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a tutor – a teacher who works with one student or a small group

to institutionalize – to make something become part of a particular society, system or organization

a position – a rank or level in a company, competition or society; a job

spa – a town where water comes out of the ground and people come to drink it or lie in it because they think it will improve their health

Language focus

The prefix over- attached to a verb gives the meaning of “too much”: crowd – overcrowd.

Word study

  1. Make nous from the following verbs with the help of prefix over–. Translate them.

to balance ­­– …, to buy – …, to colour – …, to come – …, to control – …, to develop – …, to do – …, to dose – …, to dry – …, to eat – …, to expose – …, to extend – …, to fill – …, to flow – …, to grow – …, to heat – …, to pay – …, to sleep – …, to work – … .

  1. Match the words with their definitions

cure n

someone who visits a person or place

status n

rich, powerful and fashionable people

high society n

enthusiasm for doing something; the need or reason for do something

benefit n

something that makes someone with an illness healthy again


something shaped approximately like a circle, especially a route, path or sports track which starts and ends in the same place

visitor n

an accepted or official position, especially in a social group

motivation n

in the middle of a country, away from the sea

circuit n

a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help

  1. Replace words in italic by their synonyms from the vocabulary list

  1. There is no known remedy for this disease.

  2. The wheel in the Indian flag is an emblem of peace.

  3. One of the many advantages of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.

  4. Some 500 travel agencies made their appearance last year.

  5. Ben, you’ve got some guests to see you!

  6. Let’s go to the seashore at the weekend!

  7. Tourism’s popularity continues to increase.


TEXT 1 The Grand Tour

From the early seventeenth century, a new form of tourism was developed as a direct outcome of the Renaissance. Under the reign of Elizabeth 1, young men seeking positions at court were encouraged to travel to continent to finish their education. Later, it became customary for education of gentleman to be completed by a 'Grand Tour' accompanied by a tutor and lasting for three or more years. While ostensibly educational, the pleasure seeking men travelled to enjoy life and culture of Paris, Venice or Florence. By the end of eighteenth century, the custom had become institutionalised in the gentry. Gradually pleasure travel displaced educational travel. The advent of Napoleonic wars inhibited travel for around 30 years and led to the decline of the custom of the Grand Tour.

TEXT 2 The development of the spas

The spas grew in popularity in the seventeenth century in Britain and a little later in the European Continent as awareness about the therapeutic qualities of mineral water increased. Taking the cure in the spa rapidly acquired the nature of a status symbol. The resorts changed in character as pleasure became the motivation of visits. They became an important centre of social life for the high society.

In the nineteenth century they were gradually replaced by the seaside resort.

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