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1.4.Teacher testing. Teaching Experiment

Teacher testing - a method in which the application of the test to perform certain actions on the instructions of the inspection. Currently, the school developed a number of test methods that identify the level of training on various subjects, the level of personal development of pupils and teachers to explore and assess the abilities, interests and needs of participants in the educational process. Everything gets more widespread computer testing, allowing greatly facilitate and accelerate the review and initial processing of the results.

Teaching experiment - a special method of empirical research, consisting in the fact that the researcher intervenes in the teaching process in order to create the best conditions for studying pedagogical phenomena. There are two types of pedagogical experiment: ascertaining and forming (converts). When ascertaining experiment specially created conditions allow to reveal new facts. When forming experiment - to change the course and outcome of the pedagogical process.

2.Theoretical methods of pedagogical research

By theoretical methods of investigation include:

  1. study of literature,

  2. theoretical analysis,

  3. methods of logical generalization and modeling.

The study of literature in educational research helps you find and select the information you need. The object of study using this method is scientific and methodical literature, regulations in the field of education, educational standards, typical curricula and programs, as well as a variety of electronic documents. The implementation of this method uses traditional methods of working with literature: notes, abstracting, and bibliographies, annotation, quotation, drawing logic of the text. In addition, the study of electronic documents possible full backup and saving the source on an accessible medium, compression and archiving documents, print the entire document or a fragment thereof (eg, tables of contents, e-mail or the attached summary), search data for keywords, etc.

Theoretical analysis as a method of knowledge requires understanding of the results of the study based on the theoretical postulates and models developed by pedagogical science.

In the theoretical analysis of the obtained data can be empirically:

  • matched with scientifically sound and repeatedly proven for the facts;

  • compared with the data of the same class, obtained previously in the same or a similar system;

  • relate to the goals and objectives of the controlled process;

  • comprehended as the final or preliminary results of operations;

  • summarized in a brief conclusions.

The results of theoretical analysis can be:

  1. establishing the degree of reliability of the data;

  2. identify similarities and differences, correspondences and discrepancies in the test information;

  3. identifying trends;

  4. Forecasting further development of managed object;

  5. identification of the most effective methods of learning and transformation of various control objects, parts of the controlled process;

  6. justification of existing differences, problems and possible solutions.

Induction and deduction are methods of logical generalizations. Induction as a path from the particular to the general involves identifying the common properties and dependencies based on the well-known private facts. When deduction logic is reversed: the manager, knowing the general properties and dependency objects of this class, concludes that the presence of these properties, and dependencies in the particular cases of phenomena and processes of the same class. Induction and deduction are used for the construction of arguments in the analysis of the data obtained. When induction argument is based on the particular facts to general conclusions; when deduction - from the general, pre-eminent scholar of principles, laws to identify and explain the particular facts.

Pedagogical modeling - a method of creating and exploring scientific and pedagogical models. Scientific-pedagogical model - mental representation or material implemented system, adequately reflecting the pedagogical reality of the object investigated.

Signs scientific model:

1) the ideal system optimized for the study;

2) adequately reflects the object of study;

3) the ability to replace the simulated object;

4) study model provides new information about the subject.

The main advantage of the model is the integrity of the information provided, making it possible to carry out a synthetic approach to the knowledge of the object. Pedagogical modeling helps to understand the subject of study in a variety of conditions.

Thus, the simulation allows you to select the object of research in the most significant - that refers to the test subject. To create a model in the future, you can concentrate on her studies, theoretically, to develop an optimal system - and only then check it in real educational process.