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I’m snowed under with work – I’ll never get through it all in time.

After the company accounts were examined, the manager left under a cloud of suspicion. Don’t let your love for him cloud your judgement.

The soldiers were hit with a hail of bullets. The Prime Minister was greeted with a hail/storm of abuse.

After the long flight I was in a haze for a day or two. I’ve only a hazy idea what you mean.

The truth is hidden in the mists of history. She looked at him misty-eyed – clearly in love.

The article sparked off a whirlwind of speculation. They had a whirlwind romance.

The horses thundered down the race track. Thunderous applause followed his speech. (Note that thundery is used to describe stormy weather while thunderous describes a loud noise.)

The winds of change/discontent/democracy are blowing across the country.

  • Comment on the proverbs.

Everything is good in its season. After rain comes fair weather. Make hay while the sun shines. Any port in a storm. Still waters run deep.

  1. Customs and traditions. Sightseeing.

  • Prepare Power Point Presentation on some European or Asian country’s sightseeing, its famous destinations and traditional ceremonies and holidays.

  1. Kinds of transport. Transport in future.

  • Study the words referring to different kinds of transport. Reproduce the real situations.

Transport type

Related words and phrases

Real situations


car, bus, coach, tram, van, lorry, byke, taxi; engine, steering-wheel, brakes, tyres; driver, chauffeur; petrol/service station, garage;

to be stuck in a traffic jam; heavy/light traffic jam; to observe traffic rules; traffic lights; when the light changes from red to green; to drive a car, to park, parking place, driving licence, to be fined €50 for speeding, to give smb a lift, to have a car accident, to ride a byke;

to pay in cash, by credit card, to change;

to go downtown, in the suburbs

Taking a taxi

– The American Embassy, please. I have to be there by 11/ I have an appointment at 11.

– We should be OK if the lights are with us/if there are no hold-ups/if we get a move on.

…You’ve still got 5 minutes to spare/You’re just in time/This is it, sir. ₤6.30, please.

– Thanks very much indeed. Here’s the fare. You can keep the change.

On a bus

– Does this bus go to the station?/ Am I OK for the station?/ Do you go to the station?/ Is this the right bus for the station?

– No, we only go as far as the park, you’ll have to get off there and take a 17/you can walk from there.

– Could you tell me when we get there?/Can you tell me where to go off?/How much further is it?

– It’s the next stop/It’s the next stop but one/It’s three stops after this one/It’s quite a way yet, but I’ll tell you in good time.


day coach, express train, fast train, passenger train, mail train, long-distance train, irregular (emergency) train, local (suburban) train, freight (goods) train; compartment car, dining car, luggage van, first/second/third class car/sleeper, upper/lower berth (bank), luggage rack, engine-driver, ticket-collector; timetable, announcement, information office, waiting room, platform, railway line, terminus, junction, train crash, fare, travel half fare, full ticket, single ticket, return ticket

The train is due in 5 minutes.


vessel, ship, yacht, boat, liner, ferry, tugboat; gangway, anchor, dock, cable, deck, stern, bow, life belt, cabin, shared/deluxe cabin; captain, mate, crew, skipper; port, buoy.

Traditionally sailors use different words at sea – a bedroom is a cabin, a bed is a bunk, the kitchen on a ship is a galley, the group of people who work on the ship is called the crew. These terms are also used in aircraft. Sailors also refer to their vessels as ‘she’ rather than ‘it’.

to raise the gangway,

to set sail for,

to call at a port,

to cast/weigh anchor,

rough/calm sea,

tide, tossing,


to be sea sick/to suffer from sea-sickness


Aeroplane. jet, helicopter; wings, nose, tail; pilot, steward/stewardess; boarding card, duty-free shop, departure lounge, hangar, runway, customs hall, customs officer; scheduled flight (first, business or economy class route, fare type: apex, budget – non-refundable, cancellation fee), charter flight (inclusive/all-in package flight only extras – airport taxes/transfer)

to gather speed/altitude,

to take off/to land (to make a forced landing),

to hit an airpocket,

to hijack,


to fasten seat-belts

Additional material


to fall under customs restrictions, customs duty/tariffs, duty-free quota list, prohibited articles list, to declare at the customs, to fill in/out a customs declaration, personal effects, to exceed, charge for excess weight/baggage, to go through the customs, advice to proceed to, “Customs inspected” stamp, currency exchange office, to cross the boarder, to smuggle in/out, smuggler


hotel, inn, stay at the hotel, put up smb, reception desk, receptionist, chief manager, check in, fill in/out the registration form, check out, key board, guest, doorman, bellboy, chambermaid, single room, double room, suite, room service;

chalet (small cottage for holiday-makers), camp site (a place where you can pitch a tent or park a caravan), self-catering flat (flat which you rent, you cook for yourself), guesthouse (accommodation like a hotel but cheaper and with fewer services), youth hostel (cheap accommodation, mainly for young people, with, perhaps, ten or more people sleeping in bunk beds in one room), holiday camp (a place providing holiday accommodation in little chalets or flats, with restaurants, bars, swimming pools and lots of other facilities and entertainment), time-share apartment (accommodation which one owns, say, a 26th part of and so has the right to stay there for 2 weeks every year), B and B (bed-and-breakfast), half board (breakfast+one other meal)/full board (all meals)

I’d like to book a single/double room with a cot.

I’d like a room with a shower, a colour TV, and a view of the sea.

What time do you serve breakfast?

Am I too late for dinner/to get something to eat?

Is service included?

Could I have a call at 7.30, please?

Could we have dinner in our room, please?

The teasmade [tea-making machine] in my room isn't working.

I’d like an extra pillow, please.

I’d like to make a call to New Zealand, please.

What time do you like rooms to be vacated by?

Sorry to bother you, but ...

I’m afraid there’s something wrong with the ... , could you have a look at it?

General phrases

to be fond of travelling, to broaden the mind/horizon, journey, trip, cruise, voyage, hike, hitch – hike, make a journey, trip, etc., travel agency, package tour, booking office, reserved booking/reservation, be sold out, departure, arrival, leave on the dot/on time, keep to schedule, be behind schedule, (New York) via (Prague), catch the train (plane, etc.), board a train (plane etc.), get off /to alight from a train (a plane etc.), luggage (baggage), hand luggage (baggage), left-luggage office, to produce tickets, porter, fellow-passenger, arrive at/in, to prefer smth to smth.

Asking the way

– Excuse me. I’m a stranger here. Can you tell me where South Street is, please?/Could you tell me the way to the station?/I’m trying to find the Town Hall/Could you tell how to get to the town centre? How can I get to the station?/Am I right for…?/Which is the shortest way to…?

– First right, second left. You can’t miss it/Take the third on the right and go straight on/Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights.

– Is it far?/Is it too far to walk?/Will it take me long to get there?/Should I take a bus?

– No, it’s only 5 minutes’ walk (a five-minute walk)/it’s no distance at all/you can walk it under 5 minutes/ It will take you 10 minutes to get there.

– Many thanks/Thank you very much indeed.

– Not at all/That’s OK/That’s quite all right/It’s a pleasure.

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences.

1. I hate those special flights where everyone is booked to the same holiday destination.

2. It was a ticket you had to book 30 days in advance to get the cheaper fare.

3. The ticket allowed us to spend up to three nights in Singapore on the journey from London to Sydney.

4. You can get a bed on the ferry in a little room with three other beds.

5. We hired a car, with as many miles as we wanted free.

6. When you get there, the bus or taxi to your hotel is included in the cost of the holiday.

7. It was a special cheap fare, but there were some things you were not allowed to do.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. Я ни разу не была в таком экзотическом городе! I’ve never been to such an exotic city!

  2. Было холодно и шел дождь. Дул сильный ветер. Самое лучшее, что я могла сделать в тот вечер, – это остаться в своей великолепной, теплой гостинице и поужинать в прекрасном ресторане, где всегда подавали восхитительные блюда. It was cold and raining. Strong wind was blowing. The best I could do that evening was to stay at my magnificent, warm hotel and to have a dinner at the beautiful restaurant, where delightful dishes were always served.

  3. Они пошли осматривать достопримечательности, а мы отправились за покупками: купить сувениров родственникам и друзьям, а также что-нибудь из одежды. They went sightseeing, we went shopping in order to buy some souvenirs for relatives and friends and some clothes also.

  4. Путешествие расширяет кругозор. Travelling broadens the horizons.

  5. Простите, вы не подскажите, как пройти на почту, пожалуйста? Excuse me, could you tell me how to go to the post, please?

  6. Чтобы прийти из главного корпуса ЧелГУ в четвертый, нужно пересечь улицу Братьев Кашириных, повернуть направо, идти прямо до первого перекрестка и повернуть налево. Там вы увидите много студентов, поэтому не ошибетесь. In order to get to the fourth CSU building from the main one you need to cross Kashirinykh Brothers street, turn to the left, go straight ahead till the first intersection and turn to the left. You’ll see lots of students there, so you won’t made a mistake (you won’t get lost).

  7. Товарный поезд шел по расписанию и прибыл на станцию Челябинск во время. The freight (Goods) train went as scheduled and arrived at station Chelyabinsk on time.

  8. Он купил несколько газет и прошел в зал ожидания. Дело в том, что было объявлено, что его поезд задерживается и ожидается через час. He bought some newspapers and passed to the waiting room. The thing is, that it was announced that his train was delayed and was expected an hour later.

  9. Каждые выходные он ездит в свой родной город на пригородном поезде. Every weekend he goes to his native city on local train.

  10. В прошлом месяце он ездил в командировку: он участвовал в международной конференции «Строительные технологии XXI века», которая проходила в Москве. Он остановился в прекрасной гостинице в центре города. Любезный администратор заселил его в номер-люкс, дал ключи и рассказал гостю, что в гостинице есть бассейн, спортзал, рестораны, бары и залы, где можно полакомиться отличным мороженым. Last month he was on the business trip: he participated in international conference “XXIst century Building Technologies”, which was held in Moscow. He stopped at the wonderful hotel in the centre of city. An Polite receptionist gave him a VIP-suite with the keys and told him that there was a swimming pool in the hotel, along with a gym, restaurants, bars and halls, where he could taste a delicious ice-cream.

  11. Стюардесса сказала нам пристегнуть ремни безопасности. Самолет шел на посадку. The Stewardess told us to fasten our seatbelts. The plane was landing.

  12. Самолет набрал скорость, взлетел, набрал высоту, пролетел около получаса… Вдруг двое мужчин вскочили и прокричали, что самолет захвачен. The plane gained speed, took off, then gained an altitude and flew about half an hour…Suddenly two men got up and exclaimed that the plane was high jacked.

  13. Было что-то не так с правым крылом, самолет сделал вынужденную посадку. There was something wrong with the right wing, the plane made an emergency landing.

  14. Капитан корабля был очень опытным и храбрым человеком. The ship’s captain was a very experienced and courageous person.

  15. Крушение Титаника было самым страшным в XX веке. The Titanic’s wreck was the most horrible in the XX century.

  16. Когда мужчина пересекал границу, его схватили полицейские: он ввозил контрабандой опасный наркотик. When man was crossing the border, he was caught by policemen as he smuggled in dangerous drug.

  17. Он вынужден был заплатить за перевес багажа. He was forced to pay for excess weight.

  18. Он был в восторге, что выиграл тур (все включено) в этом замечательном тур агентстве. He was delighted he had won the packaged tour in this magnificent tour agency.

  19. Он с товарищем отправился в поход, а мы поехали в соседнюю область автостопом насладиться живописными пейзажами. He and his friend went camping (went on a hike), but we went the neighboring region by hitchhiking.

  20. В кассе ему сказали, что все билеты распроданы. Ему следовало заранее забронировать билет. In the booking office he was told that all the tickets are sold out. He must’ve booked the ticket beforehand.

  21. Он предъявил билет, сел в поезд, нашел свое купе, поприветствовал попутчика, положил багаж на полку (для багажа). Это был спальный вагон первого класса с комфортабельными верхними и нижними полками и современным вагоном-рестораном. He produced the ticket, got on train, found his compartment, greeted the fellow passenger , put the luggage on the luggage wreck. That was first class sleeping-compartment with comfortable upper and lower berths and a modern dining car.

  22. Он предпочитает маршруткам автобусы, самолетам поезда, а о морском путешествии не может быть и речи, так как он страдает от морской болезни. He prefers buses to shuttle bus, trains to planes. But, the voyage is out of the question, as he suffers from sea sickness.

  • What do you know about future kinds of transport?

  • What is the difference between travelling and tourism?

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