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Stylistic potential of phraseological units. Allusion

The vocabulary of a language is enriched not only by words but also by word combinations which are differently called. Some of them refer to free word combinations, the others are called set expressions and the term phraseological units is often used for them. Phraseological units, including proverbs, sayings, clichés, quotations as well as various kinds of allusions may be used for stylistic purpose.

Phraseology has attracted rapidly increasing interest from a wide range of language related disciplines, which has yet to coalesce into an agreed set of terms and frameworks. [see Cowie A.P.] This approach is regarded as necessary in studies focusing on stylistic features of phraseology, which inevitably require close analysis of the production of individual speakers and writers rather than the processing of large corpora en masse.

A phraseological unit is a stable, cohesive combination of words with a fully or partially figurative meaning.

Phraseological units are word-groups that cannot be made in the process of speech, they exist in the language as ready-made units. They are compiled in special dictionaries. The same as words phraseological units express a single notion and are used in a sentence as one part of it. American and British lexicographers call such units "idioms".

Phraseological units can be classified according to the ways they are formed, according to the degree of the motivation of their meaning, according to their structure and according to their part-of-speech meaning. Their constant characteristic features are:

  • Linguistic stability

  • Semantic unity

  • Intact syntactical structure

In other words, phraseological unit is a fixed word-combination in which the meaning of the whole doesn’t depend on the meaning of its components. Syntactically the relations in a phraseological unit are those of a free word combination. Ex.: to be born with a silver spoon in the mouth; to pull somebody’s leg, to kick the bucket.

Phraseological units are crystallized metaphors the expressiveness of which is often intensified by parallelism, antithesis, and alliteration.

Phraseologists no longer have to defend themselves from accusations that they are wasting their time on trivial phenomena: phraseological units of all kinds permeate everyday language use throughout all linguistic registers: in everyday speech, journalism, academic prose, literature, political or diplomatic speech and writing etc. Phraseology plays important psychological and cultural roles in language processing and social cohesiveness. The use of phraseology can be seen to contribute to clarity of expression and ease of comprehension in formal registers, and ease of linguistic composition in spontaneous speech. The use of phraseology contributes to a socially convergent style of speech or writing. Pawley (1985) points out that «probably the large majority of customary institutions are denoted by phraseological expressions» eg front door/back door, go to church, leave school etc. In emotive prose phraseological units are used in author's speech, in character's speech and in inner monologue. Phraseological units, which are used in character's speech help to learn about the character, his manners of speech and about his emotional state. The phraseological units which are used in inner monologue help understand his inside qualities.

Violation (decomposition) of phraseological units. Violation of phraseological units is a device based on the interaction between the primary and secondary meanings. The inner mechanism of this device lies in the literal interpretation of the elements of a phraseological unit, though the ways to achieve it are different

The expressive potentiality of a phraseological unit is increased when linguistic stability and semantic unity are violated and syntactical relations actualized in this case. It’s transformed into a free word combination and simultaneously realizes two semantic patterns: as a phraseological unit with a specific meaning and at the same time as a metaphor in the transformed variant of a phraseological unit. The fixed form is broken by replacing one word for another, by altering the whole structure or by some other changes. Ex.: “The number of women who flirt with her husband is perfectly scandalous. It looks so bad. It’s simply washing dirty linen in public”. “Don’t cry, the milk is spilt.”