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English for law students(2011-2012).doc
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Sources of English Law


1 Case Law

2 Statute

3 European Union

Common Law






– Based on strict legal rights

– Based on fairness

– Acts of Parliament

– Delegated legislation: Statutory instruments

(e.g. regulations or orders in council) and bye-laws (Local Authorities)

– The Treaties

– Regulations

– Applies automatically

– Discretionary

– Directives

– Equity is a supplement to the common law and prevails if there is a conflict

– Decisions

2. Speaking Look through the chart and say what institutions there are in the EU.

3. Read the text carefully and report on the bodies and their legislation

European Union Law

The EU



Council of Ministers Made up of ministers from member states responsive for the adoption of legislation

Formulate and legislate →

Treaties: Treaty of Rome

Regulations: Directly applicable.

Binding and enforceable from time of their creation

The Commission Made up of Commissioners from member states. They prepare legislation.

Directives: Not directly applicable. Set out aims for member states to achieve by national law within a specified period.

The European Parliament Made up of elected members from member states. Primarily a debating and advisory body

Decisions: On operation of European law and policies. Binding only on the recipients

European Court of Justice The final authority on European law

Judgments: Rulings and interpretation on points of EU law. Final appeal court where European issues are resolved.

4. Home assignment. Study the following information. Make reports on Case Law, Equity and Statute.

Case Law

Common Law


1. (a) Pre-Roman conquest: no unified legal system. Justice dispensed in local courts.

(b) Post-Norman conquest: the king’s judges sent on circuit to resolve civil and criminal disputes in local courts.

(c) The law applied an amalgam of indigenous, largely Anglo-Saxon and Norman, law.

(d) Development of principles that rules of law laid down by a judge should be followed by other judges sitting in like cases.


2. (a) The writ system.

(b) Inadequate remedies.

(c) Failure to recognize rights arising under trusts.


3. (a) Judge-made, i.e. not created by parliament.

(b) Common to the nation, i.e. not of merely local application.

(c) A case law system which may distinguished from equity.



1. (a) Developed as a response to the defects in the common law.

(b) Dissatisfied litigants petitioned the king.

(c) In time, king delegated responsibility to the Lord Chancellor.

(d) Successive Chancellors developed a system of Chancery courts parallel to the common law court to dispense equity.

(e) Initially cases in equity decided on broad principles of fairness. By the 15th century cases decided according to precedent.


2. (a) Created new remedies, e.g. injunction and specific performance.

(b) No writ system.

(c) Recognised trusts.

Relationship to the common law

3. (a) A gloss or supplement to the law.

(b) Earl of Oxford’s case 1615 – if law and equity conflict, equity was to prevail.

(c) The Judicature Acts 1973-75:

(i) fused the administration of law and equity

(ii) abolished the old Court of Chancery

(iii) set up the High Court in its modern form

(iv) confirmed the Earle of Oxford case.


4. (a) ‘He who comes to equity come with clean hands.’

(b) ‘Equity is equality.’

(c) ‘Equity does not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy.’


1. Proposals for legislation are put forward in draft form as Bills, and may be introduced into either the House of Commons or the House of Lords. When the Bill has passed through one House it must then go through the same stages in the other House. When it has passed through both Houses, it is submitted for the Royal Assent which in practice is given on the Queen’s behalf by a committee of the Lord Chancellor and two other peers. It then becomes an Act of Parliament (or statute) but does not (if the Act itself so provides) come into operation until a commencement date is notified by statutory instrument.

2. If the House of Commons and the House of Lords disagree over the same Bill, the House of Lords may delay the passing of the Bill for a maximum of one year.

3. in each House, the successive stages of dealing with the Bill are as follows:

(a) First reading – publication and introduction into the agenda: no debate.

(b) Second reading – debate on the general merits of the Bill: no amendments at this stage.

(c) Committee stage – the Bill is examined by a Standing Committee of about 20 members, representing the main parties and including some members at least who specialize in the relevant subject. The Bill is examined section by section and may be amended. If the Bill is very important, all or part of the Committee Stage may be taken by the House as a whole sitting as a committee.

(d) Report stage – the Bill as amended in committee is reported to the full House for approval. If the government has undertaken in committee to reconsider various points, it often puts forward its final amendments at this stage.

(e) Third reading – this is the final approval stage at which only verbal amendments may be made.

5. Match the words with their definitions.

1. discretionary

a. a topic of interest or discussion; an important subject requiring a decision

2. treaty

b. to make or become one; unite

3. responsive

c. a person who or thing that receives

4. issue

d. a) a judicial division of a state or the United States (so-called because originally judges travelled and held court in different locations); b) one of six areas into which England is divided for the administration of justice

5. to resolve

e. having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own judgment

6. recipient

f. to manage without; to give or apply

7. to specify

g. to decide or determine firmly; to express (an opinion) formally, esp (of a public meeting) one agreed by a vote

8. conquest

h. reacting or replying quickly or favourably, as to a suggestion, initiative, etc.

9. to unify

i. a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer

10. to dispense

j. a formal agreement or contract between two or more states

11. circuit

k. something, such as territory, acquired by conquering

12. writ

l. to state explicitly or in detail:

6. Writing Look through the text in Ex. 4 and using your knowledge and/or additional sources write about the Ukrainian law-making.

Reading 4: Sources of Ukrainian law

Pre-reading task. Read words. Mind the stress. A):

΄competence cre΄ation peculi΄arity

΄constitute e΄nactment appli΄cation

΄mandatory ju΄diciary promul΄gation

΄ issue a΄ccess obli΄gation

΄ justice res΄trict accele΄ration

΄ mutual cri΄terion exe΄cution

΄ assets multi΄lateral implemen΄tation

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Verb

Verb Noun


to adopt


to adapt


to restrict


to combine


to constitute


to conform


to register


to depend


to deprive


Noun Adjective

Noun Adjective









D. Before you read look through the following words and phrases to make sure that you know them. Learn those that you don’t know.

creation []

man’s creation

creation of man


творіння рук людини;

створення людини;


state body

advisory body

deliberative body

governing body

legislative body

орган, організація, асоціація, товариство;

державний орган;

консультативний орган;

дорадчий орган;

орган управління;

законодавчий орган;

peculiarity [pi,kju:li´æriti]

It is a peculiarity of Asia that its regions are either very hot or very cold.

особливість, специфічність;

Особливість саме Азії є те, що її регіони або дуже спекотні, або дуже холодні.

that is


application [,æpli΄kei∫(ə)n]

application of new techniques

new applications for old remedies

застосування; використання;

використання нової техніки;

нове застосування старих засобів;

competency (= competence) / competent [´kompitənt]

компетенція, правомірність; компетентний, правомочний;

to adopt [ə΄dopt]

to adopt a decision

to adopt a constitutional amendment

приймати; затвердити;

прийняти рішення;

прийняти поправку до конституції;

enactment [i΄næktmənt]

We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.

закон, указ; введення закону в силу;

Ми підтримуємо заклик прийняти «Біль про права».

judicial [dЗu´di∫l]

judicial decision

judicial process

судовий, законний;

судовий вирок;

судовий процес; судовий розгляд;

judiciary [dЗu´di∫əri]

federal judiciary

independent judiciary

судочинство; судова гілка влади;

федеральна судова влада; федеральний суд;

незалежна судова влада; незалежний суд;

access [ik´ses]

to have access to

to deny access

to gain, get access


мати доступ до;

заборонити доступ;

отримати доступ;

to restrict / restriction [ris΄trik∫(ə)n]

His power was restricted within narrow limits.

restriction on sales of weapons

without restriction

to impose, place, put restrictions on

to lift restrictions

обмежувати / обмеження;

Його повноваження були дуже обмежені.

обмеження на продаж зброї;

без обмеження;

накладати обмеження;

знімати обмеження;

criterion [krai´tiəriən]

(pl. criteria)

decision criterion


критерій прийняття рішення;

to deprive (of) [di´praiv]

to deprive smb of smth

You cannot deprive me of my rights.

позбавити; віднімати, відібрати;

відібрати у когось щось;

Ти не можеш відібрати у мене мої права.

promulgation [,proml´gei∫n]

оприлюднення, опублікування; проголошення;

to adapt [ə´dæpt]

She had to adapt herself to local conditions.

адаптувати(ся), приладнати; пристосувати(ся);

Їй довелося пристосовуватися до місцевих умов.

to embrace [im´breis]

The course embraces elements of law, history and philosophy.

охоплювати, включати в собі;

Курс включає елементи права, історії та філософії.

obligation [,obli´gei∫n]

to undertake obligations, assume obligations

to fulfil, meet an obligation

legal obligation

зобов’язання; обов’язковість;

прийняти зобов’язання;

виконати зобов’язання;

правове зобов’язання;

to ensure [in´∫uə]

We will ensure equal opportunities for all.

забезпечити, гарантувати;

Ми забезпечимо рівні можливості для всіх.

impetus [´impitəs]

to gain impetus

There was no impetus to work harder.

рушійна сила, поштовх, імпульс, стимул;

отримати стимул;

Не було жодного стимулу працювати старанніше.

acceleration [ək,selə´rei∫n]

He has also called for an acceleration of political reforms.


Він також закликав до прискорення політичних реформ.

Main Sources of

Ukrainian Law

to combine [kəm´bain]

to combine forces (efforts)

combine against

Let us combine our two firms against our competitors.

поєднувати; об’єднувати;

об’єднувати сили (зусилля);

об’єднати(ся) проти/ когось (чогось);

Давайте об’єднаємо наші дві фірми проти конкурентів.

to constitute [´konstitju:t]

They constituted her chief justification.


В цьому складалося її головне виправдання.

effect [i΄fekt]

to have a profound effect on smth.

cause and effect

produce an effect

дія, вплив; сила; результат; наслідок;

мати глибокий вплив на когось щось;

причина та наслідок;

подіяти, мати результат;

diversity [dai´və:səti]

різноманітність; несхожість;

mandatory [´mændətri]

mandatory power

mandatory retirement

обов’язковий, примусовий;

мандатні повноваження;

примусове звільнення;

concerted [kən´sə:tid]

concerted effort

to take concerted action


узгоджені зусилля;

діяти узгоджено;

to conform (to) [kən´fo:m]

We have to conform our ideas to those of the society in which we live.

to conform with the regulations

відповідати (чомусь); узгоджуватись;

Наші ідеї повинні узгоджуватись з ідеями суспільства, і якому ми живимо.

відповідати правилам (нормам);

to issue [´i∫u:]

to issue an order

випускати; видавати;

видати наказ;


to bring up issue, to raise an issue

to settle an issue

to be at issue, to be in issue

спірне питання; предмет спору;

піднімати питання; ставити питання;

вирішити питання;

бути предметом розгляду/суперечки;

execution [,eksi´kju:∫n]

His intention and execution are not very near each other.

execution of contract

execution of criminal intent


Його наміри та їх виконання не завжди відповідають один одному.

виконання контракту;

виконання злочинного наміру;

validity [və´lidəti]

validity in law

validity of statute

necessary validity

законність, дієвість; обґрунтованість;

законна сила, беззаперечність з точки зору закону;

конституційність закону;


temporary [´temprəri]



a former University professor


колишній професор університету;

to point out

He has pointed out a method of investigation.

відзначати; вказувати;

Він вказав на метод розслідування.

treaty [´tri:ti]

to conclude, sign a treaty

to confirm, ratify a treaty

to negotiate, work out a treaty

bilateral [bai΄læt(ə)r(ə)] treaty

The Senate confirms all treaties.

договір; угода;

заключати, відписати договір;

ухвалити, ратифікувати угоду;

обговорити, розробити угоду;

двостороння угода;

Сенат ухвалює усі угоди.

observance [əb´zə:vəns]

law observance

дотримування (традиції);

дотримування закону;

implementation [,im[imen´tei∫n]

implementation of agreement

administrative implementation

implementation by Parliament

legal implementation

впровадження; виконання;

виконання угоди;

виконання (закону) адміністративним органом;

проведення через парламент;

юридичне оформлення;

mutual [´mju:t∫uəl]

mutual help, mutual aid

mutual relations

mutual understanding




взаєморозуміння, злагода;

multilateral [mΛti´lætərəl]

multilateral agreement

multilateral arrangement


багатостороння угода;

багатостороння домовленість;

to be entitled [in΄taitld]

to be entitled to appear before the court

мати право (на щось);

мати право виступати в суді;

in pursuance of [pə´sju:əns]

in pursuance of the order

виконуючи, згідно (до чогось);

виконуючи наказ;

assets [´æsets]

bank assets

assets brought into a business

майно, активи; фонди;

банківські активи;

внесок в якусь справу;

Office of Public Prosecutor


Ecclesiastical [i,kli:zi´æstik]

духовний, церковний;

1. Read and translate the text.

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