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Exercise 6. Discussion

1. As a present and future taxpayer, do you prefer direct or indirect taxes, and progressive or non-progressive taxes?

2. The last sum of money you received had already been taxed, or will be liable to taxation, depending on which country you are in. Similarly, the last sum of money you spent probably included a percentage of taxes.

Make up a list of different types of taxes you can think of. If you do not know the actual names, try to describe the different taxes, e.g. ‘The tax you pay if you import something from another continent’ and so on.

  1. Give examples of direct and indirect taxes.

4. Who does these words belong to:

‘In these word nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes’?

Unit 23. The tax code of the russian federaton

Exercise 1

Read the following aloud:

Retrospectively, provision, procedure, authority, levy, circumstance, liability, audit, offence, administrative compliance, specify, authority, introduction .

Tax Code Part I

The highest norm on taxes is set in the Russian constitution article 57, which states, that "all are obliged to pay legally established taxes and duties." The article continues with setting the important principle that new taxes and adverse changes to taxes cannot be applied retrospectively. Further regulations are given in the Tax Code.

The first part of the Tax Code was adopted in 1998 and entered into force on 1 January 1999. This first part of the Tax Code regulates general taxation matters, setting out the most important provisions of the Russian taxation system. It gives a closed list of possible taxes and charges (articles 13, 14 and 15).

It specifies the procedure of how taxes are introduced and recalled, and defines all aspects of dealings between the state, the taxpayers and the Tax Agents. The Tax Code is intended to become the only piece of legislation which regulates all taxation matters: from the relations of tax authorities and taxpayers to the procedure of calculation and payment of all taxes.

All the various taxes that can be levied in Russia are listed in the Tax Code. The tax reform foresees a gradual adoption of new taxes and the abolishment of some old ones.

Tax Code Part I sets:

1. Types of taxes and fees that can be levied (articles 12, 13, 14,15)

2. Circumstances giving rise to a tax liability and its fulfillment (chapter 8)

3. Principles of the introduction, enforcement and cancellation of taxes and dues, federal and local (article 12 )

4. The general terms for setting taxes and duties (article 17)

5. Rights and obligations of the taxpayers and the taxation authorities (articles 21, 23, 31, 32)

6. Detailed description of administrative compliance rules and Tax Audits (chapter 14)

7. Liability for Tax Offences (Section VI of the Tax Code)

8. The appeal procedures and dispute regulation (Section VII of the Tax Code)

Tax Code part II

In the second part of the Tax Code each individual tax is described separately and completely.

The first taxes under the Tax Code were the Value Added Tax, the Excise, the Personal Income Tax and the Social Tax in chapters 21-24 of the Tax Code. These taxes were adopted in 2000 and came into force in 2001.

The list of taxes which were levied in 2005 is as follows:

Federal Taxes and Fees

1. Profit Tax

2. Value Added Tax

3. Excise Taxes

4. Personal Income Tax

5. Unified Social Tax

6. Mineral Extractions Charges

7. State Duty

8. Inheritance and Gift Tax

9. Duty on Usage of Water Resources

  1. Charges for Use of Natural Resources

Regional Taxes and Fees

1. Property Tax (Corporate)

2. Tax on Gambling Industry (regional tax from 1 November 2003)

3. Transport Tax

Local Taxes and Fees

1. Land Tax

Exercise 2

Say these taxes in English:


Налог на прибыль организаций

Налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС)

Налог на доходы физических лиц.

Платежи за пользование природными ресурсами

Единый социальный налог

Налог на добычу полезных ископаемых

Государственная пошлина

Налог с имущества, переходящего в порядке наследования и дарения

Налог на игорный бизнес

Налог на имущество предприятий

Налог на игорный бизнес

Транспортный налог

Земельный налог

Налог на имущество физических лиц