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12.Lexical-grammatical classes of words.

Lexical-grammatical classes of words. The two major families of word classes are (1) lexical (or open) classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and (2) function (or closed) classes (determiners, particles, prepositions, and others). Closed-class words are those belonging to the grammatical, or function, classes . Function words in English include conjunctions (and, or), articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that), and prepositions (to, from, at, with). The closed category is so called because it does not easily accept new words. Its members are fixed and do not usually change . The open category contains nouns, verbs, adverbs, and descriptive adjectives--exactly those parts of speech that remain open to new additions . Words in the open category are usually further divided into simple and complex words. Simple words contain just one morpheme (house, for example, or walk, slow, or green), whereas complex words contain more than one (houses, walking, slowly, or greenest)

12.Lexical-grammatical classes of words. Lexical-grammatical classes of words. The two major families of word classes are (1) lexical (or open) classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and (2) function (or closed) classes (determiners, particles, prepositions, and others). Closed-class words are those belonging to the grammatical, or function, classes. Function words in English include conjunctions (and, or), articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that), and prepositions (to, from, at, with). The closed category is so called because it does not easily accept new words. Its members are fixed and do not usually change. The open category contains nouns, verbs, adverbs, and descriptive adjectives - exactly those parts of speech that remain open to new additions. Words in the open category are usually further divided into simple and complex words.Simple words contain just one morpheme (house, for example, or walk, slow, or green), whereas complex words contain more than one (houses, walking, slowly, or greenest)

  1. Typology of parts of speech and grammar categories

The following general criteria of classification of words into parts of speech are singled out: semantical - meaning; morphological - form; syntactic - function.Each part of speech is characterized by the general meaning which is an abstraction of the lexical meaning of constituent parts .

General meaning is understood as a categorical meaning of a class of words. Nouns denote a thing, state, verbs - a process, an action, adjectives — a quality. Semantic properties of meaning are expressed in grammar properties. To sleep, a sleep, sleeping - they refer to the same phenomenon but to different parts of speech.

The formal criterion concerns the inflexional and derivational features of words: the grammatical categories and derived morphemes. A part of speech may be described as a field which includes both central, most typical members and marginal, less typical. Pronouns, statives, modal words, articles are intermediary classes— they constitute a class cutting across other classes.

Such parts of speech as nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs are known as notional opposed to functional (formal) parts of speech.

Different scholars present various classifications of parts of speech. There exist classifications based on the morphological principle, on the positional(syntactical principle).

27 Типология словосочетания, предложения, части предложений на английском и русском языках. Группировкой основных закономерностей, наблюдаемых в ряде языков, занимается особый раздел языкознания - лингвистическая типология. Говоря о составе частей речи в русском и английском языках, следует отметить, что, несмотря на значительные морфологические и синтаксические расхождения в структуре этих языков, состав частей речи оказывается сходным. Однако, несмотря на относительную близость частей речи по составу в обоих языках, более глубокое знакомство с ними свидетельствует о значительном различии между ними. Это различие, прежде всего, заключается в расхождении грамматических категорий и средств выражения в обоих языках. Русскому языку также присуще взаимодействие частей речи между собой, хотя это явление не носит столь распостранненый характер. Этому, прежде всего, препятствует двухморфемная структура русских слов, состоящих в случае простых основ из корневой морфемы и словоизменительной морфемы, а в случае производных основ - из корневой, словообразовательной и словоизменительной морфем, характерных для конкретной части речи. Таким образом, при изменении синтаксической функции слова в русском языке, его морфологические показатели меняются так, что становятся характерными именно для той категории слов, в которую они перешли.