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Makeshift – временный

To malnourish – недостаточно питаться

Twitch – подергивание

Relief – помощь

Scrawny – тощий

United Nations – Организация Объединенных Наций

Drag – улица, дорога

Drifter – бродяга

Dehydrated – обезвоженный

To cradle – баюкать

Care ward – палата интенсивной терапии

Bland – нежный

Craft – изготавливать

Misleading – вводящий в заблуждение

Backwater – болото

Activity 2

Find the English equivalents in the text.

  1. Это третий по величине город в Нигере.

  2. Маленький мальчик сидит на корточках.

  3. Матери смотрят, как вы входите.

  4. Они не умоляют.

  5. Доктор Милтон Тектонидис обследует двухлетнего мальчика.

  6. Около сорока матерей с детьми сидят на деревянных скамьях дожидаясь, когда взвесят и измерят их детей.

Activity 3

Underline the predicate and define the tense in the following sentences.

  1. Only the children make sounds – coughing and crying.

  2. The hospital is run by Medecins Sans Frontieres.

  3. He has worked with Doctors without Boarders for more than a dozen years.

  4. The UN had been warning about food shortages in Niger for months.

  5. Adults aren’t dying, just thousands of kids.

  6. Their needs are immediate. Liquid. Food. Nutrients. Now.

Activity 4

Match the words on the left with their equivalents on the right.

  1. cacophony

  1. to crouch down

  1. shortage

  1. notebook

  1. to squat

  1. to recoil

  1. to shrink

  1. dissonance

  1. notepad

  1. deficit

Activity 5

Complete the following sentences with the words given below.

care sheets share starvation malnourished dehydrates

  1. The intensive (1) ward, there are no (2) on the bed.

  2. The mothers (3) the mattresses with their children.

  3. When a child is (4), his body breaks down.

  4. Diarrhea (5).

  5. (6) doesn’t kill the child, infections and disease do.

Activity 6

Translate the text from English into Russian beginning with the words “We are all at risk” till “a few thousand children isn’t enough”.

Activity 7

Use the prompts and make up sentences about malnutrition is Niger.

The hospital

The tent



is run by

make sounds

are put into


a few blocks of Maradis main drag

a French relief group.



the intensive care war

coughing and crying

Activity 8

Answer the questions.

  1. Where is the hospital situated?

  2. Who is the hospital run by?

  3. What is one of the relief organizations?

  4. What is the capital of Niger?

  5. How do children look like?

  6. How do their mothers behave?

  7. How is the problem of starvation exaggerated in Niger?

  8. What is the role of freelances in coverage of the events in Niger?

Activity 9

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.

  1. The reporters exaggerate the scope of the problem in Niger.

  2. The UN had been warning about food shortages in Niger.

  3. A few thousand children is dying.

Activity 10

Write a short article about malnutrition in Niger (100-150 words).

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