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If you Lose your Job - Ways to Survive

Interview with Mr. May, Financial Planner

Q. Mr. May, is it possible for a person to emerge unscathed from a long period of being out of job?

A. I'd say unscathed would be too optimistic. Biit it's certainly possible to plan ahead and to survive a period of unemployment without deep emotional and psychological scars.

Especially in this recession, the whole concept of long-term job security — whether it be in government, the auto industry or whatever — is changing. People seem more aware that if they're laid off they may not get called back.

<) What's the most painful part of unemployment?

A. For most people, it's psychological and emotional There are four stages that people seem to go

ii f;h when they lose a job.

Tlio first usually is panic: «What am I going to do

i in .mi ially, personally?* Second is guilt: «I'm not worth

• hiy i lung. My coworkers are still there and I'm not. I.lung must be wrong with me.» The third step,

  1. miiMy, is to turn it outward and say, «Aha! It wasn't Ititi, It was that guy.» You externalize the blame and

ii nlly get angry at the world, your boss or whomever.

It's not until the last stage, which is renewed self- I Irience and determination, that you are in a frame of

  1. I tul to convince someone to hire you. That, in the end, < w lid t. all the career books and counseling sessions really lln They build you back up, convince you that it wasn't Anything personal.

I) Just how can someone cope with psychological


A. The main thing is to realize that you're not alone, i ill this is not a unique situation. I liken it to divorce Hid death. It's in that magnitude of psychological, I mol lonal trauma.

Von should be willing to ask for help and to com-

Icate with others.(A lot of strong-willed people never

lln They even hide it from family and friends to the

• i' ni, that they fake going to work in the morning. i i lines it's weeks before they are found out because

Mm \ won't admit it to themselves and their world.

IV. Answer the following questions: i \vii;ii, effect may a long period of unemployment

I'i ix 11 ice?

W luil, stages of psychological state does a person out "l work go through?

English for Psychologists and Sociologists

  1. Why do some people conceal their unemployment from their close relatives?

  2. Do you consider Mr. May's advice helpful?

  3. How would you react in a similar situation?

V. Role-play:

  1. You are talking with a manager. You are interested in his methods of management, his successes and failures.

  2. You would like to organize a social-psychological service at your work. You discuss this problem with the manager of your firm.

  3. You are working in the firm where there is a special social-psychological service. Tell the students about the relaxation practice in this service.