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UNIT 1-4.doc
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      1. Fear of what may result

  1. False beliefs

  2. Follow your own judgments

  3. The best approach

  4. Everyone has to make decisions

Exercise 7. Questions for discussion:

1. What does the expression “taking responsibility for oneself” mean to you?

2. Why can some people become indecisive?

3. How do they usually behave?

4. Do decisive people really always command respect?

5. Is it amusing to have a reputation of an indecisive person?

6. Who to your mind are more indecisive men or women?

7. What are the main rules for the people who want to become more decisive?

Exercise 8. Translate from Russian into English and from English into Russian:

A: Я уважаю решительных людей, Мне кажется, на них можно положиться, они всегда знают, чего хотят.

В: You are right. Indecisive people lack personal power because they appear unreliable, out of control and even selfish. If you are always causing people trouble because you change your mind at the last minute, you’ll seem unreliable.

A: Решительные люди успешны, потому что они принимают решение и действуют, и если что-то идет не по плану, они все равно стараются извлечь из этого максимальную выгоду.

В: As for indecisive people, some of them think that it’s amusing to have a reputation for being indecisive, but eventually they will drive others mad.

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

Если ты хочешь стать более решительным человеком, запомни 8 простых правил:

  1. прежде чем принять решение, продумай все до мелочей;

  2. доверься своему внутреннему голосу, помни, что ты знаешь себя лучше, чем другие;

  3. установи для себя временной предел и придерживайся его;

  4. будь твердым, приняв решение, исполняй его;

  5. не оглядывайся назад, не теряй времени, мысленно рисуя, что могло бы быть, если бы ты принял иное решение;

  6. помни, что неверное решение можно изменить;

  7. не тяни с решением до последней минуты, иначе совершишь ошибку;

  8. никогда не думай, что решение, которое ты принимаешь, величайшее в твоей жизни. Любой выбор кажется нам решающим в момент, когда мы его совершаем, однако последствия его не будут длиться вечно.

III. Grammar practice Gerund or Infinitive?

1. USE Ving (not + Ving) after:

stop, finish, delay, postpone, fancy, imagine, consider, avoid, admit, deny, miss, risk, involve, practise, regret, give up, put off, carry on, go on, keep, keep on, think of.

For you to remember!

1. After enjoy, mind, suggest use only Ving.

2. When you are talking about finished actions you can use having + Participle II

(but it is not absolutely necessary)

E.g. She admitted having stolen the money. = She admitted stealing the money.

Now I regret having insulted him. = Now I regret insulting him.

2. USE infinitive (not+ infinitive) after:

offer, agree, refuse, decide, plan, arrange, deserve, afford, forget, attempt, manage, fail, promise, threaten, seem, appear, tend, pretend, claim, dare, want. expect, ask, beg, would like(love), prefer.

For you to remember!

1. a) We use Ving for an action that happens before the action expressed by the verb or at the same time.

E.g. I denied stealing the money = Я отрицала, что украла эти деньги.

b) We often use infinitive for an action that follows the action expressed by the verb.

E.g. We decided to steal the money=Мы решили украсть эти деньги.

2. Often the use of Ving or infinitive changes the meaning of the sentence.

E.g. He stopped looking at the coming bus. = 1) Он остановился, глядя на приближающийся автобус. 2) Он перестал смотреть на приближающийся автобус

He stopped to look at the coming bus. = Он остановился, чтобы посмотреть на приближающийся автобус.


Need to do = it is necessary to do

Need doing = something needs to be done.

3. After love, hate, bear (can’t bear) you can use both: Ving and infinitive.

E.g. I love meeting people. = I love to meet people.

Exercise 10. Complete each sentence with a suitable verb.

  1. Don't forget ...to post... the letter I gave you.

  2. There was a lot of traffic but we managed…to the airport in time.

  3. Jill has decided not…a car.

  4. We've got a new computer in our office. I haven't learnt…it yet.

  5. I wonder where Sue is. She promised not…late.

  6. We were all too afraid to speak. Nobody dared…anything.

Exercise11. Use infinitive or Ving.

When I'm tired, I enjoy watching television. It's relaxing. (watch)

  1. It was a nice day, so we decided…for a walk. (go)

  2. It's a nice day. Does anyone fancy…for a walk? (go)

  3. I'm not in a hurry. I don't mind…(wait)

  4. They don't have much money. They can't afford…out very often. (go)

  5. I wish that dog would stop… (bark). It's driving me mad.

  6. Our neighbour threatened…the police if we didn't stop the noise. (call)

  7. We were hungry, so I suggested…dinner early. (have)

  8. Hurry up! I don't want to risk…the train. (miss)

Exercise 12. Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets.

  1. He has lost weight. (seem) He seems to have lost weight.

  2. Tom is worried about something. (appear) Tom

  3. You know a lot of people. (seem) You

  4. My English is getting better. (seem) My English

  5. That car has broken down. (appear) That car

  6. David forgets things. (tend) David……………………………

  7. They have solved the problem.(claim) They

Exercise 13. Complete each sentence using: what/how/whether + do get go ride say use

  1. Do you know how to get to John's house?

  2. Can you show me…this washing machine?

  3. Would you know…if there was a fire in the building?

  4. You'll never forget…a bicycle once you have learned.

  5. I was really astonished. I didn't know…

6. I've been invited to the party but I don't know…or not.

Exercise 14. Complete the conversation:

ANN: What are you doing this weekend?

BILL: I hope(1) to visit my parents, if I can.

ANN: I thought you went to see them last weekend.

BILL: No, I planned (2)…them, but they suggested (3) …the visit for a week because they hadn't finished (4)… the spare room.

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