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1) Подберите русские и английские словосочетания.

  1. metal a) жадность, скупость

  2. greed b) убить

  3. wealth c) шахта

  4. murder d) метал

  5. mine e) богатство

2) Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. similar

a) simple b) silver c) different d) difficult

2. increase

a) describe b) decrease c) deposit d) determine

3. ugly

a) remarkable b) valuable c) malleable d) beautiful

4. soft

a) hold b) hand c) hang d) hard

5. thin

a) thin b) think c) thank d) thick

3) Вставьте пропущенное слово

1. Gold has been highly _____ for centuries.

2. First they conquered Mexico and ___________ its valuable treasures

3. At that time the new metal was regarded ____ more of a nuisance than of value.

4. Gold is the most ____________ of all the metals.

5. Silver is _______________ gold in many ways.

4) Дайте краткие характеристики золота и серебра, пользуясь таблицей




  1. Gold

  2. Silver

5) Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

  1. What precious metals do you know?

  2. What does make gold suitable for electrical contacts?

  3. Where was the most exciting discovery made by the Spaniards?

  4. What is the most malleable metal?

  5. What is the difference between gold and silver?

Вариант IV

I. Выберите правильный вариант для подчеркнутых слов или словосочетаний.

  1. В колледже студенты должны носить форму.

а) can b) may c) have to

  1. Текст был очень трудным. Мне пришлось пользоваться словарем.

а) have to b) had to c) must

  1. Может быть, мой брат поможет тебе.

а) could b) might c) should

  1. Должно быть, у него хорошая работа.

а) must b) should c) have to

  1. Ты мог бы позвонить ему и попросить совета друга.

а) could b) ought c) would

  1. Через 2 месяца ты уже сможешь читать доклад на английском языке.

а) could b) will be able to c) will be allowed to

II. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1. A totally new safety system is being installed.

2. When I came to Baku in 1962 the first Metro line was being built there.

3. Professor N. was being listened to with great attention.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена группы Perfect .

1. He has been shown her photo.

2. Have you ever traveled by air?

3. I have never been late for school.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


During the Middle Ages, alchemists searched for a way to change base metals, like lead, into gold. They thought that if they could find the right formula, they could, for example, add a certain amount of mercury to lead and produce gold. Even the great Sir Isaac Newton believed it could be done.

The experiments the alchemists carried out were sometimes very elaborate.

There were real scientists among the alchemists. One of them was Roger Bacon, called 'the Admirable Doctor' who lived in the 13th century. He was a great philosopher, encyclopedist aid alchemist, an Oxford graduate. One of his lectures was misinterpreted and the people who were present there decided that Bacon had discovered the 'Philosopher's Stone', which would not only cure all the diseases but also convert metals such as copper into gold.

The Catholic Church got interested in the works of Roger Bacon. The Pope himself gave him a laboratory in Paris University. Bacon worked very much, made some discoveries, his fame grew on and the Pope, thinking that Bacon didn't want to reveal the secret of the 'Philosopher's Stone' imprisoned him. The scientist spent 20 years during which he had no right to speak to anybody. There he wrote 3 monographs, on alchemistry and philosophy which contributed much to philosophy but didn't help to discover the 'Philosopher's Stone'.

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