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XVI. Write a letter to your friend about your stay in Moscow, Leningrad, any other city or town, give your impressions. Do not forget to mention what you have been doing recently.

XVII. Translate into English:

1. Свыше 800 лет назад на холме между реками Москвой и Неглинной была построена маленькая крепость. Ее назвали Москва. Ее основателем считается князь Юрий Долгорукий. 2. В конце XV века Москва стала столицей объединенных русских земель. 3. В старой Москве часть улиц кольцами окружала Кремль. 4. До начала XVIII века Москва была столицей России. Затем ею стал Петербург. В 1918 г. древняя русская столица стала столицей Советского государства. 5. Первое метро в нашей стране было построено в Москве в 1935 г. Это самая красивая подземная дорога во всем мире. 6. Самое дорогое для советских людей место, сердце Москвы — Красная площадь. Кремль. Здесь работает правительство СССР, в Кремле жил и работал основатель нашего государства В. И. Ленин. 7. Москва - мировой центр культуры, науки и искусства. Здесь находятся Академия наук СССР, другие академии и научные институты, Московский университет имени М. В. Ломоносова, свыше 80 высших учебных заведений.

Grammar exercises

I. A) Form nouns using the suffix “-ment”:

to govern, to manage, to move, to replace, to develop, to establish, to punish, to treat, to equip, to advertise, to enjoy, to engage

b) Form adjectives using the suffix “-ic”:

history, economy, geography, period

c) Form adjectives using the suffix “-al”:

economic, geographic, historic, periodic, politic

d) Form verbs using the prefix “re-“:

to form, to read, to produce, to elect, to write, to place, to build

II. Use the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect:

1. You ever (to see) any plays by Priestley? — Yes, I (to see) one last week. 2. When you (to finish) school? — I (to finish) school this year. 3. He (not to prepare) the report for today’s seminar. 4. I (to make) a report at the seminar in History of the CPSU on Wednesday. 5. Anybody (to see) him since that time? 6. She (to graduate) from the institute three years ago and (to work) at a secondary school all this time. 7. “You (to make) good progress in your English lately,” said the teacher. 8. She (to open) the door and I (to tell) her who I (to be) and what I (to want). 9. Let’s go home, it (to grow) dark. 10. You (to make up) your mind yet? We are waiting.

III. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect:

A. 1. Normally I (to have) breakfast at 9 in the morning. 2. I (to have) just my breakfast. 3. He (to write) letters to his mother once a week. 4. He (to receive) three letters this week. 5. We (to work) hard lately. 6. I (not to see) much of her for the last few days. 7. Students (to take) exams at the end of each term. 8. You ever (to visit) your relatives? 9. It (to rain) every Sunday since we arrived here.

B. 1. They (to be) friends since childhood. 2. For all I know they (to be) close friends. 3, The director (to be) out. He (to be) out the whole day today. 4. How long you (to learn) English? 5. They (to learn) English, French and German at our faculty. 6. She says she (to live) not far from the institute. 7. He (to live) in Moscow all his life. 8. It long (to be) my dream to visit the Bolshoi Theatre. 9. She (to dream) of becoming a teacher. 10. They (to be) married for 5 years and (to be) very thoughtful to each other.

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