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Elisabeth Snook


As the poet Fyodor Tyutchev said, ‘You can’t understand Russia with reason… you can only believe in her’.”

Одна из первых вещей, которую вы заметите (to notice) в Петербурге - какими грубыми и невежливыми кажутся (to seem) люди, особенно в магазинах и ресторанах.  Самое трудное уверенно (confidently) говорить по-русски с ними, потому что они кажутся нетерпеливыми (impatient), но важно не выходить из себя (to lose your temper) с ними.  Будет много возможностей (opportunities) говорить во время двух недель.

Emma Symonds

There are so many important sights to see in St. Petersburg that the most difficult aspect is fitting them all in.

Necessary sight-seeing items:

• Multi-journey Metro ticket;

• Guide book (the Lonely Planet Guide to St. Petersburg is good);

• Map of the city and of the Metro;

• Camera.

 Stay away from Yunona market, which to us looked appealing in the guide book, but in reality is a car boot sale in the most industrial part of town.

Laura Todd

.Unlike the metro in London, the metro of St.Petersburg is cheap and reliable

Beware of old women with sticks; they will hit you if you stand in their way on public transport.  Also, expect people to push you, especially on the metro.

Tim Walklate


The ‘Venice of the North’, St Petersburg contains approximately 100 rivers, rivulets, streams and channels, with more than 20 canals. … One night in St Petersburg, my friends and I went out to a bar and we did not leave until 3am. Therefore when we reached our bridge to get to Vasilievsky Island, we discovered that it was closed. We then sat on the embankment for two hours, waiting to cross the river.

Chara Watts

St. Petersburg was the first Russian city to host a clubbing scene in the late 1980’s    If you do decide to go and get first hand experience of the St. Petersburg nightlife, it is important that you take extra care to note down the times that the bridges open and lift up. During the summer (May to late October) when the river isn’t frozen, the bridges across the river open at night so that ships can pass through. The opening times vary bridge to bridge so you need to check the schedules so that you don’t get stranded on the wrong side of the river after 2.a.m. You will be doomed to roam the streets until the drawbridges are lowered between 4.30 am and 5 a.m. and will be lucky not to be picked up by the local authorities. If you do manage to get yourself stuck, you can at least take the time to look at the bridges! St Petersburg has the largest number of bridges with a total of 539, more than in Venice, Stockholm and Amsterdam.

Miriam White

When you first meet the people with whom you will be staying, it is polite to bring them a small gift – perhaps a souvenir from England.  Politeness and good manners are much appreciated!

Louise Young

The Babushka often treats you like their own child – if you say you are going out in the evening, they will want to know where you are going and what time you will be returning.  Although this may seem a little of a shock to some, they are only doing this to ensure you are safe in a foreign country.

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