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англ. яз. - Т. В. Кривогина, О. Н. Мышелова.doc
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8. Complete the sentences:

1. We know little about those early people because … .

2. During the period from the 8th to the 3rd century B.C. … .

3. The tribes of Scots … .

4. Some traces of the Celtic language … .

5. In England there are several rivers … .

6. Like all the ancient people … .

7. The chronicals and writers translated … .

8. However they give an idea … .

9. The earliest writer who described the country … .

10. That is why Celtic mythology is … .

9. Say whether the following sentences are true or false:

  1. About three thousand years B.C. many parts of Europe were inhabited by the Russians.

  2. Nothing can be learnt about their history from their skeletons, their weapons and the remains of their dwellings.

  3. The Iberians were able to fight back the attacks of the Celts and to build their own powerful state.

  4. The Britons and the Scots belonged to the Celtic race and the language they spoke was Celtic.

  5. There are a lot of old Celtic names in Modern English.

  6. The Celts were governed by a class of priests called the Druids who had a great power over them.

  7. Celtic legends were written down in the Ancient Times and thats why modern scholars cant translate them.

  8. Celtic sagas dont give any idea of the Celtic way of life, their occupation, tools, weapons, customs and religion because the heroes and the adventures were imaginary.

  9. The greatest Celtic hero was Asterix who was invincible in battles and his life was a series of wonderful deeds.

  10. Julius Caesar described Celts who lived in Wales, Scotland and Ireland in his "Commentaries on the Gallic War".

10. Answer the question using the text:

  1. What do you know about the Iberians?

  2. When did the Celtic tribes invade the territory of the British Isles?

  3. Can you explain the origin of the names "Britain" and "Scotland"?

  4. Are any Celtic words still used in Modern English?

  5. How were the Celtic tribes governed?

  6. What is a valuable source of information about the early inhabitants of the British Isles?

  7. Who was the greatest hero of the Celtic heroic sagas?

  1. Who was the first to describe Britain and its inhabitants?

  2. Why is Celtic mythology a valuable source of information about early Britain and its inhabitants?

11. Give a short summary of the text using the following words and word combinations:

the title of the text is …

the author of the text is …/ the text is written by …

the main idea of the story (the article) is …

the text is about … /is devoted to … / deals with …

the main characters of the text are …

the author writes/states/stresses/thinks/points out that …

the author starts telling the readers … about / that /…

further the author says that …/the text goes on to say…

in conclusion …/the author comes to the conclusion that …

I found the information gathered from (story, article) interesting/important for my future profession/of no value/too hard to understand, to remember, to keep in my mind …