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Education in Australia

Primary and secondary education in Australia is mainly the responsibility of the state governments: they educate 3/4 of all children of school age. About 1/5 go to Roman Catholic schools the remainder go to other private schools. There are 3 types of secondary education – technical, academic and general. There is a university in each of the seven capitals.

Текст 9(b). Australian English

Australian English differs from ordinary English both in vocabulary and in pronunciation. But Australian English is still English, and the vocabulary, even of colloquial conversation, is not very different from that of educated Southern English. A wide difference exists in the section of the vocabulary dealing with specifically Australian things and conditions. Words like geen, valley meadow, wood, dale do not appear in the Australian vocabulary, and the Australian words bush, scrub, paddock and creek have wide and varied meanings. The aborigines gave kangaroo, boomerang. Gold discovered in 1850, gave diggings mullock, fossick.

Differences in a language spoken are much more striking than differences in a language spoken are two types of Australian speech – Broad Australian and Educated Australian. Broad Australian is not cockney. The first element in the Broad Australian pronunciation of “day” is not lowel sound in “but”. Many Australians also tend to avoid the use of broad “a” in such words as “dance”, and in both Broad and Educated Australian the sound of i in it is seldom used in unstressed syllables.

It is inevitable that before very longsome form of Educated Australian will become standard Australian speech.

Прочтите текст о Новой Зеландии и ответьте на следующие вопросы

1 How many miles is it from the New Zealand north and south coasts?

2 What sea and ocean wash New Zealand?

3 What is an outstanding feature of the New Zealand topography?

4 What is the New Zealand’s climate?

5 Is agriculture developed in the country?

6 What can you say about the population of New Zealand?

7 Is New Zealand rich in mineral resources?

8 What industries are developed in New Zealand?

9 What country is New Zealand?

10 Who is the head of the New Zealand government?

Текст 10(a). New Zealand

New Zealand comprises three islands: the North and South Islands and Steward Island, a small land just to the South of the South Island. From north to south the whole territory of New Zealand expends for about 1.000 miles and is washed by the Tasman Sea in the west and by the Pacific Ocean in the east. The South Island is mountainous. Seventeen peaks in the Alps reach a height of more than 10.000 ft, the highest of then, Mount Cook, is 12.349, New Zealand’s highest point. Only one-tenth of the North Island’s area is mountainous and only four peaks exceed 6.000 ft. Two of them are active volcanoes. Almost one-quarter of the country is forest-covered and one-third of the rest is devoted to agriculture. There are areas of the desert-like tracts in the central North Island.

New Zealand’s climate resembles that of the northern Mediterranean.

Population and Language

The population of New Zealand is over three million.

The differences between New Zealanders and Britons are subtle and not easy to detect. The non-Maori New Zealand has a skin the colour of a white man, he speaks the same language, though with a different accent.

The Maori1 people make up 7 per cent of the total population. They are concentrated in certain districts such as Northland and the East Coast of the North Island.

Maori, a language of the Polynesian group still is spoken among the Maori population. A large number of people, born and bred in New Zealand, speak English as correctly and with as pure an accent as the best speakers in England. About 8 per cent of the population speaks England with a more or less marked London, or “Cockney” accent.

1 – Maori – коренное население Новой Зеландии.


Although lacking the mineral resources required for most heavy industry, New Zealand has established light foundries and engineering works, and builds locomotives, small ships, coaches, as well as assembling imported motor vehicles and machines.

Light engineering especially in the field of electrical goods has increased since World War II. Other industries include the manufacture of textile and leather goods, fruit and vegetable packing and canning; the production of tyres, tubes and other rubber goods. The pulp and paper industry is now producing a variety of commodities. The clothing and footwear industry must also be mentioned.

About 40 per cent of all goods available in New Zealand are imported from other countries. New Zealand factories rely on overseas countries for heavy machinery and for much of their raw materials, such as iron, steel, and aluminium.


New Zealand is a self – governing Dominion with a governor – general, an Executive Council to advise him, a General Assembly (Parliament), which is now consist of the Governor – General and the House of Representatives (the Upper House) having abolished since 1951 and the usual local government bodies.

The Queen of the United Kingdom is still Queen of New Zealand. Her personal representative is in New Zealand. There are two political parties resented in Parliament at present: National and Labour.

A General Election is held every three years or when specially called for.

The Governor – General is appointed for three years and has his main residence in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.

Список использованных источников

  1. З.Д. Агеева, Н.П. .Алёшкина. Пособие по чтению. –

М.: Высшая школа, 1976-168с.

  1. С.А. Леонова. Праздники Англии. – Самара: СГУ,


  1. Л.Д. Цесарский. После уроков. – М.: Просвещение,


  1. Т.И. Игнатова. Английский язык. Интенсивный курс. –

М.: Высшая школа, 1988-255с.

  1. Г.Д. Томахин. Через англо-говорящие страны. –

М.: Просвещение, 1998-251с.

  1. Е.В. Синявская, Э.С. Улановская, О.И, Тынкова. Английский язык. Учебник для технических ВУЗов. –

М.: Высшая школа, 1997-464с.

  1. Н.Н. Маркова. Через Англию в Шотландию. –

М.: Просвещение, 1971-237с.

  1. И.С. Степнова. Время, события, люди. –

М.: Просвещение, 1987-224с.

  1. В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа. Счастливый английский.

Книга 3.- М. : Просвещение,1996-253с.

  1. Т.А. Клементьева. Счастливый английский.

Книга 2.- Обнинск : Титул, 1996-448с.

  1. Ф.И. Роискова. По странам изучаемого языка. –

М.: Просвещение, 1989-64с.

Приложение А

Список географических названий

Alаbama Алабама

Alaska Аляска

Alps Альпы

Appalachian Mountains Аппалаченские горы

Appalachians Аппалачи

Australia Австралия

Birmingham Бирмингем

Blaсkpool г. Блэкпул

Boston г. Бостон

British Isles Британские острова

Canada Канада

Canberra г. Канберра

Chicago г. Чикаго

China Китай

Columbia Колумбия (город и река)

Commonwealth of Nations Британское содружество


Coventry г. Ковентри

Detroit г. Детройт

England Англия

English Channel Ла-Манш

Estonia Эстония

Estonian Эстонский

Europe Европа

Florida Флорида

France Франция

Glasgow г. Глазго

Great Britain Великобритания

Greece Греция

Gulf-stream Гольфстрим (течение)

Hudson Bay Гудзонов залив

India Индия

Japan Япония

Lake Eria озеро Эри

Lake Huron озеро Гурон

Lake Michigan озеро Мичиган

Lake Ontario озеро Онтарио

Lake Superior озеро Верхнее

Leeds г. Лидс

Los Angeles г. Лос-Анджелес

Manchester Манчестер

Maryland штат Мериленд

Mexico Мексика

Miami г.Майами

Mississippi Mиссиссипи (река и штат)

Missouri Миссури (река и штат)

Montreal г. Монреаль

New Orleans г. Новый Орлеан

New York г. Нью-Йорк

New Zealand Новая Зеландия

North Sea Северное море

Northern Ireland Северная Ирландия

Norway Норвегия

Norwegian норвежский

Ohio штат Огайо

Ottawa г. Оттава

Paris г. Париж

Philadelphia г. Филадельфия

Poland Польша

Polynesia Полинезия

Quebec Квебек

Rome Рим

Rotterdam г. Роттердам

Scotland Шотландия

Shanghai г. Шанхай

Sheffield г. Шеффилд

Severn р. Северн

Straight of Dover Па-де-Кале

Sydney г. Сидней

Tasmania о. Тасмания

Texas Техас

Thames р. Темза

Tokyo г. Токио

United Kingdom of Great Соединенное королевство

Britain and Northern Ireland Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

United States of America Соединённые Штаты Америки

Virginia Виржиния

Wales Уэльс

Washington Вашингтон (город и штат)

Wellington г. Веллингтон

Приложение Б

Имена собственные

Aldrige Олдридж

Graham Greene Грэм Грин

Iris Murdock Айрис Мердок

Alan Sillitoe Алан Силлитоу

John Galsworthy Джон Голсуорси

Bernard Shaw Бернард Шоу

Somerset Maugham Сомерсет Моэм

Arnold Bennett Арнольд Бенетт

C. P. Snow Чарльз Перси Сноу

Thackeray Теккерей

Theodore Dreiser Теодор Драйзер

Приложение В

Основные достопримечательности

London Лондон

British Museum Британский музей

National Gallery Национальная галерея

National Portrait Gallery Национальная портретная галерея

Royal Academy of Arts Королевская академия искусств

Madame Tussaud’s Музей мадам Тюссо

British Museum Library Библиотека Британского музея

Science Museum Музей наук

London Museum Музей истории Лондона

British Theatre Museum Британский театральный музей

National Maritime Museum Национальный морской музей

Tower of London Тауэр

Westminster Abbey Вестминстерское аббатство

St. Paul’s Cathedral Собор святого Павла

Hyde Park Гайд-Парк

Green Park Грин-Парк

Regent’s Park Риджентс-Парк

Buckingham Palace Букингемский дворец

Highgate Cemetry Хайгетское кладбище

Nelson’s Column Колонна Нельсона

Washington Вашингтон

White House Белый дом

U.S. Capitol Капитолий

Lincoln Memorial Памятник А. Линкольну

Jefferson Memorial Памятник Т. Джефферсону

Washington Memorial Памятник Дж. Вашингтону

Library of Congress Библиотека Конгресса

Arlington National Cemetry Национальное кладбище

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Могила неизвестного солдата

National Gallery of Art Национальная галерея искусств

John F.Kennedy Centre Театральный центр им. Дж.

for the Perfomingart Кеннеди

Air and Space Museum Национальный музей


Arts and Industries Building Музей искусства и промышлености

Museum of History and Technology Музей истории и техники

National Collection of Fine Arts Национальная коллекция изящных искусств

National Portrait Gallery Национальная портретная галерея