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1. We decided not to take any cheese with us on the boat because cheese always (to spread) its smell on everything around. I remember I once was in Liverpool with a friend, and he (to buy) there a couple of cheeses. They were excellent cheeses, and they (to smell) so strong that their smell (to spread) for three miles around. My friend (to ask) me to take the cheese with me to London, as he himself (to have) to stay in Liverpool for a few more days. ‘Oh, with pleasure’, I (to reply).

I (to take) the cheeses to the railway station in a cab. Our horse (to be) very old, and we (to start) off rather slowly. But as soon as we (to go) round the corner, a slight wind (to rise); it (to blow) from behind us, and it (to bring) the smell of the cheeses to our horse. The poor animal (to wake) up suddenly and (to shoot) forward at a speed of three miles an hour. The wind still (to blow) in his direction and soon he (to leave) the cripples and stout old ladies very far behind. When we (to get) to the railway station, the horse-driver (can not) stop him until he (to put) a handkerchief over the horse’s nose.

2. I (to take) my ticket and (to walk) proudly up the platform, while all the people (to step) back respectfully on both sides. The train (to be) crowded and I (to get) into a carriage where there (to be) already seven other people. A few moments (to pass), and then an old gentleman (to begin) breathing heavily. ‘It’s very close in here’, he said. ‘Yes, quite oppressive’, (to say) the man next to him. And they both (to begin) sniffing, and at the third sniff they (to catch) the smell and (to rise) up without another word and (to go) out. And then a stout lady (to get) up and (to say) it (to be) a shame to behave so, and (to gather) up a bag and eight parcels and (to leave). The remaining four passengers (to sit) on for a while but finally they, too, (to get) up and (to try) to get out of the door at the same time, and (to hurt) themselves.

3. I finally (to bring) the cheeses to my friend’s house. When his wife (to come) into the room she (to smell) round for a moment. Then she (to say), ‘What is it? Tell me the worst’. I (to reply), ‘Its cheeses. Tom (to buy) them in Liverpool, and I (to bring) them here’. And I (to add) that I (to hope) she (to understand) that it (to have) nothing to do with me. She (to ask), ‘What Tom (to say) about them?’ I (to explain) that he (to think) it would be better if she (to keep) the cheeses in a moist place. She (to ask), ‘Tom (to smell) them?’ I (to answer) that he (to seem) to enjoy their smell. Then an idea (to strike) her. She (to ask) if I would mind keeping the cheeses at my place until Tom (to come) back. I (to say) that I (not to mind) it myself, but that I (to think) my landlady would be very much against it. Finally she (to take) her children and (to go) to live in a hotel. She (to leave) the cheeses in the house with an old maid, who, when she (to be asked) if she (can) stand the smell, (to reply), ‘What smell?, and when she (to be asked) to sniff hard, (to say) that she (to feel) a slight odour of melons.

4. My friend (to return) from Liverpool and (to find) soon enough that he must get rid of the cheeses. At first he (to throw) them into the canal, but then (to have) to fish them out again, as the fishermen (to complain) – they (to say) that the smell of the water (to make) them feel quite ill. After that he (to take) them one dark night and (to leave) them in the nearest graveyard. But the man who (to dig) graves (to discover) them and (to say) he (to fear) that the smell (may) wake up the dead, and then he would lose his job.

My friend (to get) rid of the cheeses, at last, when he (to ride) with them to a small sea-side town and (to bury) them on the beach. Soon after that the town (to become) extremely popular. The number of visitors (to grow) from year to year, and they all (to think) the sea air was unusually strong there.

(after Jerome)

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