know that he planned to resign that day.

Never before has the city looked so magnificent.

Only then did I realize how unhappy she had been.

Not only have you missed a week’s classes, but you have also failed to hand in any work.

4. Prepare to speak on the topics below for at least a minute. Remember to use some cleft sentences. Take turns to talk about your chosen topic, and answer any questions.

1. What I really need to improve my travel skills is …

2. I had a surprise during my last travel. What happened was …

3. What I’d really like to do while traveling is …

4. What really annoys me while traveling (abroad) is …

5. What really makes me happy while traveling (internationally) is …