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Education Britain USA 2011.doc
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Vocabulary Work

Exercise 1. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian.

an unpleasant inevitability, to chit in exams, well-established rules, frank cheating, to tick the days off, examining Committee, despondently, to swat up the spot questions, to cram, a well-trodden path, written papers, to keep an eye open for something, anonymous examiners, invigilator, Judgement day, the tripos, the viva, flagrant cheating, remoteness, mistakes and omissions, to lose one's nerve, dispassionately, superiority, to mark ( to grade ) the papers, to hand in one's papers, nonchalant air, to come out ( about results), don (the old don ), confusion breeds confusion, an attitude of undeserved sternness, to get through, to cut sb. short, to stumble through the exam ( answer), to struggle one's way through, to rally one's thoughts, to call out, to raise one's voice to sb., to lower one's voice.

Exercise 2. Translate the allusion "judgement day" and explain the effectiveness of this allusion for conveying the students' fear of the examinations.

Exercise 3. Translate the paragraph: "I was shown to a tiny waiting-room ... he looked upon the viva simply as another engagement to be fitted into his day". What SDs does the writer employ here? What is your variant of the translation of the students' psychological types? Exercise 4. Paraphrase the sentences using the expressions from the text. l. Ann spoke more loudly to be heard. 2. He wrote a mark next to my name and closed the notebook. 3. The orchestra's been studying hard their Stravinsky. 4. One in five young adults was trying very hard with everyday mathematics. 5. He was reading the list of the names without looking at the candidates. 6. I asked the mounted patrol to watch carefully. It was difficult for the new teacher to decide how good the students' work was. 7. The truth became known at the enquiry. 8. Fatty passes the examination but with lots of difficulties. 9. He cudgeled his brains trying to understand the chain of events. '

Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences.

1. If you are smart enough to cheat in this exam ... . 2. Tick the names off ... . 3. I hate swatting up before exams ... . 4. Keep an eye open for... . 5. ... mark and grade the papers. 6. The results of the written test will come out .... 7. ... get through. 8. He's just the sort of person ... cut you short. 9. ... rallied her thoughts. 10. The chairperson called out the names of the students who ... 11. ... he stumbled through his speech. 12. You have to struggle through the crowd to be able ... 13. I won't have you raise your voice ... .

Exercise 6. Find the word or phrase from the text to match the definition.

  1. someone who teaches at a university, especially at Oxford and Cambridge

  2. to pass the exam with difficulty

  3. to interrupt someone who is talking so that they cannot finish what they are saying

  4. cheating in exam in such a way that shows you do not care

  5. very unhappy because you do not believe that an unpleasant situation will improve

  6. to become too frightened to do something you intended to do

  7. used about the examiner whose name is not known

  8. something ( or someone) that has not been included

  9. a person who watches students at the examinations to make sure they do not cheat (Br E )

  10. an oral examination in which a student answers questions in an interview with the examiner

  11. examination for an honours degree in Cambridge University

  12. the state of not showing any friendly interest in other people

  13. able to make fair judgments or decisions that are not influenced by personal

  14. to judge the quality of a student's work by giving it a letter or number

  15. to study hard in order to learn a lot in a short time, esp. for an exam

Exercise 7. Match the word on the left with the words on the right.

1. an unpleasant air

2. well-established inevitability

3. the examining experience

  1. well-trodden silence

  2. flagrant crowd

6. an awkward Committee

7. the nonchalant sternness

  1. frustrated remoteness

  2. immediate rules

10. a certain cheating

11. depressing expression 12. unexpected punishment 13. restless paths

14. undeserved brilliance

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

отмечать галочкой дни в календаре, неприятная неизбежность, списывать на экзамене, у абитуриентов был беспечный вид, вопиющее (возмутительное) списывание, экзаменатор резко прервал меня, собраться с мыслями, следить за тем, чтобы студенты не списывали, судный день, с трудом сдать экзамен, замешательство приводит к замешательству, повысить голос / понизить голос, откровенное списывание, опубликовать (огласить) результаты экзаменов, экзаменатор на письменной работе, хорошо протоптанная дорога, ошибки и пропуски, незаслуженная суровость, выкликать (громко называть) имена.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into English using the active vocabulary.

l. Bce уговаривали его воспользоваться шпаргалкой, но он стоял на своем. "Честность -лучшая политика", говорил он. 2. Деловая Диана просматривала список гостей, приглашенных на прощальный обед Айрис, и отмечала галочкой тех, кого не надо было приглашать. З. Майк, ты хорошо подготовился к экзамену? 4. Не сводите глаз с детей. Теперь когда они остались без родителей, от них можно ожидать чего угодно. Только, пожалуйста, не повышайте на них голос. 5. Обычно требуется неделя, чтобы проверить экзаменационные работы в колледже. 6. Результаты собеседования будут известны (будут оглашены) через три дня. 7. Дороти собралась с мыслями и прекрасно справилась с ответом. 8. Так или иначе, ему удалось с трудом сдать экзамен, и он сейчас находится в подавленном состоянии. 9. Честер начал было объяснять ситуацию, но Рэй резко оборвал его. 10. Руководитель группы громко называл имена участников, и они потихоньку выходили из двери.

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