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Контрольная работа №1 Вариант 2

  1. Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы, встречающиеся в тексте "How do you make a profit?"

materials, rent, telephone, minimum, maximum.

How do you make a profit?

  1. As we know, there is no business without a profit. But how do we make a profit? Firstly, you must estimate your costs. What are costs? Costs are the money you spend to run the business. Secondly, you must estimate your pricing. The price of goods is the money you want to get for your goods.

  2. In business there are four types of costs: firstly, material costs, secondly, labour costs, thirdly, overheads, and, lastly, your own wages.

  3. Material costs include the money you spend when you buy the materials which you need. Labour costs include the money you pay to the people who work for you.

  4. Overheads include the money you pay for rent, telephone calls, advertising, travel and so on. Overheads have no direct connection with the product. But they are very important to organize your business. Your own wages in small business are not the maximum money you get from your business. It is the minimum money from your business which is enough for living.

  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

    1. to spend money

    2. to make a profit

    3. to estimate costs

    4. material costs

    5. labour costs

    6. overheads

    7. wages

    8. advertising

    9. pricing

    1. travel

    2. good(s)

    1. посчитать издержки

    2. зарплата

    3. ценообразование, калькуляция цен

    4. реклама

    5. командировки

    6. издержки на оплату рабочей силы

    7. тратить деньги

    8. накладные расходы

    9. издержки на оплату сырья и материалов

    10. товар(ы), изделие

    11. получать прибыль

  2. Прочитайте текст и переведите на русский язык в письменной форме.

  1. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой вопросы поставлены.


  1. What do you need to estimate to make a profit?

  2. What are costs?

  3. What types of costs are there in business?

  4. What are labour costs?

  5. What do overheads include?


  1. the money you pay for rent, telephone calls, ads, travel.

  2. the money you pay to the people who work for you.

  3. material and labour costs, overheads and your own wages.

  4. the money you spend to run the business.

  5. to estimate costs and pricing.

  1. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

  1. The price of goods is...

  2. Overheads have no direct connection...

  3. Your own wages in small business...

  4. Pricing is...

  1. is the minimum money from your business which is enough for living.

  2. the money you want to get for your goods.

  3. determining the best price.

  4. with the product but they are very good to organize your business.