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Unit 4 Matter, Elements and Atoms .doc
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4. Put in the missing words, using the words from the table above:

  1. Our laboratory …a new semiconductor device last year.

  2. In each atom there is a …, containing a number of protons and a number of neutrons.

  3. Each electron has a negative electrical ….

  4. Benjamin Franklin conducted extensive research in … in the 18th century.

  5. Wood is an excellent ….

  6. Matter is a term that traditionally refers to the … that all objects are made of.

  7. The atoms of any … element all have the same … mass.

  8. A molecule is the smallest … of a substance that can retain (сохранять) the characteristic properties of that substance.

  9. The … shell of any atom is called its valence shell.

  10. Electricity is made by converting some form of energy into flowing electrons at the …plant.

  11. Transmission grid … power plants and end? uUsers (customers?) to be connected.

  12. The rapid expansion in electrical technology at that time … industry and society.

5. Put all possible questions to the following statements.

For example:  Sir William Crookes developed the first cathode ray tube in 1870.

  • Did Sir William Crookes develop the first cathode ray tube in 1870?

  • When did Sir William Crookes develop the first cathode ray tube ?

  • Who developed the first cathode ray tube in 1870 ?

  • What did Sir William Crookes develop in 1870?

  1. Electricity became a necessity of everyday life in the 20th century.

  2. The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820.

  3. We tested the new equipment in the lab yesterday.

  4. A prototype solar-powered plane made its first full test flight in Switzerland.

  5. UK researchers developed a device to drag space junk out of orbit.

6. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple.

  1. Alex (to carry out) the experiment yesterday.

  2. The student (to measure) the temperature of water 5 minutes ago.

  3. Sir Isaak Newton (to develop) the Three Laws of Motion.

  4. In ancient times the systematic study of fundamental natural laws (to be) not a huge concern.

  5. Michael (to check) this device last week.

  6. The farm (to be) very isolated, but it (to have) electricity.

  7. Faraday (to invent) the electric motor in 1821.

  8. Practical applications for electricity however (to remain) few, and only in the late nineteenth century engineers (to be) to put it to industrial and residential use.

  9. The rapid expansion in electrical technology at that time (to transform) industry and society.

  10. In 1600 the English physician William Gilbert (to make) a careful study of electricity and magnetism.

7. Form nouns from the following adjectives using the suffix –ity and translate them:

For example: able – способный; ability – способность

possible – возможный; …

stable – стабильный; …

intensive – интенсивный; …

major – больший; …

minor – меньший; …

resistive – имеющий сопротивление; …

radioactive – радиоактивный; …

elastic – эластичный; …

8. Choose the appropriate English equivalents.

  1. Они зарядили … - a. They chargе…; b. They charged…; c. They will charge… .

  2. Это произошло … - a. This took place…; b. This takes place…; c. This will take place… .

  3. Мы не брали … - a. We do not take…; b. We did not take…; c.We will not take… .

  4. Это не зависело от … - a. This will not depend on…; b. This does not depend on; c. This did not depend on… .

9. Form verbs from the following adjectives using the suffix ‘–ize’ and translate them:

For example: general – общий; generalize - обобщать

special – специальный; …

normal – нормальный; …

neutral – нейтральный; …

local – локальный, местный; …

ideal – идеальный; …

real – реальный; …

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