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граматичний додаток до білетів АЯ.doc
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Граматичний додаток до білету № 24

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

The director is out.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

The proposal of our Director.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

My cold is (bad) today than it was yesterday.

  1. Местоимения:

I have no pen, give me … . (your, you, yours)

  1. Предлоги:

The children are … the beach. (to, in, at, on)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

She … return the book to the library.

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

Our company is not very old.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

The boys (to run) about the garden at the moment.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

We (to listen) to their chatter trying to understand them.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

I just(to meet) our director.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

These trees (to plant) last autumn.

Граматичний додаток до білету № 25

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

A sales representative must be a creative person.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

A call from John Smith.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

Athens is (far)from London than Rome is.

  1. Местоимения:

My flat is large, … is small.(her, she, hers)

  1. Предлоги:

The post office is … Green Street. (in, on, into, between)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

Why …not you understand it?

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

You call our secretary too often.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

I ( to drink) coffee in the morning.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

The house was quiet, the children (to sleep) after a noisy day.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

They already (to decide) what to do.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.

Граматичний додаток до білету № 26

  1. Множественное число существительных и местоимений:

He works as a foreman at our company.

  1. Притяжательный падеж существительных:

The commission of Mr. Bell.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных:

Mr. Robinson is (rich) than Mr.Green.

  1. Местоимения:

Your father is at the office, … is at home. (mine, my, of my)

  1. Предлоги:

Do Mary and Bobby go … school? (at, to, in, through)

  1. Модальные глаголы: can, may, must, need.

… you pronounce this sound?

  1. Вопросы (общ., разд., альт., спец.)

Our manager meets customer in the afternoon.

  1. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

A young man (to stand) at the window.

  1. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:

They (to watch) TV when I entered the room.

  1. Past Indefinite or Present Perfect:

She speaks French so well because she (to live) in France.

  1. Passive Voice (Present, Past or Future Indefinite).

We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.