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  1. Suggestions and advice

  2. There are several ways of making suggestions and offering advice.

    1. You should

    1. + infinitive

    1. You should try the Best of Australia tour.

    1. Why don't you

    1. + infinitive

    1. Why don't you take the full-board option?

    1. You could

    1. + infinitive

    1. You could look for information on the Internet.

    1. If I were you, I'd

    1. + infinitive

    1. If I were you, I'd travel in the spring.

    1. Your best option is to

    1. + infinitive

    1. Your best option is to hire a car.

    1. How about

    1. + -ing

    1. How about going by bus?

    1. Have you thought about

    1. + -ing

    1. Have you thought about going by bus?

  1. Match the expressions for advice on the left with possible continuations on the right.

    1. In my opinion, you should...

    1. I'd look on the Internet.

    1. Have you thought about ...

    1. is to look on the internet.

    1. How about ...

    1. look on the Internet?

    1. If I were you ...

    1. look on the Internet.

    1. Why don't you ...

    1. looking on the Internet?

    1. Your best option ...

    1. the Internet?

  2. Now do the same with these expressions.

    1. Have you thought about..

    1. ... going in the autumn?

    1. How about...

    1. ... is to hire a car.

    1. If I were you...

    1. ... taking the coach to the airport?

    1. Why don't you...

    1. ... take a look at these brochures?

    1. In my opinion, you should...

    1. ...I'd ask a travel agent

    1. Your best option...

    1. ...travel overnight on the train.

  3. Work in groups of four. Each person should think of two travel decisions a visitor to your country or region might want advice on. Take turns to ask your partners for advice. Give marks (a) for each different advice expression used correctly, and (b) for each original piece of advice given.

  1. Work in pairs. Take Turns to be the sales consultant and the customers. Act out a conversation in a travel agent's going through the three stages of the sales process you have seen in this unit: establishing rapport, investigating needs, and presenting possible products. Finish your conversation by getting your partner to spell out their name.

  1. Student A: You are a sales consultant. Your partner is a customer. Suggest alternatives from the box for the situation the customer describes. Finish by recommending the best option.

  1. Suggestions

  1. Situation 1

  1. At rip to the Pyramids and the Nile

  1. A pass to the Formula 1 race at Monaco

  1. A beginner's course in scuba diving

  1. [Your own suggestion]

  1. Situation 2

  1. A round-the-world flight

  1. A safari and beach package in Kenya

  1. A cruise around the Caribbean

  1. [Your own suggestion]

  1. Situation 3

  1. An opera tour of Germany and Italy

  1. A tour of the Greek Islands

  1. A trip to Patagonia

  1. [Your own suggestion]

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