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  1. Unit 7. Policing in the united kingdom

Практические занятия – 10 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 10 часов.

  1. Аудиторная работа

Key vocabulary

a number ofнекоторое количество, ряд

variety - разнообразие

to detect criminals – определять (выявлять) преступников

mobile group - мобильная группа

to make sure – удостовериться, быть уверенным

entirely – полностью, всецело

wear uniform носить (уни)форму

emphasize- 1) подчеркивать; придавать особое значение

penitence- 1) раскаяние; покаяние 2) наказание

salvation - избавление, спасение (в том числе в религиозном смысле)

brutal - бесчеловечный, жестокий, зверский

condemn - осуждать, порицать

degrading - унизительный, оскорбительный; пренебрежительный

advocate – выступать в защиту

penology – пенология, наука о наказаниях

deterrent -удерживающее, сдерживающее (устрашением ) средство

deter – удерживать, сдерживать, отпугивать

utility - полезность; выгодность

excessive- чрезмерный, излишний

groundwork - залог, основа (перен.)

deterrence - средство сдерживания, устрашения

inquiry - исследование, изучение

I. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

Policing in the United Kingdom

Most countries have a national police force which is controlled by central Government. Britain has no national police force, instead there is a separate police force headed by Chief Constable for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided. The modern policeman needs a great variety of new professional skills to enable him to deal with new-style crime which affect life in Britain no less than in other countries. All members of the police must have gained a certain level of academic qualifications at school and undergone a period of intensive training.

Like the army, there are a number of ranks: after Chief Constable comes Assistant Chief Constable, Chief Superintendent, Chief Inspector, Inspector, Sergeant and Constable. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. The police are helped by a number of Special Constables – members of the public who work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week. Policemen are to be seen in towns and cities keeping law and order, either walking in the streets (“pounding the beat”) or driving in cars (known as “panda cars” because of their distinctive markings).

Each police force has its own Criminal Investigation Department1 (CID). Members of CID are detectives and they do not wear uniforms. (The other uniformed people you see in British towns are traffic wardens. Their job is to make sure that drivers obey the parking regulations. It is the police who are responsible for controlling offences like speeding, careless driving and drunken driving).

There are Regional Crime Squads in England and Wales with experienced detective officers. The object of the Squads is to provide trained flexible mobile groups of crime investigation.

In most countries, the police carry guns. The British police generally do not carry firearms, except in Northern Ireland. Only a few police are regularly armed – those who guard politicians and diplomats or who patrol airports. In certain circumstances specially trained police officers can be armed, but only with the signed permission of a magistrate.

The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property.

The Royal Commission on the Police listed eight main functions of the contemporary police force: to maintain law and order, to protect persons and their property, to prevent crime, to detect criminals, to decide whether to prosecute, to perform road traffic duties, to befriend the public.

About a quarter of the police strength of the country is in the Metropolitan Police2 of London which is responsible for the area of 788 square miles (excluding the City of London).

The Home Secretary3 in England and Wales and the Secretary of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland4 are concerned with the organization of the police service.

The decision to commence criminal proceedings in England and Wales is, in most cases, made entirely by the police. In practice the police bring about 97% of all criminal cases to court.


  1. Criminal Investigation Department – департамент уголовного расследования

  2. Metropolitan Police – столичная полиция

  3. Home Secretary – министр внутренних дел

  4. Secretary of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland – министр по делам Шотландии и Северной Ирландии

Ex. 1. How are the following ideas expressed in one word?

  1. an official body of men whose duty is to protect people and property, to catch criminals;

  2. a policeman whose special job is to find out information that will lead to criminals being caught;

  3. the condition in which laws and rules are obeyed by most of the people and the government or the person(s) in charge can keep control;

  4. a certain type of clothing which all members of a group wear, esp. in the army or the police;

  5. an official who helps to see that certain laws are obeyed;

  6. the offence of driving faster than the lawful limit;

  7. to examine the reason for something, the character of someone;

  8. to go at regular times round an area or building to see that there is no trouble, that no one is trying to get in or out unlawfully.

Ex. 2. Match English phrases and their Russian equivalents.

  1. the police forces

    1. носить форму

  1. professional skills

    1. период интенсивной подготовки

  1. to keep law and order

    1. профессиональные навыки

  1. a certain level of academic qualification

    1. соблюдать правила парковки

  1. to wear uniforms

    1. уполномоченный по поддержанию порядка на дороге

  1. traffic wardens

    1. полицейские силы

  1. to obey the parking regulations

    1. обнаруживать преступников

  1. to be armed

    1. поддерживать правопорядок

  1. to guard politicians and diplomats

    1. оказывать помощь при дорожно-транспортных происшествиях

  1. to patrol the airport

    1. быть вооруженным

  1. to assist at accidents

    1. выполнять обязанности дорожно-патрульной службы

  1. to deal with lost property

    1. охранять политических деятелей и дипломатов

  1. to perform road traffic duties;

    1. патрулировать аэропорт

  1. to detect criminals

    1. иметь дело с пропавшим имуществом

Ex. 2. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following.




martial law









  1. The _____________ of political prisoners is quite common in some countries. Britain tried it unsuccessfully in Northern Ireland to combat the IRA.

  2. The government is thinking of introducing ___________ making it compulsory for every citizen to carry an identity card.

  3. A person who looks after prisoners is called a prison officer or a ____________.

  4. Since there was something very suspicious about the man’s sudden death, the __________ was held at the Town Hall.

  5. In Britain, capital punishment in the form of death by hanging was ____________ in 1969.

  6. The court issued an _________ forbidding the newspaper from publishing any more photographs of the Princess of Wales at a private Health Club.

  7. The police have issued a ____________ for her arrest.

  8. Trial by jury is an important part of the British system of _____________.

  9. The new governor issued a general ____________ to all the rebels.

  10. After the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government, the whole country was put under ___________ for a month.

  11. His ____________ for the night of murder was that he had been at his girlfriend’s, watching TV.

  12. He successfully sued the newspaper for libel and was awarded nearly $50,000 in __________.