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Контрольная работа №2

Грамматический материал

1. Грамматические функции и значения слов that, one, it.

2. Пассивный залог (The Passive Voice) видовременных форм Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect.

3. Функции глаголов to be, to have, to do.

4. Простые неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив в функции: а) подлежащего; б) составной части сказуемого; в) определения; г) обстоятельства цели.

5. Бессоюзное подчинение в определительных и дополнительных придаточных предложениях.

Используйте образцы выполнения упражнений.

Образец выполнения 1 (к упр. I)

Present Perfect Passive

The letter has just been typed. Письмо только что напечатали.

Present Indefinite Passive

Cranes are used for lifting Краны используют для поднятия

heavy weights. тяжелых грузов.

Образец выполнения 2 (к упр. II)

1) One should be careful Следует быть осторожным при

when crossing the street. переходе через улицу.

2) The price of tin is higher Цена олова выше цены меди.

than that of copper.

3) It was his sisters whom I Именно его сестер я вчера

met in the park yesterday. встретил в парке

Образец выполнения 3 (к упр. IV)

1) That is the student I saw Вот тот студент, которого я видел

at the theatre yesterday. в театре вчера.

2) My friend I met yesterday Мой друг, которого я встретил вчера

asked you to ring him up. просил вас позвонить ему.

Вариант 1

I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого (см. образец). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The automatic equipment is being installed in our shop.

2. Radioactive isotopes have been made in nuclear reactor.

3. The construction of this house will be completed in a month.

4. The engineer was asked about the new technology used at the plant.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one,

  1. It is the number of electrons within the atom that determines the properties of a substance.

  2. The territory of Moscow is larger than that of London.

  3. In London one must get used to the left-side traffic.

III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.

  1. Man had to learn to obtain electric power directly from the sun.

  2. At present most of the industrial enterprises have their own electric power stations.

3. Specialists do not use solar cells in industry as they are too expensive.

4. The engineers are to study the problem of using cosmic rays.

IV.Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.

1. We know radio and radar systems play a very important role at any airport.

2. The information science gets about other galaxies comes through radio telescopes.

V. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении.

1. То design new buildings is the work of an architect.

2. To measure volumes we must know the dimensions of a body.

3. Our plant was the first to install the automatic equipment.

Специальность «Экономика и управление на предприятиях пищевой промышленности»

VI. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно переведите с1-го по 3-ий абзацы.

Слова к тексту

Safeguarding — охрана

Transactions — сделки

to carry on — проводить

Engaged – занятый

To provide – обеспечивать

mutual savings banks — взаимно-сберегательные банки

lending – предоставление кредита

facilitating — облегчение

loans — займы

What is banking?

1. Banking is the transactions carried on by any person or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses.

2. For these purposes there exist commercial banks, central banks, savings banks, trust companies, companies and merchant banks. Banking consists of safeguarding and transfer of funds, lending or facilitating loans, guaranteeing creditworthiness and exchange of money. In other words, banking is the ac­ceptance, transfer, and creation of deposits. The depository institutions are central banks, commercial banks, and loan associations, building societies and mutual savings banks.

3. Vaults and safes are the means for safeguarding of funds. Money is physically stored there. These physi­cal deposits are in most cases insured against theft, and against the bank being bankrupt and unable to repay the funds. In some banks customers can use safety deposit boxes for valuables. To save money in banks is profitable because bank customers receive interest given on savings accounts, a percentage re­turn on the bank's investments with the money.

4. Transfer of funds can be handled through written instruments: contracts, cheques, or direct transfers performed electronically. Nowadays banks provide the customers with additional ways of gaining access to their funds and using them. These are credit cards and account debit cards, electronic cash tills, com­puter on-line banking, and other services.

VII. Ответить на вопрос к четвертому абзацу:

How can transfer of funds be handled?

Для технологических специальностей

VI. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1-ый, 2-ой и 4-ый абзацы.

Слова к тексту

Low-соst - дешевый

Bу-products - побочные продукты

Spreading - размазывание, замазывание

Spread – паста

Creamery - маслозавод

Skim - снимать сливки

Spraying - разбрызгивание, распыление

Stripping - очистка

Batch process - периодический процесс

Churn - маслобойка

Margarine and butter

1. Margarine was produced from low-cost animal and milk by-products and was developed as low-cost replacement for butter in 1869. With advances in science and technology the quality of margarine has advanced to the point where it is virtually indistinguishable from butter. Because of certain improvements over the natural product, such as better keeping and spreading qualities, many people today prefer margarine.

2. Butter is a food fat product made exclusively from milk or milk cream or both, with or without common salt and added coloring. Butter contains not less than 80% milk fat. As a spread for bread, in baked products and in confections, butter is prized for the flavor that comes from the action of selected microorganisms on cream.

3. At the creamery, cream having a fat content of 30 - 40% is skimmed from milk by centrifuging. Pasteurization and spraying, or stripping, under vacuum remove undesirable flavors and odors and reduce the action of microorganisms.

4. Butter may be made from sweet or ripened cream. In the batch process sweet or ripened cream is agitated in large rotary churns. This action converts the emulsion from water -in -oil to an oil-in-water type.

5. At least six different continuous processes for butter manufacture are available, each of which utilizes specialized processing equipment and technology. Continuous processes for making butter generally are economically advantageous and finding increasing use.

VII. Ответить на вопрос к третьему абзацу:

What processes remove undesirable flavours of cream?

Специальность «Машины и аппараты пищевых производств»

VI. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно переведите 1-ый и 2-ой абзацы.

Слова к тексту

Feature – черта, особенность

To provide – обеспечивать

Improvement – улучшение

Property – свойство

Eliminate – ликвидировать, исключать

To segregate – разделять

Casting – отливка

Metalworking and metal properties

1. An important feature of hot working is that it provides the improvement of mechanical properties of met­als. Hot-working (hot-rolling or hot-forging) eliminates porosity, directionality, and segregation that are usu­ally present in metals. Hot-worked products have better ductility and toughness than the casting.

2. During the forging of a bar, the grains of the metal become greatly elongated in the direction of flow. As result, the toughness of the metal is greatly improved in this direction and weakened in directions transverse to the flow. Good forging makes the flow lines in the finished part oriented so as to lie in the direction of maximum stress when the part is placed in service.

3. The ability of a metal to resist thinning and fracture during cold-working operations plays an important role in alloy selection. In operations that involve stretching, the best alloys are those which grow stronger with strain (are strain hardening) — for example, the copper-zinc alloy, brass, used for cartridges and the aluminum-mag­nesium alloys in beverage cans, which exhibit greater strain hardening.

VII. Ответить на вопрос к третьему абзацу:

What ability of a metal plays an important role in alloy selection?