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I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

combining, containing, remaining, following, addition, expression, multiplication, subtraction.

II. Form nouns and translate them into Russian:

to arrive, to multiply, to add, divisible, to consider, to subtract, to express.

III. Make up sentences of your own using the words and expressions given below:

anything other than, to be broken into numbers, to arrive at, remaining factors, cannot be added, unlike terms, to be simplified.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the result of multiplication called? 2. What numbers are called factors? 3. What coefficient is called a numerical coefficient? 4. When is the coefficient considered to be 1? 5. By what are the terms separated? 6. What is the purpose of adding or subtracting number? 7. What do like terms have? 8. How do we simplify an algebraic expression?

V. Translate into Russian:

Coefficient is a number or letter or symbol which has a fixed value; generally placed in front of a mathematical expression of letters or symbols and used as a multiplier. Common factor is a number, quantity or expression that divides exactly into two or more numbers, quantities or expressions.

VI. Translate into English

Одночлен представляет собой произведение числового множителя и букв. Числовой множитель, стоящий впереди буквенных множителей, называется коэффициентом. Так, например, число 4 является коэффициентом одночлена 4а²ху. Если произведение содержит несколько числовых множителей, то обычно перемножают их отдельно и полученное произведение ставят впереди буквенных сомножителей.


The formula

The selling price of an article is equal to the sum of the cost of the article and the gain on the cost. If we let S. P. stand for the selling price1, C for the cost and G for the gain, then a rule for finding the selling price can be written as the equation S.P.=C-G.

Often we have to write2 the rule which is being expressed3 briefly as a formula. State the rule for the formula r = d/t. If r is the average rate, d is the distance, and t is the time, then the average rate is equal to the quotient of the distance divided by the time. Or, the average rate is equal to the distance divided by the time.

If the value of every letter but one in a formula is known, the value of the unknown letter can be found. This is known as calculating a formula for the unknown. To evaluate a formula we substitute numerical values for literal numbers, and solve the problem.


1 if we let S.P. stand for the selling price — если мы обозначим продажную цену буквами S. P.

2 we have to write — мы должны написать

3 is being expressed — выражается


I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

rule, evaluation, calculation, expression, equal, quantity.

II. Write these words in the ing-form:

to sell, to be, to find, to gain, to write, to divide, to state, to calculate, to substitute, to provide, to call, to understand, to know, to determine, to value, to take, to vary

III. Make up sentences of your own using the words and expressions given below:

to stand for, the average rate, to calculate a formula, to solve the problem, to evaluate a formula.

IV. Translate into Russian:

Formula is a general expression for solving certain problems or cases. It is a relation established amongst quantities any one of which may be taken as the unknown if the other quantities are known or can be ascertained. In finding formulas, we are usually given the values of the related numbers to determine how each one relates to or depends upon the other. The related numbers are called variables, for their values vary. When we understand how the numbers vary, we can express in a formula the relationship between the variables.

V. Translate into English:

Часто нам приходится писать правила, которые выражаются кратко в виде формулы. Если значение всех букв в формуле за исключением одной (but one) известно, то можно найти значение неизвестной буквы. Чтобы вычислить формулу, мы заменяем буквенные выражения численными и решаем задачу.


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