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  1. What does managing people require?

  2. What is very important for a manager in managing people?

  3. What must a manager do if he wants to be effective?

  4. What climate must a manager create?

  5. How must a manager behave when confronted with his opponents?

  6. What personal features should a manager project on his subordinates?

  7. What should a manager do to get along well with people?

  8. Have you ever made reprimands to your subordinates?

  9. What do you dislike in your subordinates’ wrongdoing?

  10. How do you usually feel if your subordinate did wrong?

  11. What do you think is the basis the basis for good performance?

  12. What goals must you set to your subordinates?

  13. In what way can you show your respect to your subordinates?

  14. What do you think about innovations and their role?

  15. What must you banish?



In managing people be guided by the following rules:

  • create a climate of trust and mutual respect,

  • keep calm when confronted with subordinates who oppose any of your new plans or suggestions,

  • project your positive personal features: be spontaneous, open and honest,

  • show patience and a desire to attentively listen to and understand a person,

  • be consistent and show people that they can rely upon you,

  • set clear and achievable goals to your subordinates,

  • respect your subordinates, recognize and celebrate their contribution to the common victory of the organisation,

  • encourage people for their good work,

  • pay a great deal of attention to innovation as a better way to get the work done,

  • banish unnecessary paper, rules and bureaucracy.

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