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Food and Drinks-module.doc
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2. Making and taking orders


A: Can I take your order, please?

B: Yes, can I have two Super King-Size burgers, please?

A: Two Super King-Size, yeah?

B: With large fries...

A: Anything to drink with that?

B: Yes, two lemonades, please.

A: Eat in or take away?

B: Sorry?

A: Do you want it to eat here or take away?

B: Oh, eat here, please.

A: Right, that's £8.50, please.


A: Would you like anything else? Some more coffee?

B: No, thanks. Can we have the bill, please?

A: OK, so it's two coffees and a piece of chocolate cake.

B: That's right.

A: So that's £3.70 for the coffees and £2.90 for the cake. That's £6.60 altogether, please,

B: £6.60. Five, six. seven, there you are. Keep the change.

A: Oh, thank you.

B: That's all right. Goodbye.

A: Bye.


A: Perfect Pizza, good evening.

B: Yes, I'd like to order a pizza, to be delivered please.

A: All right. What would you like?

B: The one with all the different kinds of cheese. I haven't got a menu, what's the name of it?

A: Right, that's the Cheese Supreme.

B: That's it.

A: And is that regular, large or extra large?

B: How much is the extra large?

A: The regular is £7.60, the large is £10.60 and the extra large is £12.60.

B: Oh ... the large Cheese Supreme, please.

A: Anything else?

B: Yeah, a litre bottle of diet lemonade, please.

A: Right.

B: How much is that altogether?

A: That's £10.60 for the pizza, £1.25 for the drink so that’s £11.85 altogether.

B: Okay.

A: All right, what's the address?

B: It's 28 Southlands Road.


Buying food

Shop assistant – SA, Customer – C


C: Could I have a kilo of onions, please?

SA: Right.

C.: And have you got any peaches?

SA: Yes. How many would you like?

C: I’d like four, please. Are they ripe?

SA: Yes, they are lovely. Anything else?

C: No, that’s all, thanks.


C: I’d like some cheese, please.

SA: Sure. What would you like?

C: Oh, that Brie looks nice.

SA: Yes, it is. How much would you like?

C: About 200 grams.

SA: Right. This piece is just over (немного больше).

C: That’s fine.

SA: Ok. Anything else?

C: No, that’s it, thanks.


Customer and waiter

A waiter (W) is talking to a customer (C).

W: Are you ready to order?

C: Yes, I’ll have the fillet steak.

W: And how would you like your steak?

C: Rare (полусырой), please. And I’d like a glass of red wine, and some mineral water.

W: Still or sparkling?

C: Sparkling.

W: Fine.

Later in the meal…

C: Could I have another glass of wine?

W: Yes, of course.

C: Oh, and some more water, please.

W: Certainly.

W: Would you like to see the dessert menu?

C: No thanks, but I’ll have a coffee. And could I have the bill, please.

W: Yes, sure.


Talking about manners


be put out чувствовать себя обиженным

cheeky бесцеремонный

disgraceful позорный

downright форменный

take exception возражать против

exemplary образцовый

impeccable безупречный

insolent нахальный

put ones foot in it влипнуть, сесть в лужу

remark замечание

DAN: Felicity's manners are impeccable, aren't they?

BETH: Yes, exemplary, but that brother of hers is a bit cheeky.

DAN: I'd call him insolent, actually, or even downright rude.

JO: I don't think Julian will be put out if you leave the party early.

JIM: I just don't want to put my foot in it, you know. His family are very upper class.

JO: Well, you'll just have to be on your best behaviour, then!

KAZ: I really took exception to Arnold's remarks: I thought they were disgraceful.

BEN: Yes. I couldn't agree more. They really were in poor taste.

C. Discussion. About you and your country. Answer the following questions.

1. Which meat do people eat most: veal, rabbit, or duck?

2. Which fish do people eat most: cod, carp, or salmon?

3. Which seafood do people eat most: crab, shrimps, or mussels?

4. Are there any kinds of seafood above that you never eat? Why?

5. Are there any kinds of meat above that you never eat? Why?

6. Are there any kinds of fish above that you never eat? Why?

D. Look at the menu and make an order.

E. Get ready to speak on the topic «My favourite food ». Here is an example of a student’s speech.

My favourite food and healthy eating

All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. There are different kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats» vitamins and minerals. Different foods contain different nutrients.

As for me I do not eat animal meat at all. I prefer fish and other sea products. So in the morning I usually have some cottage cheese with kefir, then I have tea with two sandwiches. For dinner I have vegetable soup, a salad and fried fish. I do not have a dessert, just a cup of tea with lemon and sugar. For supper I have some salad and then I eat fruit.

For some people food is a source of pleasure, for others - a source of energy. For me food is a pleasant source of energy. I think that pleasant food is healthy food. To my mind healthy food should be quite simple. I eat complicated dishes only in restaurants. My daily meals consist of the same dishes every day.

I’d like to point out that to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets is very important, although it isn't always easy to do. Another thing to know is, for example, that we do need fat to live, it's an essential part of our diet and physically we couldn't exist without it.

The food we eat depends on lots of things. Taste is a major factor. Culture, religion and health also play a part in what food we eat. Advertising and social factors have a great influence as well.

So I love all kinds of milk products, especially kefir, cheese. I prefer cheeses from Russia and Germany. I like different kinds of salads, dressed with olive oil or sour cream. I also love all kinds of potato dishes. I usually drink fresh juice or kvass while eating.

Well, of course, on weekends I want to try a new dish. If I have free time, I try to invent a new salad or find an interesting recipe. On weekends I let myself have good red dry wine. Well, many doctors say that red wine in reasonable quantities is very good for health.

I do not buy in shops ready or semi-manufactured food products, because it is unhealthy. It is better to spend some time cooking, than to have problems with overweight.

Income is also an important factor. That is why, it’s not surprising that money, rather than lack of knowledge about how to eat well, is at the heart of the problem.

Finally, there are three main rules to follow for healthy eating: First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat. Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt. Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables

I also prefer to have tea with bitter chocolate or home-made jams. As I do not change my daily dishes, I have stomach problems very seldom. Actually I think that the simpler the food is, the better it tastes.

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