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Equilibrium (part IX)

I. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

technician техник, лаборант; (только в фильме “Equilibriumлаборант крематория);

Palace of Justice – Дворец Справедливости; to remandвозвращать под стражу;

processing – обработка; (только в фильме “Equilibrium” – сожжение в крематории);

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to safeguard – to protect sth or someone from being harmed or having problems;

continuity – a situation in which sth happens or exists for a long time without stopping or changing;

circular = in a vicious circle;

vital – very important, necessary, or essential;

execution – the act of killing a person as a punishment for a crime;


III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

to safeguard находиться в замкнутом кругу;

continuity жизненно важный,;

to be circular казнь;

vital неразрывность, целостность;

execution охранять, защищать;

IV. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

It is ___________ ___________ the traitor’s ____________ or he might cease the power again and the _____________ of our well-being will ____________.

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Did Mary inform Preston against her friends?

2) How did Preston see purpose of his life? Why was it difficult to formulate?

3) Why did Mary see no point in Preston’s life and what was the meaning of hers?

4) Was Preston annoyed having found no argument against Mary’s idea? How did he react?

VI. Discuss the following question in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Who won the argument, Preston or Mary? Why?

VII. Act out the episode by heart:

Preston: What's your name?

Mary: O'Brien, Mary.

Preston: Well, Mary... you can either wait and tell the technicians at the Palace of Justice or you can tell me now. Who are your friends?

Mary: I'm wondering if you have any idea at all what that word means... "friend."

Preston: There's nothing you don't feel? How about guilt?

Mary: Let me ask you something. Why are you alive?

Preston: I'm alive... I live... ...to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.

Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?

Preston: What's the point of your existence?

Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it... without love, without anger, without sorrow... breath is just a clock ticking.

Preston: Then I have no choice but to remand you to the Palace of Justice for processing.

Mary: Processing. You mean execution, don't you?

Preston: Processing.

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