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  1. Read and retell the text:


Computers have revolutionized the business world. As the cost of computer technology has decreased, more and more businesses have “gone computer”. Computers are no longer limited to factories, banks, and big corporations. Small companies, retail stores, law firms, employment agencies, supermarkets, and even many farms now use computers. In fact, according to a recent study, by 1990 four out of every five workers will be using a computer as part of their jobs.

In large and small offices alike secretaries use word processing to write letters and reports. Managers switch on their desktop computer to help them prepare spreadsheets and graphics displays. Accountants and bookkeepers use computer power to help them manage company finances.

Computer systems are used to manage company records, to send electronic mail, and to tie into data banks. Electronic networks link computer users who are located in the same building or across the country.

Computers serve a broad range of manufacturing purposes. For example, if you were a supervisor in a large factory, you might have a computerized control system to help you keep track of continuously running machinery.

Computers are also used to monitor the temperature and pressure of production processes. For example, in a chemical plant or power-generating station, computers may be connected to regulating devices. If the temperature or pressure rises or falls too much, the computer instantly signals the regulating device. The device then makes the needed adjustment automatically.

  1. Translate into Ukrainian:

the business world; cost; retail stores; employment agencies; recent study; alike; desktop computer; accountants and bookkeepers; to manage company finances; to manage company records; to link; to locate; manufacturing purposes; supervisor; to keep track; running machinery; pressure; regulating device; adjustment.

  1. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

  • What are you looking for?

  • That book.

  • Which one? Point to it.

  • That one, there.

  • Oh, yes. “Programming languages.” Interesting book, isn’t it?

  • Yes, it is. I wish I had it.

  • So do I.

  • Hello, glad to see you.

  • Hello, so am I.

  • Today’s your birthday, isn’t it?

  • That’s right. It’s kind of you to remember.

  • Well, many happy returns of the day. Here is a present for you.

  • Oh, thank you. What a beautiful flower! Oh, and what’s that?

  • I know your future specialization is electronic computers. And I’d like to present you this personal computer.

  • Oh, I don’t know how to thank you. Thank you ever so much.

  • I am glad you like it.

  • What a luck running into you. How are you getting on?

  • Thanks. Everything’s all right. I am quite well. And how are you?

  • You see I was ill last week.

  • What was the matter with you?

  • I had a cold, high temperature and a headache.

  • Poor you. Can I do anything for you?

  • Please, bring me your notes. I missed some lectures and now I can’t catch the idea of what difference between RAM and ROM memory and what CNC (computer numerical control) is.

  • All right. By the way, I have got a textbook “Computer memories”. I’ll bring it if you like.

  • Thank you. I need it badly.

  • See you in the evening.

  • Good-bye. Give my best regards to our group, please.

  1. Complete the following dialogue:

  • Hello. Glad to see you. Where are you going?

  • What is your job?

  • My company has an immediate opening for a software programmer. Are you a specialist in this field?

  • Can you come for an interview tomorrow?

  • You shouldn’t miss much an opportunity.

  • O.K. Bye-bye. See you tomorrow.

  1. Make up your own dialogue.

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