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Complete the sentences as in the example by putting the verb in brackets into the correct form.


The sales meeting is usually in Manchester. Last week, it was in Birmingham. (be)

1. He works for Siemens.

Two years ago, he ___ for Digital. (work)

2. He usually goes to London on Wednesdays.

Last Wednesday, he ___ to Manchester. (go)

3. Production costs go up every year.

Last year, production costs ___. (go up)

4. I usually buy a new Ford every two years.

Last year, I ___ an Opel. (buy)

5. He usually meets the clients at their office.

Last week, he ___ me clients at his office. (meet)

Use the words below to write questions about the past.

1. The new Financial Director started on Wednesday. (When?)

2. They launched the new product last week. (When?)

3. You went to Spain on holiday last year. (Where?)

4. He travelled to Paris by car. (How?)

5. He stayed there for two weeks. (How long?)

6. She had steak for dinner. (What?)

Use the verbs below to complete the paragraph. Remember to put the verbs into the Past Simple.

advertise, increase, be, develop, employ, become, start, rise.

The company (1) ___ in 1970. They (2) ___ a product for cleaning car windows. At first, it (3) ___ difficult to enter the market but they (4) ___ the product in newspapers and magazines. It soon (5) ___ a great success. In 1975, they (6) ___ more staff and (7) ___ production. A year later, profits (8) ___. The company is now one of the most successful of its land.

Put the following verbs into the correct form in the passage below.

return, attend, live, be, leave, get, travel, work, teach, become, study, go.

Maria Gonzales was born in Spain in 1950. She (1) ___ in Madrid with her family when she (2) ___ a child and (3) ___ to school there. When she (4) ___ school, she (5) ___ English at the university and later (6) ___ a language teacher. She (7) ___ English in Spain for two years and then (8) ___ to the United States where she (9) ___ an American college. When she (10) ___ to Europe, she (11) ___ a job in England where she (12) ___ until 1990.


The use of the Past Continuous.

1. At the particular time in the past.


She was working on the report at ten o'clock last night. I was writing the report at this time last week. This time last year I was living in Switzerland. What were you doing at 10 o'clock yesterday? John wasn’t working for the company at that time.

2. With the Past Simple.


John's car broke down when he was driving to London.

I met my wife when I was working in Milan.

He was working for Mercedes when the company merged with


I wasn’t driving very fast when the accident happened.


The Present Continuous is often used with "when".


Put the verbs into the correct form ( Past Continuous or Past Simple).


It ___ (start) to rain when he ___ (cycle) home. It started to rain when he was cycling home.

1. Daniela ___ (be / not) at home when I ___ (call). She (work).

2. The company ___ (lose) money until the new Managing Director ___ (join).

3. She ___ (work) for Carter's Limited when the companies ___ (merge).

4. The Managing Director ____ give a presentation when the fire alarm ___ (ring).

5. l___ (learn) Russian while I ___ (study) in St. Petersburg.

Put the verbs into the correct form in the sentences.

1. When ___ you ___ (do) at this time yesterday?

2. I ___(work) in Hungary at the time of the revolution.

3. ___ he ___ (drive) carelessly when the accident happened?

4. They ___ (have) dinner when James phoned.

5. I passed you on my way to work yesterday. You ___ (cycle) along

Kings Road.

Match each phrase on the left with the correct phrase on the right.

1. The alarm clock didn't ring, so a. she was driving to the company.

2. Janet saw a hole in her tight while b. Janet arrived at the car park.

3. There was only one space left when c. she left her car in the car park.

4. The man followed Janet into the d. she went into Martin's office.

building after

5. The man got into the lift, and then e. Janet woke up late.

6. Janet went to find Martin's f. pressed the button for the third floor.

secretary before

Work in pairs. Look at the questions below and fill the gaps with WHEN or WHILE. Then practise asking and answering the questions with your partner.

1. Did you notice anything interesting ___ you were coming to work today?

2. Who was the first person you saw ___ you arrived at work today?

3. What was the first thing you did ___ you started work this morning?

4. What was your teacher doing ___ you were doing Exercise 2?

Look at the conversation and fill the gaps with the words below. You can use each word more than once.

so, then, before, when, while, after.

A: Well, I had a bad start to the day. My alarm clock didn’t ring, ___ I woke up late. ___ I fell down the stairs.

B: Were you OK?

A: Well, yes, but ___ I was driving, I looked down at my tights. There was a big hole in them, because of my fall on the stairs, and I didn't have any time to buy a new pair ___ I got to the company. ___ I got to the car park at Beauty Co, there was only one place left, but ___ I was parking my car in the space, another car came up beside me. The driver got out, and started shouting at me. He told me to park my car somewhere else. I was already late for my appointment, ___ I just jumped out of the car and walked into the company. ___I was waiting for the lift, the man from the car park arrived, and ___ the lift doors opened he got into the lift with me. ___ he pressed the button for the third floor, the same floor I wanted. ___ we got out, I went to find Mr Martin's secretary. She asked me to wait, and ___ a few minutes she invited me to go into Mr Matin's office. ___ I walked in, I realized the man in the lift was Mr Martin!

Look at the story below. In Part 1, put the verbs in brackets into the Past Sample tense or the Past Continuous tense. In Part 2, fill the gaps with WHEN, WHILE, BEFORE, AFTER, THEN or SO.

Part 1.

A woman from Texas often ___ (go) to Mexico to do her shopping because she ___ (live) near the border with Mexico and the shops ___

(be) cheaper than the ones in Texas. One day she ___(go) with a friend and after they ___ (finish) shopping, they ___ (sit) in the market square to eat their lunch. While they ___ (eat) their sandwiches, a little dog ___ (come) up to them. It ___(look) very thin and hungry. The woman ___ (like) pets and she ___(want) to take the dog home with her. She ___ (know) it ___ (be) illegal to take animals from one country to another, so she ___ (hide) the little dog in the boot of her car while she ___ (go) over the border.

Part 2.

___she got home, she gave the dog a bowl of food. ___ she gave the dog a bath and took it to bed with her. ___ she was sleeping, the little dog started to make strange noises. The woman woke up. The dog looked sick. ___ the next day, ___ the woman went to work, she took the dog to the veterinary surgeon. She told the vet she would come back after work. ___ she was working at the office, the telephone rang. It was the vet. He told the woman to come to the clinic immediately ___ work, because her pet was very ill. ___ the woman arrived, the vet told her to sit down. ___ he started to ask her some questions. "Where was the dog from?" At first, the woman didn’t want to answer the vet's questions, but in the end she told him. "I've got two things to say to you." the vet said. "First of all, I'm afraid your pet is going to die. Secondly, your pet is not a dog. It is a Mexican sewer rat."

Put the verbs in to the past continuous or past simple.

  1. When we … (go) out, it … (rain).

  2. I was not hungry last night. I … (not/eat) anything.

  3. … (you/watch) television when I … (phone) you?

  4. Jane was not at home when I went to see her. She … (work).

  5. I … (get up) early this morning. I … (wash), … (dress) and then I … (have) breakfast..

  6. The postman … (come) while I … (have) breakfast.

  7. We … (meet) Joan at the party. She … (wear) a red dress.

  8. The boys … (break) a window when they … (play) football.

  9. I was late but my friends … (wait) for me when I … (arrive).

  10. I … (get ) up at 7 . The sun … (shine), so I … (go) for a walk.

  11. He … (not/drive) fast when the accident … (happen).

  12. Margaret… (not/go) to work yesterday. She was ill.

  13. What … (you/do) on Saturday evening? – I went to the cinema.

  14. What … (you/do) at 9.30 on Saturday evening? – I … (watch) a film in the cinema.

  15. Jane … (wait) for me when I … (arrive).

  16. What … (you/do) this time yesterday? – I was asleep.

  17. … (you/go) out last night? – No, I was too tired.

  18. Was Carol at the party last night? – Yes, she … (wear) a really nice dress.

  19. John … (take) a photo of me while I … (not/look).

  20. WE were in a very difficult position. We … (not/know) what to do.

  21. I have not seen Alan for ages. When I last … (see) him, he … (try) to find a job in London.

  22. I … (walk) along the street when suddenly I … (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody … (follow) me. I was frightened and I … (start) to run.

  23. When I was young, I … (want) to be a bus driver.

  24. I (mend) my sails one day when a man I had worked with before (walk) up and (ask) me if I’d like to have a drink.

  25. I (think) he probably had more than just a friendly drink in mind, so I (stop) what I (do), (wipe) off my hands, and (follow) him to the local drink shop.

  26. It (be) there that I (find) out that he (recruit) people to work on Necho’s project.

  27. Nowadays, everybody knows about our journey, but then, it (sound) a bit strange.

  28. A first I thought the man (try) to play a trick on me.

  29. But the more he (talk), the better it (sound) – a real adventure.

  30. I (get) tired of the same old sea routes year after year.

  31. Besides, I (think) it would be a great trading opportunity; the route to Carthage, across Greek waters, (get) more and more dangerous.

  32. One evening while I (sit) under a tree with the wind in my face and a big mango to eat, I almost (decide) to stay there for the rest of my life.

  33. We (see) thousands of birds there, but these (be) alive: they (fly) over, on their way south for the winter.

  34. In December, when I (get) home, I (make) sure that no one told my family before I (arrive).

  35. When I (walk) through the door, my wife (put) supper on the table, and my children – whom I (hardly recognize) – (play) by the fireplace.

  36. I (have) an uncomfortable feeling that he (laugh) at me.

  37. They (move) into the shelter. The rain (come) down.

  38. The general (wait) on the platform when I (arrive) at Camberley.

  39. I only (want) to know if you (come) on Saturday.

  40. I (know) that they (go) out last night.

  41. Then he (notice) Jack. He (stand) in front of the fire and (talk) Italian to a man in glasses.

  42. When I (come) up to her she (search) through a velvet bag which she always (carry) for her spectacles which she always (lose).

  43. As they (drink) coffee, Ted (say): ‘Now tell me about yourself’.

  44. He (come) forward as we (climb) out of the car and (hold) his hand to my father.

  45. While she (wait) for the kettle to boil she (sit) by the table.

  46. He (not/say) a word while we (eat).

  47. She (tear) her dress while she (change).

  48. While we (talk) Beryl (come) out of the house.


Talking about experiences in your life up to the present time

I’ve traveled quite a lot. I’ve been to South America and Africa, but I haven’t been to Asia

Other examples

Have you ever smoked?

He's worked for all the major oil companies.

This is the first time I've been to France.

Have you read War and Peace!

I've read a lot of German books.

They've never been to England.

I've been to South America and Africa.

Situations which started in the past and continue to the present

Mr. Chambers has worked for this company for thirty years.

Other examples

Jane has lived in London since 1978 and she has worked for Lloyds Bank for ten years.

He has been Product Manager for two years. The company has had a good year so far.


You are writing a report about your company’s performance in the last few months. Use the words below to make sentences and put the verbs into the correct form.


We / recruit / six new supervisors.

We have recruited six new supervisors.

  1. The company / have / good start to the year.

  2. Sales / increase.

  3. Profits / rise.

  4. Our engineers / install / new machinery in the factory.

  5. The Personnel Department / appoint / two new regional managers.

Put the correct form of the verb into these sentences.

  1. He … (work) for Pearson Group for fifteen years.

  2. He … (own) his car for nine months.

  3. She … (write) about ten books.

  4. Janet … (work) as a secretary for four years.

  5. He … (live) in this town since July this year.

  6. I … (have) my driving licence since I was 18.

  7. Jim … (be) a teacher for a long time.

Use the words below to make questions.


They / ever / lived in London?

Have they ever lived in London?

  1. you ever / write a report in English?

  2. he / ever / be / to Brazil?

  3. you / ever / drive / a Ferrari?

  4. you / ever / read / any Spanish books?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. Can we play tennis on Saturday? – I’m sorry, I … (injure) my arm.

  2. That was Mary on the phone. She’ll be late. She … (miss) the plane.

  3. She can’t take us to the airport. His car … (break down).

  4. Why isn’t the traffic moving? – There … (be) an accident.

  5. Have you ever heard about the Managing Director? He … (resign).

Present Perfect or Present Simple? Are the verbs in bold type in these sentences right or wrong? Correct those which are wrong.

  1. He has worked for GKN for many years.

  2. He has lived in Munich two years ago.

  3. They have been married for four years.

  4. I have bought a new car last year.

  5. The Sales Manager has been in London yesterday.

  6. I met my husband two years ago.

  7. Profits have risen last month.

Use Present Perfect I or the Past Indefinite in the following sentences:

I. I never (to see) anyone more beautiful than your wife.

2. I (to meet) your husband this afternoon at Green Street.

3. He said, "You (to meet) this passenger. He calls himself Major Jones." "I (to speak) to him."

4. "You (to hear) the news?" "What news?" "About Ted and Dave. They (to be) out on the roof last night and Ted (to slip) and Dave (to try) to hold him but he couldn't and (to be) pulled off too. They're both in hospital with concussion and their people (to be) sent for."

5. I understand you (to have) an unpleasant experience at the week-end? What (to happen) exactly?

6. You remember the coin you (to find) in the pool?

7. "Mr Dillon (to arrive), Kate." "Oh, good. You (to find) your way all right then, Mr Dillon? I (not to hear) you ring the bell." "I couldn't find the bell, so I (to knock) instead."

8. He (to light) a cigarette and (to walk) to the window.

9. "Can we get dinner here?" "Of course we can. Have you got enough money? I (to spend) my last dollar on the taxi."

10. You (to say) just now that time (to be) everything. What you (to mean) by that?

11. "Hallo," the little girl said to her mother and looked at her companion. "Come and say 'How do you do' to Mr Ogden." "I (to see) him already." "You can't have done, dear. He only just (to arrive) here." "I (to see) him in the hall this afternoon." "I'm sure you didn't. You (to see) my little daughter yet, Mr Ogden?" "I don't think we (to meet) before," said Mr Ogden.

12. "I remember you (to have) three funny little freckles on your nose," he said, "but they (to disappear)."

13. I think I'd better go now. I (to act) wrongly and I in a way (to deceive) you. I'm sorry.

14. "You (to read) 'Winnie the Pooh' by A. A. Milne?" "Yes." "And how you (to like) it?" "Very much indeed."

15. She (to come) into the room and (to lean) over her father's chair and (to kiss) his cheek. "You (to have) a good trip?"

16. You (not to hear) what the pilot (to say)?

17. At school I (to be) never good at languages, but here I (to pick) up a bit of French.

18. "Good night. It (to be) nice to meet you," he (to say) and (to go) off to his car.

19. Well, I know what you (to be) through.

20. "Then what (to happen) to you there?" "Let's forget it. Even now I can't believe I (to do) it."

Use the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1. How long you (to know) him? - I (to know) him since 1965.

2. He (to live) in Leningrad, for two years and then (to go) to Siberia.

3. When he (to arrive)? - Не (to arrive) at 2 o'clock.

4. I (to read) this book when I was at school.

5. I can't go with you as I (not to finish) my work.

6. The clock is slow. - It isn't slow, it (to stop).

7. You (to have dinner) yet?

8. The per­formance (to begin) at 7 o'clock and (to last) for 3 hours. We all (to enjoy) it.

9. The lecture just (to begin). You are a little late.

10. We (to miss) the tram. Now we'll have to walk.

11. You (to be) here before? - Yes, I (to spend) my holidays here last year.

12. You (to see) Kitty on Monday?

13. Where is Tom? - I (not to know). I (not to see) him today.

14. I (to lose) my pen. You (to see) it anywhere?

15. You ever (to try) to give up smoking?

16. Why you (to switch oh) the light? It is not dark yet.

17. When it (to happen)?

18. He (to leave) for the Far East two years ago and I (not to see) him since.

19. The last post (to come)?

20. When you (to meet) him last?

21. You (to be) to the laboratory this week?

22. Why you (to take) my pen while I was out? You (to break) it.



  1. Mr Stevensson is very clever. He can speak six languages: German, French, English, Swedish, Spanish and Italian, but he can’t speak Japanese.

  2. I can swim but I can’t ski.

  3. It’s very noisy. Can you hear me?

  4. He’s very busy, but he can see you for ten minutes.