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Exercise 7

What are your first impressions about your studies here? Do you feel the way Judy does? Write about this using the phrases given below and then tell the class.

At last, next to, to be bored to death, to point out (smth.) that, to be a surprise to smb., at times, to be much obliged to smb. for smth., to sleep the clock round; to cause excitement every other (sentence, day, etc.), the trouble with...is that..., to keep still, you wouldn’t believe what (how)..., it was ghastly at first, getting up before dawn, but it’s bearable now that I’m used to it, to be in low\high spirits, to be given a good talking, to face the music with the Dean, to check the attendance/one’s coming in time, a loafer, a nitwit, to loathe studying, to miss/skip classes, to be late for, to play truant, to catch up with, to lag behind, to attend classes, lectures, seminars, attendance is compulsory, it takes me some doing to get on a bus in the rush hours.

Exercise 8

Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

Студентський день.

У неділю я, як правило, маю обмаль часу, тому в понеділок я встаю удосвіта і роблю домашнє завдання. Дуже важко вставати рано, коли зазвичай встаєш пізно, бо потім я цілий день сонний і маю вигляд нещасної людини. Я дуже легко можу проспати, а потім щодуху біжу, щоб встигнути на автобус. Для мене важливо прибути до університету вчасно, бо якщо я запізнюсь, потім весь день ходжу в поганому настрої. А після занять ще треба доїхати додому. Потрібно докласти багато зусиль, щоб сісти в автобус в годину пік. Іноді я втрачаю самовладання і можу посваритись з кимось. Вдома ніщо не може підняти мені настрій, бо думка про те, що треба робити доповідь на завтра, робить мене ще більш нервовим.

Я ніяк не можу призвичаїтися до студентського життя. Кожен тиждень важкий, і я з нетерпінням чекаю вихідних, щоб провести вільний час так, як я забажаю.

 Speaking

Make up a dialogue between a freshman and his/her mother about his/her first impressions of university life.

Exercise 9

Write 20 questions on the second part of the text using the following words and phrases:

Christmas present, to be a surprise, wrist, to get to (one's) recitations, a hot-water bottle, to enlarge one's vocabulary, to confess, a low motive, to do geometry, to sit cross legged, a miserable creature, to know from, to be perfectly sure, to be very much obliged for, every other sentence, to be bored, to be excited about, to toss into the waste- basket, to talk to (smb.), at least.

Exercise 10

Use the words and phrases in bold type in sentences of your own:

1. I'm not used to receiving Christmas presents. 2. It was a very low motive that prompted the silk stockings. 3. I've bought a silver watch to wear. 4. People used to be monkeys. 5. I'm just as bright (in class) as any. 6. Your money was a surprise to me. 7. I'm much obliged to you for your letter. 8. I eat at least three times a day. 9. The weather seems to be very fine today. 10. You wouldn't believe what a wonderful park it is.

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