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граматичний додаток до білетів АЯ.doc
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Граматичний додаток до білету № 20

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

I received a letter from England.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

The room of managers.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

My secretary is as (good) as yours.

  1. Местоимения:

Tell mother everything about … . (their, they, them)

  1. Предлоги:

Go … your place. (to, on, in, at)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

When … you come to see us?

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

I am too busy to stay with you.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

Mary is in the kitchen, she (to cook) dinner.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

I (to go) to my hotel by bus.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

He knows so much because he (to travel) a lot.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.

Граматичний додаток до білету № 21

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

There is a fish in the jar.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

Names of salesmen.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

My secretary is (good) than yours.

  1. Местоимения:

Will you see Ann? Ask … to visit us. (him, her, she)

  1. Предлоги:

His flat is … new block of flats. (in, on, at, to)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

You … not write a letter to him, it is not necessary.

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

The manager calls to his partner every day.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

She ( to speak) four languages.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

She (to stay) at the same hotel.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

I ( to see) Peter today.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite.

I (to give) a very interesting book last Friday.

Граматичний додаток до білету № 22

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

Send the fax to him.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

The advice of Miss Jane.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

My secretary is (good) of the three.

  1. Местоимения:

Did you meet … yesterday? (his, him, he)

  1. Предлоги:

I am sitting … a bench. (in, on, above)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

You … be here on Sunday.

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

They often discuss their business matters with clients.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

Listen! Somebody (to sing) in the next room.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

In the afternoon we(to go) shopping.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

She (to see) this film last Sunday.

11.Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

This work (to do) tomorrow.

Граматичний додаток до білету № 23

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

Don’t sign the contract.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

Businessmen of Ukraine.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

The staff will be (happy) in their new office.

  1. Местоимения:

Suddenly in front of … she saw a dog. (her, she, herself)

  1. Предлоги:

We like to have a walk … the park. (in, after, on, of)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

… I be excused?

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

The company sells its goods all over the world.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

Look! The baby (to sleep).

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

Street traders (to sell) souvenirs.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

Alex ( to meet) his friend two hours ago.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

This text (to translate) at the last lesson.