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Interview (diagnostic interview) - a method by which to obtain information takes place in a personalized dialogue. Like any method, the conversation pursues a purpose, and its results are analyzed. As questionnaires, it is based on a previously developed questions, however, the formulation and the sequence of questions is not rigidly defined, they may vary. By the terms of the success of talks include her individual character ("eye to eye"), the researchers focus on the interlocutor, the creation of a trust environment, the ability to stimulate speech activity researcher interrogated without being distracted while on the set of research goals.

The conversation as a method of study, compared to the questionnaires, a number of advantages, due to the presence of direct contact with the respondent person. These include the possibility of:

  • manage the impact on the respondent's answers to external irritants (avoid the presence of third parties; select the most appropriate setting, lighting, time, change the tone in the formulation of questions, etc.);

  • change the wording of questions in the course of the survey, making it more "convenient" for the responsible;

  • ask clarifying questions, seeking more specific answers;

  • use non-verbal communication channels to create installation sincere answers;

  • keep track of information that is transmitted by the respondent nonverbal channels of communication (for example, a characteristic gesture, look, attitude of a man in the course of conversation can reveal his emotional state, recognize insincere answers);

  • situationally expand or narrow range of issues, depending on the nature and volume of information, which is owned by the respondent and that he is ready to share in the moment.

Disadvantages associated diagnostic conversations with individual character carried out with the help of her survey. In contrast to the survey, the conversation is not suitable for mass surveys. To conduct the conversation requires a certain mental attitude, which implies a special choice of time and place, as well as the undesirability of an open fixation obtained answers. In addition, the success of this method depends on the level of communicative abilities of both members of the conversation. Finally, significant variability wording of questions and answers makes it difficult to process the results of the conversation.

1.3.The study of school documents

A study of school documents (charter schools, private affairs of students, diaries, medical records, schedules, class journals, reports, analytical reports, etc., as well as financial and economic documents) allows you to capture a significant amount of study data. This advantage is supplemented by the convenience of searching and processing the information required, which is represented in documents already in a systematic form and usually in standard forms. Another advantage of the method of studying school documentation due to a fairly long time archival storage of a number of school records: the possibility of turning to the past documented experience and the search for the causes of it in today's problems and ways to resolve them.

Drawbacks studying school documentation manifested mainly in two aspects:

  • standardization and business style of the documents introduced strict limits on the nature and number of documents recorded by the facts, so that does not appear in the document, the facts remain outside the field of view of the investigator, and they may be particularly important for understanding the new phenomena and properties of the object under study;

  • the document may be present distortion of facts that mislead a person studying a document (the actual accuracy of the documents may be affected, for example, because of the desire "to look better than it really is," or because of the negligence of the unit in charge of the documentation).

Learning products activity - a method in which the object of study are the writings, pictures, wall newspapers, crafts and other student work, as well as the products of the activity of adult participants in the educational process. So, in addition to a variety of student work can be objects of study: the elements of aesthetic design class-cabinet, made ​​the teacher in person or with his participation, under his leadership; Products activity, reflecting the enthusiasm of teachers, parents and family hobby hobbies, as well as various kinds of achievement, etc.

Products operations are material, their presence and quantity is easy to check, unlike their documented reflections, in which the description of items may well not reflect some important parameters at the moment, and quantitative indicators can be accidentally or deliberately distorted. The need for this method in educational research is determined by the fact that it can be used not only to establish the presence and activity of the number of products, but also to identify the specific properties that characterize the identity of the subject who created this or that product.