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grammar modal verbs from Arakin.doc
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37. Translate these sentences into English, using the verb may.

1. Давайте подождем немного. Он, возможно, еще придет. 2. Она, может быть, ничего об этом не знает. 3. Многое может показаться нам необычным в чужой стране. 4. Мой вопрос, возможно, озадачит вас, но все же я хочу задать его. Можно? 5. «Тетушка, можно мне взять еще кусок сахару?» — спросил Том. 6. Может, это всех вас удивит, но я получил приглашение к ним на вечер. 7. Можно остаться дома, а можно и сходить в кино, 8. Позвони Нику, он, возможно, уже видел новый фильм. Спроси, стоит ли его смотреть. 9. В самом деле, Джон, ты мог бы объяснить мне с самого начала, насколько это было важно. t0. Если вы бывали в Лондоне, вы, возможно, заметили, что это город контрастов. 11. Я не знаю, где она, может быть, в саду, а, может быть, ушла в библиотеку. 12. Никто не отвечает. Может быть, он еще не вернулся с работы. 13, Я думаю, он, возможно, не знает всех деталей, но основная идея ему ясна. 14. Может быть, это невежливо, но я скажу ему, чтобы он больше не приходил. 15. Если бы он не столкнулся с нами случайно в метро, мы бы, возможно, никогда его больше не встретили. 16. Мне тоже можно прийти, не правда ли? 17. Вполне возможно, что они ждут нас внизу. 18. Боюсь, мы можем опоздать. 19. Надеюсь, мы встретим там вашу сестру. 20. Оки боялись, что их, возможно, спросят, почему Том не пришел с ними. 21. Как бы поздно вы ни вернулись, я буду ждать вас. 22. Я принес вам большой ящик, чтобы вы могли упаковать ваши книги.

38. Fill in the blanks with the verbs can or may in the correct form:

1. When you get there tell them to wait. I... be a little late. 2.1 ... come at six. I'll be free by that time. 3. ... this old man be Tom Brown? He ... not have changed so much! 4. None of us know what... happen before it is finished. 5. This ... be a great idea. It ... also be a trap in which England will perish. 6. I'm not sure, but she ... have gone to the village shop. 7. I told them he ... be in the garden. 8. Sh! She ... hear you. 9. How strange!... you believe that? 10.1 haven't seen her for ages. She ... be quite middle-aged by now. 11. Don't send him away. We ... need his advice. 12. I fear they ... miss the train. They left rather late. 13. It ... be seen that he was puzzled. 14. Why do what... never be needed? 15. People ... chatter about her, but they don't know anything definite against her. 16. He ... not have thought of this himself. Who suggested it to him? 17. He... be a medical student though I'm not sure. 18. But what more he ... have said I don't know for I left. 19". You ... tell me what he said! I have a right to know. 20. Miss Carter ... have gone to the school to call on Mr. Ever-ard. 21. Then he found that he ... not stay in bed. 22.1... not swim. I expect you .... Everyone ... except me. 23. You ... have warned me beforehand! 24. He ... not have said that. I don't believe you. 25. It was a year or two ago, or it... be three years ago. 26. She came to ask her mother if she ... stay and dance a little longer.

39. Point out the oblique moods and modal phrases with can and may. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. — Will you be coming again this year, Mr. Welch?

— I might manage it, I suppose.

2. It might never have happened if you'd sent him to a real doctor when he first got sick.

3. "That wouldn't surprise me in the least," Bertrand said, standing aside so that Margaret could pass him.

4. She glanced up quickly as if she had been expecting to be asked this, but he couldn't tell whether she was glad or sorry when it came.

5. — Can you stop talking about it?

— I wish I hadn't said what I did say. I was a fool. I acted like a perfect fool.

6. I think they got back before us. They might have got a taxi.

7. — Why didn't you tell me?

— I couldn't. It wouldn't have done me any good.

8. But for your kindness and understanding I couldn't have done it all in so short a time.

9. I wish I had my car here so that I might drive you home.

10. Had she been a man she might have been described as a bright young man of business.

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