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Вариант I

I. Переведите на русский язык и определите функцию инфинитива.

  1. The engineer’s task is to design a new high-speed device.

  2. To translate a sentence is to discover its meaning.

  3. They promised to supply us with the necessary equipment.

  4. The metal to be used in our experiments is hard.

  5. To reinforce the metal engineers use new methods.

  6. The purpose of this article is to describe certain properties of metals.

  7. To finish this experiment on time you must start it on Monday.

  8. The aim of the experiment is to find new methods of treatment.

II. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

  1. They believed him to be an outstanding scientist.

  2. I assume this method to be interesting.

  3. She didn’t expect me to estimate the significance of this work.

  4. This river is known to divide the city into two parts.

  5. They proved to be experienced workers in that branch of science.

  6. We wish our consumer goods to meet the people’s requirements.

  7. The conference to be held next month is reported to be attended by many foreign quests.

  8. He seemed to notice all the changes.

III. Выберите правильный вариант перевода для подчеркнутого слова.

1. You must work hard to pass the exam.

a) для того, чтобы сдать b) сдавая с) сдаваемый

2. The problem to be solved will be discussed at the meeting.

а) для того, чтобы решить b) решаемый

с) которую необходимо решить

3. They sent a letter to inform the news.

а) сообщая b) для того, чтобы сообщить с) сообщили

4. This method is not good enough to be used in this field.

а) используемый, применяемый b) использовали, применяли

с) для того, чтобы использовать, применять

5. To determine the right size of the machine is a difficult thing.

а) определенный b) для того, чтобы определить

с) определение

6. To determine the right size of the workspace you should consult the specialist.

a) определенный b) для того, чтобы определить

с) определение

7. He began to solve this problem.

a) решаемый b) решая с) решать

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Maпу years ago, explorers wanted to find а way by sea from Europe to China.

In 1845, John Franklin left England with 134 men to look for a route through the Arctic.

Franklin’s ships had everything they needed. They had enough food in tins for three years and thousands of liters of lemon juice to stop disease. They also had two libraries with 3,000 books, excellent maps, scientific instruments, musical instruments and a new invention: a camera.

Franklin and his men left England on May 19th 1845 and they sailed without problems across the Atlantic towards Canada. When Franklin arrived at Baffin Bay in July 1845, things were going very well for the Expedition. On July 26th, some sailors saw Franklin’s ship when they were entering the bay. That was the last time that anyone saw Franklin and his men alive.

The British government became very worried when they heard nothing from Franklin. They sent expeditions all returned without any news. The government offered ₤ 20.000 to anybody who could help Franklin or anybody who had information about Franklin. Nobody came with information.

Then in August 1850 some sailors found the first signs of the Franklin Expedition while they were searching on Devon Island: some old food tins, some papers, and, something very strange, the graves of three men. The men all died in January 1846 while Franklin was waiting in Baffin Bay for the ice to melt. But why did they die? The three men were all young and three deaths in the first months of the expedition were very strange. What happened to them? And Where were the ships and all the other sailors? The mystery of the Franklin Expedition was growing stronger…

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