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1.2. Множественное число


1. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на окончание существительных.


[z] [s]

a pen – pens a cat – cat

a bed – beds a map – maps

a bag – bags a pet – pets

a day – days a lamp – lamps

a table – tables a plate – plates

[iz] [vz]

a face – faces a knife – knives

a fox – foxes a shelf – shelves

a match – matches a wolf – wolves

a watch – watches a wife – wives

an address – addresses a life – lives

b) bands, news, films, guns, jokes, hills, ties, boxes, rocks, bridges, wheels, walls, rooms, forks,

seven days, two terms, three cats, foxes and wolves, round tables, hard disks, difficult tasks, interesting books, video images, letter keys, new devices, sharp knives, cheese sandwiches,

kind faces, friendly families, English words, yellow leaves, five potatoes, industrial cities, public libraries, big factories, good students, long sentences, twenty pages, hard drives.

2. Напишите во множественном числе.

a) ball, room, word, song, arm, question;

b) light, book, flat, student, minute, week;

c) box, watch, brush, page, bus, house, case;

d) knife, wife, life, leaf, roof, thief, scarf;

e) family, factory, lady, baby, city;

f) child, man, woman, foot, tooth, mouse;

g) carpet, glass, photo, water, story, sister, exercise, shelf, piece, businessman, example, coat, foot, stepchild, duty, language, watch, address, person, holiday, sandwich, mouse, walk, question, housewife, policewoman, country, handkerchief

3. Напишите слова в скобках во множественном числе.

1. The wood cutters used their (axe) to chop down the tree.

2. They need two more (chair) to sit on.

3. Why have you bought only two (kilo) of (potato)?

4. In the fall the (leaf) begin to change colour.

5. All of the (bus) left at the same time.

6. For Christmas my parents gave my sisters (dress) and my brother and me (watch).

7. (Library) are always open on (Tuesday).

8. In the street there are many (policeman).

9. There are (plate), (fork) and (knife) on the table.

10. We send our best (wish) and many (kiss) to everybody.

4. Закончите предложения, используя данные слова. Запомните их.

blue jeans, dark glasses, silk pyjamas, scissors, shorts, black trousers

1. Every time I see her she’s wearing … .

2. It’s hot today. I’m going to put on … .

3. I can’t see very well with these … .

4. These … don’t cut very well.

5. You’d better put on your best … for the interview.

6. She always sleeps in … .

5. Используйте неисчисляемые существительные по смыслу.

advice, baggage, furniture, information, news, spaghetti, travel, work

1. Can you give me some … about the school?

2. “Have you got much … ?” “No, just one small bag.”

3. I live 51 kilometres from my work, so I spend a lot of money on … .

4. I’ve stopped reading the papers. The … is always bad.

5. This … isn’t very good. You cooked it for too long.

6. All this … is from my mother’s house.

7. I’ve got too much … and not enough free time.

8. I don’t know what to do. Can you give me some … ?

6. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число, где возможно.

Toe, baby, hero, chief, Negro, belief, brush, foot, eye, ox, fox, German, woman, wolf, mouth, mouse, child, goose, deer, information, cheese, ship, sheep, phenomenon, datum, advice, hair, wife, hippo, tooth, tomato, work, knowledge, life, star, safe, money, water, radio, piano, meat, job, software, cliff, room-mate, fellow-worker, man-of-war, boy-messenger, passer-by, sister-in-law, tape-recorder, tea-pot, waitress, sportsman, thief, turkey, bench.

7. Образуйте единственное число от следующих существительных.

Children, women, lorries, bodies, men, brushes, knives, keys, ministries, flies, matches, universities, babies, watches, lives, ways, ladies, shelves, copies, libraries, wolves, tomatoes, potatoes, bushes, ties, teeth, geese, mice, stories, wives, feet.

8. Измените число выделенного существительного, где возможно и выполните необходимые изменения.

1. The boy drove many sheep in the direction of the village.

2. During the festival I made friends with many foreign delegates. Among them were a Swiss, a Negro, a German, a Frenchman and others.

3. I was presented with a dozen handkerchiefs.

4. The boy must have two teeth pulled out.

5. She gave a dog a fish.

6. Her hair was soft and curly.

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