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Final Equilibrium textbook (booklet format).doc
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VI. Act out the episode by heart:


III. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

I’ll ______ the ______ _____ing a ______ ______ that his employee is _______ & ________.

IV. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What rumour was made known to Dupont?

2) Did he suspect Preston of sense offence?

3) How did Preston try to remove Dupont’s suspicion?

4) How did Preston explain his staying awake at night to his son? Was he sincere?

VI. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Why did Dupont call Preston?

a) to inform him; b) to test him; c) to expose him; d) to give him last chance;

VII. Act out the episode by heart:

Policeman: Cleric John Preston, you are to come with us immediately.

Dupont: Cleric Preston.

Preston: Sir.

Dupont: I've heard the most disturbing rumour.

Preston: Rumour, sir?

Dupont: Yes. A rumour maintaining that one of us, one of the Cleric, has secretly taken it upon himself to cease his dose, that one of our elite number is actually feeling.

Preston: Feeling, sir?

Dupont: Are you playing with me, Cleric?

Preston: No, sir.

Dupont: This person, I'm told, is actually attempting to contact the Resistance. Now tell me, if you'll be so kind, how exactly have you been making use of your time of late?

Preston: Attempting to contact the Resistance, sir.

Dupont: Attempting? How is it that you intend to expose this traitor if all you do is attempt?

Preston: You're... absolutely... 100% right, sir.

Dupont: Of course I am. The Cleric is the final line of defence. If the Resistance compromises it, we are doomed. Father is doomed.

Preston: I will redouble my efforts, sir, to locate the Resistance, to find this traitor, and bring them all to the Council's fair justice.

Dupont: Do it.

Robbie: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Preston: I... I was checking to make sure you've been taking your interval.

Robbie: And are you satisfied?

Preston: Yes, I am.

Robbie: Good night, Dad.


II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to determine – to officially decide sth;

distribution – the way in which sth exists in different amounts in different parts of an area or group;

predictable – possible to tell about in advance;

to treat – deal with, regard, or consider something in a particular way;

total – absolute, complete;

to inflict – to cause something unpleasant to happen;

fire – shooting with gun;

efficiency – the ability to work well & produce good results by using the available time, money, supplies etc in the most effective way;

proficiency – a high degree of ability or skill in something;

to take – to think about sb or sth in a particular way;

III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

to determine относиться, рассматривать;

distribution наносить, причинять;

predictable эффективность;

to treat огонь, стрельба;

total определять, устанавливать;

to inflict мастерство, квалификация;

fire воспринимать, учитывать;

efficiency распределение;

proficiency абсолютный, полный, совершенный;

to take предсказуемый;

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