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Вопросы истории 2014, Т. 1

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Zubkov N.A. METHODS FOR IMPACT WESTERN MEDIA MASS CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE INITIAL STAGES GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT IN 2008. We study the information war the GeorgianSouth Ossetian conflict in 2008 . Analyzed by Western media exposure and mass public consciousness manifested in the initial phase of the conflict. The study is based on the sources of American and European press, helps to better understand the problem of information campaigns during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

Keywords: Information warfare; the GeorgianSouth Ossetian conflict; the point of vulnerability.

Ismaylov N.N. THE PROBLEM OF migration IN THE UNITED KINGDOM IN 2014. The article reviews changes in the British migration policy. The study compares EU-internal and external immigration into the country. The article analyses economic and political reasons for the changes of migration policy. The research is based on official statements of political leaders, reports of migration committees and data from Office of National Statistics.

Keywords: Great Britain; the European Union; immigration.

Kozlova Y.D. DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO THE PROBLEM OF IMMIGRATION IN THE CANDIDATE’S PROGRAMS IN 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN FRANCE. The article is devoted to studying different approaches how the problem of a growing number of immigrants in France is addressed in the electoral programs of presidential candidates in 2012. It analyzes a link between the candidates’ viewpoints on this issue and the election results. It is assumed that only the candidate who better meets the needs of the population could win the race for presidency.

Keywords: France; presidential 2012 elections; candidates' programs; immigration.

Lokotosh Y.V. TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE GLOBAL POLITICAL AND EKONOMIC PROCESSES. The article is devoted to the work of transnational companies (TNCs), as one of the main driving forces of globalization. Particular attention is paid to the influence of TNCs on the political and economic processes between countries. In this article we covered such aspects as: the nature of TNCs and scope of their activities, the mechanism of functioning of modern TNCs, TNCs in the world market and analysis of the role of TNCs in the Russian economy. Theoretical basis for writing the course work were the works of leading Russian scientists and experts in the world economy.

Keywords: TNK, political and economic processes.

Miloserdov S.V. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE POST-SOVIET SPACE. This article analyzed the activities of the main international organizations in the former Soviet space. At the


present stage this topic is relevant as the geopolitical model of the relationship between the former Soviet Union countries can be characterized as dynamic and is in the process of transformation. The article also discussed goals, main tasks, the structure of each organization and their relationship to each other. After the analysis conclusions about the position and the role of international organizations in the postSoviet space.

Keywords: post-Soviet space, international organization, purpose, structure, participating countries.

Morgunov A.N. DISSEMINATION OF CULTURE AND IDEOLOGY THROUGH THE U.S. AMERICAN CINEMA IN THE NEWSPAPER "SYDNEY MORNING HERALD" IN THE 1920S – 1930S. The influence of American culture on Australian society through American movies in the 1920s-early 1930s is researched by the author. The article shows that the way of life and values of American society evoked strong interest among the Australians. Besides the issues of national consciousness’s formation of Australians in this period addressed. The main source for the this article are notes from the newspaper “Sydney Morning Herald” – the oldest newspaper in Australia. For researching a lot of number of data the content analysis method was used. The article helps to further study the problem of the collapse of the British Empire in terms of the weakness of cultural ties between the mother country and the Dominions. The author had tried to prove that Australia was closely associated with Great Britain only, and not the British Empire as a whole.

Keywords: Australia; society; the British Empire; cinema; culture of the United States and Australia.

Musafirova A.K. THE NATO OPERATION IN AFGHANISTAN. The article is devoted to the operation of NATO in Afghanistan. The special attention is paid to the reasons of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of joining the International Security Assistance Force. The intermediate results of each stage of the operation are analyzed, the most significant faults of the Alliance and its consequences are examined. The research is based on the reliable sources, which helped to consider this issue and its the most important aspects more deeply.

Keywords: USA; NATO; Afghanistan; terrorism; «Taliban».

Orlova K.O. BARACK OBAMA: FROM HEAVENS TO EARTH? Political image of the president is investigated. The special attention is paid to the questions connected with change of the relation of world community to Barack Obama owing to policy pursued by it internal and external. These researches are based on works of historians and the sociologists studying processes occurring in society; materials mass media are also used.

Keywords: image; president; rating; resonance; mass media; Barack Obama; policy, public.


Sarazhakova A.O. SUICIDE TERRORISM. The article is devoted to the phenomenon of suicide terrorism in the system of the international security. The special attention is paid to the questions of emergence of such phenomenon as suicide terrorism and also to the characteristic of the terrorist groups using this method of fight. The author analyses the statistical data on number of suicide attacks for 2013, place and the possible reasons of their commission, and mentions the tendency to growth of similar attacks. The research work is based on the scientific studies of specialists in this field who give their assessment of the subject under study as well as on the basis of official reports that provide specific data and statistics.

Keywords: suicide terrorism; acts of terrorism; the Middle East.

Strakevich A.A. TURKISH COMMUNITY IN GERMANY: SOCIALLY EXCLUDED? The article is devoted to the current position of Turkish community in Germany. According to the hypothesis its position can be described as «social exclusion» understood in terms of economic, social, institutional, territorial and symbolic deprivation. Each sphere is analyzed on the example of the community.

Keywords: Germany; Turkish community; immigration; social exclusion.

Talovskaya B.M. THE TECHNION’ INFLUENCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISRAELI INNOVATION BUSINESS. The article is devoted to Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Its peculiarities of academic and administrative culture and connection between these characteristics and the establishment of start-ups in Israel are analysed. Special attention is paid to entrepreneurial infrastructure in Technion and special institute’s organizations dealing with matter of technological incubators. Keywords: Technion; Israel; innovation business.

Fedorova A.V. DETROIT’S LIFE IN XXI CENTURY. The article is divided to the Detroit’s life in XXI century. Social and economic areas of the city is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to questions, which connect with economic situation in Detroit. Research is based on news articles, which help further consider difficult of problems originated in association with bankruptcy of city.

Keywords: Detroit; USA; Michigan; bankruptcy; city-bankrupt.

Chukhlantseva A.G. GEOPOLITICAL CHALLENGE OF THE XXI CENTURY – THE TRANSNATIONAL DRUG TRADE AND ITS IMPACT ON RUSSIA. One of the global threats of the modern world is a transnational drug circulation. Transnational drug circulation is one of the most serious threats to humanity, economics, geopolitics and to the health of entire nations. The problem is officially recognized by the UN as one of the most important threats. The problem of drug circulation and drug addiction can be compared with the threat of nuclear war or natural disaster. Unlike the legal forms of business, raw material drug business is located in develop-


ing countries, while the major pert of consumers live in developed countries. Today there is no one in the world, who has not faced drug circulation and addiction. Now used more new territory for illegal transit of drugs. According to last research there are 30 tons of illegal drugs those are transported across Russia.

This is a global problem of all humankind. Fighting to drug is effective, if countries will act together.

Keywords: circulation; drugs; transnational; Russia; threat; illegal.

Shaburova E.G. THE COVERAGE OF TRIAL PUNK BAND «PUSSY RIOT» IN RHE U.S. MEDIA. The article is devoted to the coverage of trial punk band “Pussy Riot” in the U.S. media. The analysis is based on the well-known American newspaper articles, news channels, the comments of the State Department of the United States of America. The analysis is based on the popular American newspaper articles, news channels, the comments of the State Department of the United States of America.

Keywords: «Pussy Riot»; American press; the judicial process.



Абдукадыров Нуржигит Момынбекович – докторант факультета истории, ар-

хеологии и этнологии Казахского национального университета им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан Аверина Алена Евгеньевна – аспирантка исторического факультета Томского

государственного университета (ИФ ТГУ), РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. В.П. Зиновьев)

Артюхина Ольга Сергеевна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. М.Н. Волков)

Байрамова Огулджан Мухамметмырадовна – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч.

рук. – к.и.н., доц. С.М. Юн)

Бакшт Дмитрий Алексеевич – ассистент кафедры отечественной истории Красноярского государственного педагогического университета им. В.П. Астафьева, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н. А.С. Вдовин)

Безгачева Вероника Викторовна – студентка 4 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Н.И. Наумова)

Бозрикова Софья Михайловна – студентка 4 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. С.В. Вольфсон)

Вернигоров Дмитрий Владимирович – студент 4 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч.

рук. – к.и.н., доц. Ж.А. Гумерова)

Воробьева Вероника Сергеевна – студентка 5 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н.,проф. О.А. Харусь)

Гарбарт Максим Игоревич – студент 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., доц. Е.В. Савкович)

Гашкова Ольга Сергеевна (студентка 5 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. Н.С. Ларьков)

Головина Олеся Витальевна – аспирантка исторического факультета Национального исследовательского Белгородского государственного университета, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. Н.Н. Болгов)

Гончарова Дарья Станиславовна – студентка 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. Л.В. Дериглазова)

Гордиенко Николай Николаевич – студент 4 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. –

к.и.н., доц. Г.Г. Супрыгина)

Губина Мария Сергеевна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., доц. В.Н. Кудряшев)

Житникова Анастасия Андреевна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч.

рук. – к.и.н., доц. Г.Г. Супрыгина)

Сведения предоставлены на момент подачи заявки на участие в конференции.


Заблоцкий Федор Юрьевич – студент 2 курса ИФ Алтайского государственного университета (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. А.М. Бетмакаев)

Зубков Николай Андреевич – студент 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Л.Н. Смолякова)

Исмайлов Намик Назим оглы – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. Л.В. Дериглазова)

Кандинская Виктория Николаевна – студентка 4 курса международного факультета управления (МФУ) ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – преп. Т.В. Куклина)

Козлова Яна Дмитриевна – студентка 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. Л.В. Дериглазова)

Козлова Дина Сергеевна – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Е.В. Луков)

Колинько Анна Валерьевна – магистрант факультета истории, экономики и права Северо-Казахстанского государственного университета им. М. Козбаева, Казахстан(науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Н.А. Абуов)

Конев Кирилл Александрович – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., доц. Д.Н. Шевелев)

Крылова Диана Дмитриевна – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. В.М. Мучник)

Кузьменко Ирина Олеговна – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. М.В. Грибовский)

Куксин Алексей Викторович – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. С.Ф. Фоминых)

Лир Юлия Александровна – студентка 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Д.С. Коньков)

Локотош Яна Вячеславовна – студентка 4 курса МФУ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. А.Н. Сорокин)

Лыкова Алёна Алексеевна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. А.С. Шевляков)

Милосердов Сергей Викторович – студент 3 курса МФУ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. А.Н. Сорокин)

Моргунов Алексей Николаевич – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Е.В. Хахалкина)

Мусафирова Анастасия Константиновна – студентка 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (на-

уч. рук. – д.и.н., доц. В.П. Румянцев)

Никифорова Элина Александровна – аспирантка ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. –

д.и.н., проф. В.П. Зиновьев)

Орлова Кристина Олеговна – студентка 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., доц. В.П. Румянцев)

Пентегова Ольга Юрьевна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Д.С. Коньков)


Плотникова Анастасия Дмитриевна – студентка 4 курса ИФ Курганского государственного университета, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Д.Н. Маслюженко) Помыткина Вера Леонидовна – архивист 1-й категории филиала казённого учреждения «Исторический архив Омской области» в г. Таре, РФ Потеряева Анна Сергеевна – студентка 4 курса Института истории, гуманитар-

ного и социального образования Новосибирского государственного педагогического университета, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. В.А. Зверев)

Саражакова Анастасия Олеговна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.фил.н., доц. Т.Л. Андреева)

Серебренникова Тамара Петровна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук.

– д.и.н., проф. Н.С. Ларьков)

Соврасова Дарья Сергеевна – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. Е.В. Луков)

Стракевич Анастасия Алексеевна – студентка 3 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч.

рук. – д.и.н., проф. Л.В. Дериглазова)

Таловская Бэла Марковна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – к.и.н., доц. В.В. Вольфсон)

Федорова Анастасия Витальевна – студентка 2 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., доц. В.П. Румянцев)

Черемных Ольга Алексеевна – аспирантка ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. А.С. Шевляков)

Чернов Анатолий Константинович – студент 1 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. –

д.и.н., проф. В.П. Зиновьев)

Чухланцева Анастасия Георгиевна – студентка 4 курса МФУ ТГУ, РФ (науч.

рук. – к.и.н., доц. А.Н. Сорокин)

Шабурова Екатерина Григорьевна – магистрант ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. –

к.и.н., доц. Л.Н. Смолякова)

Шандала Даниил Евгеньевич – студент 1 курса ИФ ТГУ, РФ (науч. рук. – д.и.н., проф. С.Ф. Фоминых)


Научное издание


Сборник материалов X Международной молодежной научной конференции (Томск, 16–18 апреля 2014 г.)

Выпуск 10

Т. 1.

Научный редактор П.П. Румянцев

Редактор: П.П. Румянцев Оригинал-макет: П.П. Румянцев Дизайн обложки: А.В. Петров

Подписано к печати 23.06.2014 г. Формат 60х841/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Times.

Усл. печ. л. 16,27. Тираж 120 экз. Заказ № 12.

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