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Iy. Listening practice

1. Listen to the following text and mark with “T (true)”, “F (false)”, “NG (not given” the following statements:

1. These days, giving presents is an important part of many people's lives.

2. In order to give a memorable talk, people have to know some basic techniques.

3.You must speak to your audience in a way that will make you understand them.

4. They may not understand foreign language, so avoid foreign words—unless, of course, the Latin terminology is appropriate to the topic.

5. As a general rule, you should never look at one person as you speak.

6. With each new thought, make eye contact with one and the same person.

7. During your talk, then, you should meet the eyes of each person in the audience at least once.

8. This technique can help you control people’s nerves.

9. It will also help in keeping your audience involved in your presentation.

10. Graphs and other visual aids displaying charts and numbers are not very effective in getting your ideas across.

11 They must be colored and easy to understand.

  1. From time to time, you should use silence, allowing your audience to digest what you say.

  2. As you speak, keep making eye contact to direct the viewers' attention back to you.

  3. To get your audience's attention, you must project enthusiasm, energy and conviction.

  4. In order to achieve this, you could vary the volume of your presentation.

2. Make up recommendations on how to give an effective presentation at a trade show

      1. Writing practice

Choose any of the given topics and write an essay (150 -180 words)

1. The trade secrets of supermarkets

  1. What advice you could give to a customer for him/her not to be trapped by the hidden tricks of supermarkets

VI. Revision test № 4

1. Match Russian words and word combinations and their English equivalents:

1. пахнуть (свежевыпеченным хлебом)

2. скрытые уловки

3. получать прибыль на чем-то

4. делать что-то не спеша

5. в наши дни

6. манящий, соблазнительный

7. рассчитывать на…

8. розничная торговля

9 предметы первой необходимости

10 товары по сниженным ценам

11 создавать имидж

12 подводить итог, подсчитывать

A. hidden tricks

B. to make (get) profit on

C. nowadays

D. tempting

E to count on

F. retail trade

G. to do something at leisure

H. essentials / everyday items

I. bargains

J. to project an image

K. to reveal a secret

L. to total

M.. to smell of freshly baked bread

2. Give antonyms to the following words:

1. to increase

2. entrance

3. fresh bread

4. to do something at leisure

5. counterproductive

6. to scatter

7. fast

8. considerate

3. Give synonyms to the following words and expressions:

1. everyday items

2. full of people

3 to finish

4 to sum up

5 to make some process quicker

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