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  1. Внеаудиторная работа

  2. Grammar section

Grammar to be revised: Subjunctive Mood.

Ex. 1. Analyse and translate the sentences used in the Subjunctive Mood.

1. Unreal Condition:

a) unreal present or future:

  1. If I had the opportunity, I would go to Oxford to study law.

  2. There would be fewer people in prisons if they didn’t violate laws.

  3. If you were offered to buy some drugs, what would you do? Would you call the police?

  4. We would have less delinquency if people married more wisely, if parental and parent-child relations could be more congenial and understanding.

  1. unreal past:

  1. If you had been sincere with the counsel for the defence, he would have helped you.

  2. If the investigating officer hadn’t found physical evidence, it would have been difficult to investigate that crime.

  3. If his accomplices hadn’t revealed some details, the sentence could have been quite different.

  4. Had I not interfered, the problem might have been settled already. Now I feel as if I had done something wrong.

  1. mixed type:

  1. He wouldn’t be in prison now if he hadn’t committed a crime some years ago.

  2. If you knew better how to deal with your son’s problems he might not have turned into a juvenile offender.

  3. The offender wouldn’t be kept in prison if he had kept out of trouble for two years.

  4. Were you not so absent-minded, you would have discovered some more additional facts to associate the accused with the crime scene.

d) but for…:

  1. But for your explanation he wouldn’t have believed us.

  2. Nobody would have recognised him but for this scar on his left cheek.

  3. But for our evidence it would have been impossible to win the case.

e) after though, although, however, even though, even if, whenever, whatever, wherever:

    1. Even if he hadn’t been arrested, I shouldn’t have believed in his innocence.

    2. Whatever she should/might say, I will not change my opinion.

    3. Even though I had not heard you in court, I should have known you to be the best counsel in the district.

    4. The penalty was severe, however it should be regarded as a just punishment for such an offence.

f) in some phraseological expressions: had better, would rather, would sooner, etc.:

1. You had better trust him in everything.

2. We would rather not suspect him of doing anything unlawful.

3. He would sooner die, than betray his friends.

g) after the noun time:

  1. . It’s high time that crime had been investigated.

  2. . It’s time you began to observe laws lest you should be punished.

  3. . It’s time a system of ecological security should be created.

2. After:

a) It is important that … , It is necessary that … , It is suggested that…, It is recommended that …, etc.

  1. It is necessary that the case-work (should) reconcile with an authoritative setting.

  2. It is necessary that in the case of a delinquent child probation (should) be used as a form of case disposition which allows a child to live at liberty with a suitable person.

  3. It is important that full-time education of 15 hours a week (should) be compulsory for young offenders.

  4. It is demanded that the police officers (should) not be allowed to join a trade union or go on strike. However it is essential that all ranks (should) have their own stuff associations.

  1. after the verbs: suggest, demand, propose, insist, order, desire, request, recommend, etc.

  1. . I suggest that you (should) investigate this crime.

  2. . William Penn insisted that the Indians (should) be given the same treatment as the settlers.

  3. . The Supreme Court in its decision on May 17, 1954, demanded that segregation of races in public schools (should) be banned.

  4. . The police officer proposed that the victims (should) be interviewed at once.

  1. after lest:

  1. . She fears/feared lest she should be blamed.

  2. . He worried lest his secret should be discovered.

  3. . The suspect was afraid lest his previous crimes should come out to light.

  4. . The accused woman kept silence lest she should begin to cry.

3. In certain clauses:

a) wish/if only:

  1. . I wish I knew the truth.

  2. . Everybody wished his innocence were/was proved.

  3. . We wish you hadn’t told us a lie.

  4. . I wish this case would be investigated as soon as possible.

  1. as if/as though:

  2. The witness looked at them as though he had never seen them before.

  3. He speaks as if he were/was innocent.

  4. You answer the questions as if you didn’t know the truth.

  5. He felt uneasy as if he had done something wrong.

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences according to the model.

Model:  It’s a pity he doesn’t have any money. (he / to make bond).

It’s a pity he doesn’t have any money, otherwise he would make bond.

1. He is a very honest man.(he never/to run to a theft).

2. It’s a pity you have no witnesses. (you / to prove your alibi).

3. Our society needs a detention centre reform. (the centre / to become more reformative than punitive).

4. Luckily enough nobody is injured in the accident, otherwise… (you / to be punished more severely ).

5. Lawyers suggest having direct contacts between litigants and barristers. (it / to make legal services costs cheaper).

6. Some people believe that more severe penalties are necessary. They think…. (it / to discourage reoffending).

Ex. 3. Transform the sentences using Subjunctive Mood as in the model.

Model:  The sentence is so severe because of the aggravating circumstances.

But for the aggravating circumstances the sentence would not be so severe.

1. The thief broke his leg and was caught by the police.

2. He found some witnesses and managed to prove his alibi.

3. The trial didn’t last long because the suspect pleaded guilty to the murder charge.

4. We didn’t find any evidence at the scene of the crime because of the fire.

5. The driver couldn’t see well in the fog and knocked down an old woman.

6. Kelly was imprisoned for life for his part in bomb attacks.

Ex. 4. Complete the sentences using the proper form of the verbs in the Subjunctive Mood. Translate the sentences.

  1. If the investigating officer (not to find) this witness, it (to be) difficult to investigate the crime.

  2. If they (to ban) the sale of alcohol, there (may be) less violence.

  3. He (not to be arrested) if he (not to try) to leave the country.

  4. It is natural that the process of investigation (to begin) with examining the scene of the crime.

  5. It is essential that different investigation methods (to use) with regard of different crimes.

  6. It is necessary that investigation bodies (not to use) any drugs.

Ex. 5. Translate into English.

1. Если бы все соблюдали законы, преступность была бы давно ликвидирована. 2. Противники смертной казни считают, что ее отмена способствовала бы развитию демократии в нашей стране. 3. Некоторые журналисты освещали процесс так, будто заранее знали, каков будет вердикт.

4. Если бы вы не были так ко всему равнодушны, то смогли бы предупредить преступление, и этот человек был бы сейчас жив. 5. Вам могли бы сократить срок наказания, если бы вы вели себя примерно. 6. Если бы не среда, в которой он вырос и не ряд неблагоприятных обстоятельств, то кто знает, возможно, он и не стал бы преступником.