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Mandy - паршивый жалкий

Constraint – стеснение

Proceed – отправляться, действовать

A gaggle – гоготанье

Slope – склон

Activity 1

Guess the meaning of these words. Find them in the text.

To hire – allow the use or services in return for fixed payment

Dignity – the quality that deserves respect

Movies – the cinema

Warning – informing a person of possible danger

To protect – keep safe (from danger, enemies…)

Plastic – material easily shaped or molded

Sniper – person who snipes

To remember – call back to mind the memory of

Terminal – centre used by passengers departing for arriving from

Activity 2

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

1. security

A. three – legged support for a camera

2. wrapping

B. something that prevents movement

3. competitors

C. belief in oneself

4. confidence

D. person, firm that competes

5. tripod

E. something used for covering or packing

6. barrier

F. safety, freedom from danger

Activity 3

Underline the predicate and define the tense in the following sentences.

  1. The final part of our descent will be from overheard the airfield in a spiral fashion.

  2. …what I’ve seen in one country to change how I see things someplace else.

  3. Their bullets cut through the air, silent, spinning.

  4. When I did, I noticed something sewn inside.

  5. During the war, however, the location couldn’t have been worse.

  6. I was planning on doing what TV reporters call a “stand –up”.

Activity 4

Find the English equivalents in the text.

  1. Это было начало войны в Боснии, а Сараево находилось в осаде.

  2. Это совсем не так как в кино.

  3. Я боялся спать в кровати в своей комнате Holiday Inn.

  4. Главный вход в отель был закрыт

  5. Полет проходит нормально…

  6. Это не всегда легко.

Activity 5

Translate the text from English into Russian beginning with the words “I was afraid to sleep” till “its franchise”.

Activity 6

Complete the following sentences with the words from the box.

I realize

Ran behind a nearby

Would drive

When I looked at the tape recently

The location of the hotel

  1. During the 1984 Winter Olympics, … was ideal

  2. Vlado … us around the back of the hotel

  3. … the it had been stuck by a bullet

  4. I … building …

  5. … , though, I sow something I hadn’t remembered

Activity 7

Use the prompts and make up sentences about Cooper’s “stand-up” in Sarajevo.


Anderson Cooper


was planning






a “stand-up”

a loud crack

a tile fall off a nearby column

behind a nearby building

some of it on camera

what he was seeing

a protected spot

Activity 8

Answer the questions:

  1. Was Bosnia Cooper’s first war?

  2. What did Serbs do?

  3. There were snipers as well, weren’t there?

  4. Where was he afraid to sleep?

  5. Why was the location of the hotel ideal?

  6. What was a top-heavy target?

  7. What was boarded up?

  8. What did I see when I looked at the tape?

Activity 9

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.

  1. Bosnia was my first war…

  2. I flew into Sarajevo from Zagreb, Croatia, on a UN Charter

  3. I thought I wasn’t in a protected spot

Activity 10

Write a short article about Cooper’s visit to Bosnia during the war (100 – 150 words)

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