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1.8 Прочтите и переведите следующий диалог

  1. To my mind there are more than 2400 different languages in the world.

  2. And what are the most spoken languages?

  3. As far as I know at present the greater part of the world population knows English, German and French.

  4. Do you insist on the fact that English, German and French are the most spoken foreign languages?

  5. Yes, I do. As far as the English language concern it is spoken by peoples in Canada, the USA, in Australia, India, China and in many other countries.

  6. Oh, right you are saying that English is widely spread. It seems to me that English is a language of international congresses and of all businessmen.

To my mind - по-моему

As far as I know - на сколько я знаю

English is widely spread - английский широко распространён

It seems to me - мне кажется

1.9 Прочтите и запомните следующие речевые модели


Where are you from? Where do you come from?

I am from Britain.

Where are you from? Where do you come from?

I am from Moscow?

Where does Mrs. Ball come from?

She is from Leeds [ ] England.

Where is Mr. Carter from?

He is from Washington, D.C.1

Where are the MacDonnels2 from?

They are from Scotland.

1 – D.C. – District of Columbia округ Колумбия (не входящая в состав какого – либо штата административная единица, на территории которой находится столица США Вашингтон Washington [ ])

2 – Носители фамилий, начинающихся с Мс или Mac, как правило, шотландцы (McCall или Mac Call [ ], McDonald, MacDonnel [ ], McGregor). Фамилии типа O’Kelly, O’Hagan [ ] – ирландского происхождения.


What country are you from?

I’m from Russia.

What country are you from?

I’m from the United States.

What country is Mr. O’Kelly from?

Mr. O’Kelly is from Ireland.


Are you Russian? Yes, I am.

Are you American? Yes, I am

Are you English? Are you an Englishman? Yes, I am.

Are you Scottish? Are you Scot? Yes, I am.

Is Mr. Renier French? Is he a Frenchman? Yes, he is

Is that man Spanish? Is he a Spaniard? No, he isn’t

Is that man Dutch? Is he a Dutchman? No, he isn’t


What town are you from? I live in Moscow.

What town do you live in? I live in Leeds.

What town does Mr. Lee live in?

He lives in Miami [ ] Florida [ ]


What kind of town is Leeds?

It’s a large city in England.

What kind of town is Glasgow [ ]?

It’s the largest industrial city in Scotland.

What kind of town is Brighton?

It’s a seaside – resort in Britain.


What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Where is the United Kingdom (UK) situated?

It is situated on the British Isles, the largest isles of Europe…

What’s the capital of Britain?

The capital of Britain is London, the largest city in the UK, one of the most important centres of the capitalist world.

What separates the British Isles from Europe?

The English Channel does.

What is Manchester known for?

Manchester is known as a centre of the textile industry.

Where is this city situated? It’s in the North-West part of England.

What is Glasgow known for?

Glasgow is known as a centre of the shipbuilding industry.