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9. Giving information: the use of Falling-Rising tone.

Very often one piece of information is more important that the other and the less important information takes rising tone , more important takes fall. When the information is repeated from previous sentence old information takes rise, new information takes fall. Sometimes the new information is right at the beginning of the sentence then we put fall on the new information and rising on the verb. We use this intonation pattern in many sentences beginning with I told you…, He said…, They promised…, I thought…etc. In other words indirect speech sentences with the main verb in one of the past tenses and when they express ideas which are provided to be right. And also we use FRD in sentences, where the subject of the sentences is very important.

10. Giving of information: The use of the Falling tones.

Sometimes we give information in answer to a WH-question, make a remark either just for conversation or to say something important – in all cases the word that carried the most important idea has strong fall. Notice how the noun takes the stress, even though the verb is equally important. Really, of course, both the noun and the verb are new information, but the noun is stressed. Very often we give two pieces of information in the same sentence; for instance a place and time. So in the answer we give equal stress to place and time. But very often, however, one piece of information is more important than the other. In many languages the less important information must go at the beginning of the sentence and the more important at the end. When you express your real feelings you should use HF. If people say when they learn the truth about something, and that truth is different from what they had heard or thought before, in all cases if the idea ‘ I was wrong’ or ‘You were wrong’ we use HPr+LSt+HF.

11. Asking wh-questions.

WH-questions start with any of the following words: who, whose, what, which, when, where, why, how. Questions such as how long…?, how old…? are also WH-questions. In these questions we use High Head+HF. When we want ask the question to an attribute we use the same intonation with HF on a noun. We can show anger or surprise by putting on earth after question word and we use LS+HS or HS+High Static Emphatic. If you ask someone a WH-question, and you either forget or don’t understand the answer you ca use WH-question for repletion as Echo-question and we should put HWR on the question word.

12. Intonation of Invitation and Order.

An invitation can be in the form of a Yes/No question and in these cases we can use MWR/HF. But invitations can also look like orders with HF. For invitations between friends Please is not necessary. So far we have invited people to do this and that by ordering them to do something they enjoy. Sometimes orders are less enjoyable. And in this cases we use Stepping Head+HF with nuclear stress on the last word. When we want order someone friendly, kind, we should use HPr+LWR/FR and this order will sound reassuring. Parents and teachers talking to small children often use the same pattern. This intonation gives the listener confidence.

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