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Phrases related to the topic

below/above average intelligence

to be a number

bacis skills

mixed-ability classes

the three R’s

a socially divisive institution

a selective school/education

extra curricular activities

a school-leaver

a fee-paying institution

to get a first

a graduate-level job

child/learner-centred approach

a non-government school

literacy and numeracy

liberal education

to stuff with knowledge

tertiary education


to be (come) up to scratch

perfect command of the language

to scrape through exam/school/college

to make the school fit the child

to stretch a student

a trainee teacher

to play to the student’s strengths

to be up to the job

teacher turnover

statewide testing

a high rate of employability

to go on for higher education

employment prospects

to sit for public/entrance examinations

to penalize students

core subjects

to meet standards, requirements

a school syllabus

to implement reforms, exams

the right opening

job seekers

corporal punishment

graduation exams

vocation oriented courses

a parent/teacher meeting

to load teachers down with paper work

to advance to a new grade

to lower the passing score

comprehensive school/system/training

promotion requirements

vocationally relevant subjects

to catch up with the peers

on-campus/workplace training

dropout prevention

disruptive behaviour/ pupil

Educational Challenges

Speech Functions Bank

F – Formal

Inf – Informal

1. Asking for More Detailed Information



I wonder if you could explain about X in (rather)

how you do more detail?

Could I ask you a little more about X

how you do …

I’m afraid I’m not quite clear about X

how you do …

I’m interested in knowing more about X

How (exactly) do you do…?

Could you fill me in a bit on X

how you do …..?

Can you put me in the picture about X?

1. Make the following into questions or statements asking for more detailed information using the language in the box above.

E x a m p l e:

Could/ask/about boarding schools in your country?

Could I ask you a bit more about boarding schools in your country?

  1. I/interested/knowing/the standards of education in this country.

  2. I/afraid/not quite clear/applicants should present themselves while applying for a job.

  3. Could/fill/in/your career up to now?

  4. I wonder/you/explain/educational opportunities are being equalized.

  5. Can/me/picture/the school’s entrance requirements and its fees?

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