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    1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

можливість, пояснювати, спостерігати, ліки, сучасне суспільство, технологічний метод, синтетичні матеріали, досягнення хімії, хімічна промисловість, покращувати якість, зменшувати вартість матеріалу, молекулярна біологія, полімер, сланцева глина, шуруп, пружина, магніт, очищувач, забезпечувати людство.

    1. Find odd words:

bolts, screws, bearings, fuels;

gas, coal, lubricant, wood;

organism, material, fabrics, polymers;

tank, vessel, bank, reservoir.

    1. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents. Make your own sentences with these English words.



      1. medicines

  1. будувати

      1. contemporary

  1. свідок

      1. achievements

  1. мастило

      1. to obtain

  1. паливо

      1. lubricant

  1. ліки

      1. to construct

  1. сучасний

      1. fuel

  1. традиційний

      1. witness

  1. отримувати

      1. hereditary

  1. магніт

      1. magnet

  1. досягнення

    1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple. Pay attention to the form of irregular verbs.

  1. History of chemistry (to begin) several thousand years ago.

  2. We (to make) materials, consisted of polymers.

  3. Polymer substances (to be used) in making bolts, screws, motor boats, skis.

  4. Our scientists (to work) jointly with the chemical branches of industry.

  5. The Sun (to become) the main source of energy.

  6. We (to search) information about scientists who (can) retrace and organize the processes in a living organism.

6. Answer the following questions:

  1. When were important facts of chemistry discovered?

  2. What is the role of chemistry nowadays?

  3. What sciences are affected by the progress of chemistry?

  4. What is the success of the chemistry of polymers?

  5. What does the biochemical technology provide humanity with?

  6. How is it possible to change hereditary properties?

  7. What helps obtain new substances or micro-organisms?


Section 1

1. Read and translate the following text: communication with computer

Men use languages in order to communicate with each other. When the man wishes to communicate with the computer he uses in the same way "languages" such as BASIC, PASCAL, ADA, FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, PL/m and others.

BASIC is considered to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn. It is now used almost universally.

PASCAL is a general purpose high level programming language. It is named after the famous French mathematician, Blaise Pascal. In 1642 he designed and built the first mechanical calculator, the “Pascaline”.

ADA is a high level programming language. It is a PASCAL-based language, but much more comprehensive than PASCAL. It was named after Augusta Ada Byron (1816 —1852), daughter of the English poet, Lord Byron.

FORTRAN is a problem oriented high level programming language for scientific and mathematical use. FORTRAN was the first high level programming language. It was developed in 1956 and was designed to easily express mathematical formulas for computer processing. It is still widely used as a programming language.

ALGOL — was developed as an international language for the expression of the algorithms between individuals as well as a programming language. It was introduced in the early 1960s. ALGOL was originally known as AIL or International Algebraic Language.

COBOL is internationally accepted programming language developed for general commercial use. The advantages of using COBOL are that it is relatively simple to learn and programs can be quickly written and tested. Programmers can easily understand programs not written by themselves.

Because of extraordinary technological development during the past decades, the term computer is becoming a household word. Computer applications have expanded to such breadth that the computer is now an integral part of virtually every type of business and industrial enterprise.

The number of electronic computers used in any given field of human activity is sometimes believed to indicate the degree of its modernity. For example, the more computers scientific institute uses the more modern it is believed to be. It is not always born in mind, however, that computers alone represent only what is called the hardware, i. e. the machinery together with its subtle technical and logical design. In order that the hardware may be used effectively, another essential factor is needed: the so-called software or applied thoughts. The preparation of computer programs, the working out of the logical aspects of material to be manipulated in a computer, takes up as much, if not more, time as the actual production of the hardware and is by no mean easier. The software, as most intangible product, is not always capable of being readily evaluated. This, however, does not change the fact that it is at least as decisive as the hardware in obtaining solutions to concrete scientific and technological problems.

There are two basic types of electronic computers: digital and analogue. Each type has its uses in various fields. However, they have one thing in common: for their effective operation they require ingeniously thought-out software.

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